The gender reveal is fresh on everyone’s minds.
Brandi’s younger brother Shakespeare comes to visit her. She’s happy to see him because she knows their father’s death has been a lot on him. Brandi confirms she’s moving forward with her cookbook. And she wishes she could have cooked their father’s favorite meal just one more time.
Duffey, Jackie, and Brittish talk about the gender reveal. According to Duffey, Angel was disappointed and embarrassed that Roccstar gave her another promise ring instead of proposing.
Jennifer goes on a second date with Jelani. He brings his dog. They talk and both confirm they are enjoying getting to know one another. However, Jennifer doesn’t know how to feel after he pecks her while they hug.
Roccstar reacts after he’s updated about Duffey.
Jackie spends some time with Angel and Roccstar. And she says that she spoke to Duffey. Jackie heard she’s not happy that Roccstar didn’t propose at the gender reveal. This angers Roccstar. He threatens to air out Duffey and end her relationship with Iman.
Angel and Duffey discuss what happened with Jackie. Although Duffey didn’t have bad intentions, she realizes she shouldn’t have discussed Angel’s relationship with Jackie. All she wanted to do was encourage the others to show Angel some support.
For Angel, her relationship is a sensitive topic. She recalls being married in the past. She was in the last stage of her pregnancy when her son’s father committed suicide.
Jackie wants to set the record straight.
Jennifer tells Jackie she took Brittish’s advice and slept with Jelani. They had fun and she can see them in a relationship in the near future.
Brandi has the girls over to taste her tilapia dish. They love it and it’s confirmation that her cookbook needs to happen.
Jackie decides to confront Angel. She feels as if people are trying to make her look bad. While she understands that she should not have brought up what Duffey said in front of Roccstar, she won’t have her character be assassinated. And she tells Angel that she knows that her intention was not to cause harm. So Angel needs to speak up because Jackie was just worried about her and Rocc’s relationship.
Angel has had enough.
Jennifer then interjects to say that when Jackie told her what was said by Duffey, she was really concerned. And Jackie thinks Roccstar is the right man for Angel.
At this point, Angel becomes upset. She questions why multiple people in the group have been discussing her relationship. She decides to leave and breaks down in tears outside of Brandi’s place. Brandi and Duffey console her while Duffey apologizes for saying what she did to Jackie.
The evening gets messier. Jackie tells Duffey that she was angered by what Rocc said about her. And he said that he knew information on Duffey that would cause Iman to leave her. This doesn’t sit well with Duffey. She embraces her past and says her relationship is strong enough that it won’t divide her and Iman.
What are your thoughts on the episode?
Jackie is too darn old to be on the shoShe really messy as sh-t. She should have kept her mouth close about angel and her man. She needs to worry about Doug and hope he ain’t d-cking some other woman down in scaremento