Chris Bassett Clashes with Buffie Purselle + Apologizes for Calling Her out of Her Name

Photo Credit: Bravo

Buffie Purselle’s comments about the latest episode of RHOP caused a stir.

Candiace Dillard Bassett was not here for Buffie Purselle‘s opinions after her controversial altercation with Monique Samuels happened on “Real Housewives of Potomac.” Buffie sided with Monique. And she accused Candiace of overreacting and being a crybaby about the situation. Candiace said she was tired of people downplaying her feelings. And it wasn’t cool that there are people who think she deserved to be assaulted by someone she thought was a friend. As a result of their perspectives, Buffie and Candiace have exchanged jabs on social media. Interestingly enough, things actually escalated hours ago.

After Buffie departed “Married to Medicine,” she’s become a media personality who now blogs about RHOP and other shows on her YouTube channel. Apparently, Candiace and Chris Bassett didn’t like some of the comments Buffie made in her review of the latest episode of RHOP.

Chris took to Twitter to call out Buffie and demand he be put in touch with her husband Dr. David Purselle.

He tweeted, “it’s crazy how people talk about you… then when it gets back to you… respond…and then they wanna ask why you talking about them…where are y’ all from?!? @BuffiePurselle #rhop #justmessy have your husband get at me real quick.”

In response, a Twitter user told Chris to “Stay out of women business.” Chris responded, “my wife is my business….protecting my wife is my business….get the **** off my page…what is wrong with you…you need attention today? i’ll give it to you.”

Buffie Purselle is called out by Candiace Dillard Bassett and Chris Bassett.

Another Twitter user told Chris that Buffie allegedly suspected that Chris was the husband who made Karen Huger uncomfortable three years ago with a hug she felt was inappropriate.

The person wrote, “For her to use her platform and insinuate that @cbassett33 was the husband to make Karen feel uncomfortable seasons also is very low. She’s spewing out bs and she knows she needs a check from Bravo so what other way to earn a check? Through the expense of Candiace and Chris #RHOP.”

Chris replied, “We have definitely made a lot of people on youtube A LOT of money keeping our names in their mouth…that *** better get my name right before HER husband gotta talk to me!”

Buffie referred to Chris as “Chris Dillard” in her review. She claims it was an honest mistake and she’s apologized to Chris for saying this.

Candiace responded to Buffie on Instagram. In her video, she accused Buffie of bothering her for years. And she wants Buffie to leave her alone because she feels Buffie is obsessed at this point.

Chris Bassett felt like he took things too far.

Well, Buffie responded to Chris. She told him that her husband is too busy being a doctor to respond.

“He’s at his medical practice working running a clinical trial to get vets off of opioids. He ain’t got time for chirren. Y’all don’t like it when folks you think are nobody stand up for themselves. Keep my uterus and mental health out y’all mouths and we are good.”

Buffie also responded to Candiace, telling her she’s unblocked her from Twitter if there’s more she wants to say. And she promised she’d just stop speaking about Chris and Candiace in her videos.

After it seemed like the drama had ended between all parties, Chris’ earlier tweet was brought to Buffie’s attention. And she took issue with Chris calling her a *** considering she’s a Black woman and he’s Caucasian.

Chris decided he took things too far and he told a Twitter user that he apologized to Buffie. This was in response to the person saying they didn’t think it was acceptable for a white man to call a Black woman a ***.

He tweeted, “it’s not about black women, it’s any woman. it was wrong and I have apologized to her.”

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  1. What in the world? I’m surprised by Chris’ behavior. This was beneath him. I would never be okay with my husband talking about another woman like this. I expect him to actually be more level headed than me in situations I’m emotional about and vice versa. We protect each other from trouble. Not encourage it. I’m disappointed by these tweets. I understand Buffie has been saying a lot about Candiace but this ain’t it. It’s better to ignore than engage and say something you shouldn’t out of anger.

