Anila Sajja called out Quad Webb and Dr. Contessa Metcalfe.
Anila Sajja and Quad Webb had some tension at the “Married to Medicine” reunion for the current season. Dr. Heavenly Kimes suspected that Quad and Anila planned to expose Toya during Quad’s holiday party. She came to this suspicion after she saw that the woman who told the group that Toya allegedly cheated on Dr. Eugene Harris was at the event. So it just seemed like a setup to Heavenly. She went on to tell Toya her theory and Toya held Anila and Quad responsible for the cheating rumor spreading around the group.
Regardless, Anila later told Toya that Quad invited the woman to the party. So she felt like Quad was trying to set her up to look like the bad guy in the situation.
During Part 2 of the reunion, Quad said that while intended to hurt Toya with the rumor, it was Anila who told her about it. In fact, Quad accused Anila of calling her about the rumor. Anila said a phone call never happened. However, Quad stuck to her story.
Well, Anila took to Twitter to blast Quad. She alleged that Quad was actually with her the first time she was told about the rumor.
She wrote, “Quad I love you but let’s get the facts straight .. The whole story is flipped. We all found out the same day. We were ALL out at lunch! June 29, 2021 to be exact. The party you’re speaking of was that NIGHT. WHAT PHONE CALL???? #Married2Med”
Anila also clapped back at Dr. Contessa Metcalfe after a Twitter user questioned why Contessa kept the pressure on Anila during the reunion.
The Twitter user wrote, “What is Contessa’s new beef with Quad and Anila?! It’s TIRED!! #Married2Med”
Anila responded, “She’s attempting to detour attention from her marriage. I saw her at Toya’s event a couple weeks before this and she was all giggles and smiles… The bit she said about her having my stolen jewels in her bow absolutely disgusted me.”
Who was it on here that predicted Anila and Quad would fall out? It’s seeming more and more likely they were right.
Anila may actually lie more than Quad 🤔
Anlia and Quad are about even. Differnce is Anlia will get scared 😱 and blink, Quad doesn’t blink.
LMBO! This fake friendship can only last so long.
Anila is a wanna be in a follower she can’t say anything to anyone’s face she waits to get on Instagram or some other platform to talk c*** girl sit down how about this find a way so people stop breaking in your house all the time. Because it sounds like you have a bunch of enemies. Be careful cause Quad is a snake. that might be the person that’s having your home broken into just for fun. You’re so stupid confiding in her.
Yeah, your enemies and fake friends will come together for a common goal, in this case to destroy Toya, but they will eventually destroy each other, LMBO….
Fret Not Yourself Because of Evildoers Because They Will Soon be Cut Down Like Chafe….
Quad want to show everybody she can be the main star on the show too bad she is wrong. I think she will see her behavior is a bad move. How she was on the reunion she was trying to take Andy’s job. Quad need to go and Andy is the wrong one to go up against.