‘Queen Sugar’ Recap: Ralph Angel Stands His Ground + Charley Has a Scary Moment

Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 7
Photo Credit: OWN

Darla and Ralph Angel receive good news about Blue.

It’s early June and Darla’s sticking to the gardening. Ralph Angel comes over with good news. Blue is gifted and his parents are proud. Meanwhile, Charley’s experiencing flashbacks from everything that occurred up until this point. This wakes her up out of her sleep.

As she’s rubbing the stress out of her neck, she walks into the bathroom and stares into the mirror.

Aunt Vi called Layla but had to leave a voicemail. Hollywood walks in and asks why no one called to check in on her. Aunt Vi says it’s not a big deal.

Meanwhile, Nova’s getting ready for a children’s protest. She was inspired by history to set up the march. While setting up, she talks to her friend about the upcoming presidential election and how she’s hopeful people will vote Trump out of office.

Charley supports Micah’s desire to protest in Minneapolis.

Charley’s cooking breakfast and Micah walks downstairs. While they eat, Micah tells Charley he’s inspired to do more than just post on social media. So he’s going to travel to Minneapolis and wants support from Charley. She reluctantly gives it to him and tells Micah she’s proud of him.

When he leaves, Charley calls Nova to tell her what happened. Nova’s happy for him too and reminisces when she could “pick up and go.” Speaking of which, she and Calvin are driving Courtney back to college in Austin, TX. She’s going to use the trip to report on how black people are treated by airport staff during the pandemic.

Charley’s nervous about Micah getting hurt but Nova tells her Micah’s on to great things.

Back on the farm, everyone is creating signs for the children’s march. One of the signs mentioned how George Floyd called out for his mother. Blue asks about it and Darla tells him what George did before he died. The conversation causes Darla to shed more tears. When Blue gets up to get ice cream, Darla tells Ralph Angel that they got to do all they can to make Blue’s world better than theirs.

Courtney and Nova continue to bond.

As Courtney and Nova are packing, Nova gives Courtney a rare copy of Vision & Justice. Then she gets a call. Apparently, her permit for the children’s march wasn’t approved. Ralph Angel gets the news and tells Blue and Darla. Blue doesn’t understand why they had to get permission to protest. So Ralph Angel says the three of them will protest anyway.

Later that night, Aunt Vi stops by Charley’s with a pie. Charley tells Aunt Vi about Micah’s trip to Minneapolis and Aunt Vi’s shocked Charley allowed it. But Charley says he’s grown and she mentioned Aunt Vi did say kids act differently when they return from college.

Next, Aunt Vi tells Charley that Hollywood’s in a funk over his mother’s passing and Prosper’s own daughter hasn’t checked on him.

In the morning, Nova and Courtney are in the car waiting on Calvin so they can begin their trip. The two use the moment to continue their bond as Courtney apologizes to Nova for the protest being canceled.

Ralph Angel protects Blue and stands his ground.

Meanwhile, Blue, Darla, and Ralph Angel are protesting on the edge of their farm. An officer shows up rather aggressively. Ralph Angel stands his ground as the officer demands proof he owns the farm. Before things get out of hand, Darla goes to get the proof. As she leaves, the officer has his hand on his gun ready to pull. Blue’s scared but Ralph Angel stands his ground.

Eventually, the officer is called away and Blue and Ralph Angel hug. They get back to chanting but Blue’s affected.

At a gas station, Nova and Courtney are walking out to the car and Nova learns Courtney feels regrets. Nova tells her she’s feeling all of the right things. Courtney feels vulnerable and Nova tells her this is what’s needed to be a good ally. Meanwhile, Hollywood and Prosper are watching an old ball game. Aunt Vi comes over and tells them about her conversation with Darla. Prosper notices tension between the two of them and walks away.

When he leaves, Hollywood gets stern with Aunt Vi. She walks off feeling slighted and frustrated.

Charley falls ill.

Next, Charley’s on a call. Micah found an original charter for the county. This charter has the ability to block the Boudreaux and Landry’s from building the highway. But during the call, she seemingly has a panic attack and has to hang up. She goes through her phone looking for someone to call. She ends up calling Ralph Angel but gets his voicemail.

Later on, Ralph Angel’s on the phone with Hollywood learning about the intense moment between Ralph Angel, Blue, and the officer. Ralph Angel says Blue’s only job should be just being a kid but the world won’t let him. He begins to sob while still on the phone with Hollywood and Hollywood stays on and listens. Next, Prosper tells Hollywood that he’s going to have to reconcile with Aunt Vi quickly and keep the peace in the house.

Hollywood then has flashbacks of moments in their relationship. Meanwhile, Nova makes it home. She walks in and puts away some items left out before the trip. Nova has flashbacks of her own about her relationship with Calvin. She then grabs a jacket of Calvins and smells it.

Lastly, Ralph Angel looks on as Blue sleeps. He has a flashback of his own, and he grabs a doll of a white superhero and throws it in the trash bin. Meanwhile, Charley is getting worse. So she calls Davis, asking for help.

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