  2. Candiace is my girl but I didn’t like that Chris called Buffie a h-e. And trying to meet up with her husband like they need to scrap over this is so ridiculous to me. That man is a doctor and owns his own practice. He’s not street fighting and arguing on Twitter. Buffie should be ignored. The Married 2 Med girlies don’t even acknowledge her antics anymore. So Candiace and Chris should do the same.

  3. Candiace and Chris need to stop letting their fans hype them up because truth be told, the fans just love the drama. They don’t really care about their well being. If they did they wouldn’t keep bringing drama to them all the time.

    1. I’ve been saying this. Fans can be great for wealth building and career expansion. But if you engage them too much, they are a huge liability. Most of them have nothing to lose but listening to them will cost someone with everything to lose it all. Kanye’s fans enabled him for years and look at what just happened. Chris needs to spend less time on social media. Buffie isn’t on TV anymore so them responding is only helping her grow her YouTube channel. Not smart. Pay her dust.

  4. Buffie needs to be quiet. Her husband needs to tell her not to speak, tweet or may any insinautuaons of Candice or her husband.

  5. Chile…this is NOT a good look for Chris. Buffie may be annoying but if this is what Chris does when he’s mad, he’s going to eventually end up in a situation that could cost him and Candiace opportunities. They can’t move like this anymore. RHOP is too big of a platform.

    1. She really did and it’s disturbing. No one in that relationship has the wisdom or maturity to navigate this Bravo thing the right way. So this won’t end well.

  6. Honestly, Chris and Candiace need to stop this sh-t. The majority of the fans sided with them regarding the Gizelle nonsense and Buffie’s opinions aren’t important. They actually made Buffie trend on Twitter yesterday by responding. They give the wrong people energy. I ain’t helping somebody I don’t like grow their platform. They better pay attention to how Jackie handled Buffie. She apologized and now it’s like Buffie never existed. They have to get to a point where they understand whoa needs to be ignored and when defending themselves is absolutely necessary. The short answer is only beer with people you get paid to beef with.

  7. And also why is Buffie even doing this? She was born into wealth and married rich. The need for attention is crazy.

  8. Buffie sided with Monique. Candiace looks over then side want be chick. At less Candiance you are not going around telling people you and your husband divorcing. Like everyone says Monique doing. Buffie be quiet with your two top lips. And no one want Buffie husband. Gizelle is just jealous of Candiace because she has so much going on and Gizelle has only the lie story line

  9. They are all too old for this. Nobody is right in this situation. Chris doesn’t need to protect Candiace from other women. She can handle that just fine. If a man talked to Candiace like this, he’d have a fit. Gizelle may be awful, but Chris is way too involved. It won’t end well if he doesn’t take a step back. He’s worse than Peter Thomas.

  10. The funny thing is none of these people have thick enough skin to be on a reality show. Candiace and Chris especially seem ready to lose it all over hurt feelings.

  11. It amazes me how Bravo allows Candace to attack other Blacks, calling Ashley a bed wench, slave, and using overseer and slave master. And making a lengthy video telling a black gay blogger he shouldn’t be allowed to breath because he’s fat and wishing death, that same blogger past of medical reasons, she didn’t apologize, Chris apologized to his family. But I guess it’s cool as long as black cast members are attacking each other and not other races

  12. Why do they care what Buffie thinks so much? She hasn’t been on TV for years. And she only did one season of Married 2 Med. Chris calling Buffie a h-e was really foul and speaks to his true character. Candiace is wild for being okay with Chris calling Buffie a h-e. I’m side eying both of them moving forward.

  13. They all look stupid. Adults acting like children on the internet. They seriously make Gizelle look like a mature genius.

  14. Now Gizelle says that many a married man has seen if she’s about it…insinuating that Chris was trying to hit on her in that hotel room. Did he call her a h**? His mother-in-law all but called him a house husband,bum, married Candiace on the come up and did he call her a h**? Nope.When people show you who they are…believe them. I SEE YOU CHRIS DILLARD. Yeah I said it.

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