The feud between Melody Shari and Destiny Payton has fans picking sides.
Destiny Payton and Melody Shari used to be close girlfriends. However, their friendship unraveled for the world to see on “Love & Marriage: Huntsville.” And while both have different accounts about what caused things to go left between them, they can agree that the issue was loyalty. Neither felt like the other was a loyal friend when it really mattered. So these days they can barely film scenes together. To no surprise, some LAMH fans have been very opinionated about their fallout, too. Destiny has been responding to some of the criticisms.
Although Destiny regrets the comments she made to Melody’s mother Miss Vanessa, it doesn’t seem as if she’s had a change of heart about Melody. And while some fans feel like Melody did a lot to support Destiny during their friendship, it’s Martell Holt that Destiny is defending and giving credit to.
While answering fan questions on Instagram, one Instagram user told Destiny that it was Melody who got her on LAMH. They wrote, “But Mel is the only cast member on that show to put you in a place to win.”
In response to this, Destiny said, “I’m grateful to @thecarlosking_ @dugalicious13 because these are the people that had the power to say ‘Go’!”
She gave Martell credit as well, “Now let’s be real @martellholt is the glue that holds & brought ALL the original cast together including me. We all were his friends first! Don’t misconstrue this message with me not being grateful to all parties. But I told y’all I’m Only speaking TRUTH & FACTS……no more silence!”
Check out the screenshots in the video posted below.
Stop holding a grudge it will not get you anywhere.. it’s almost saying you ” ” Hate Melody.. I understand you not getting along but yall exchanged words at the reunion. But now Destiny is going way too far, Mel not making backlash comments. Mel don’t have yo name in her mouth every 10 mins ima say every ten seconds you got some hateful comments about Mel sounds like you want that storyline . You had yo moment when you “tried” to clapback but it didn’t work plus I heard that Distiney beauty supply don’t get much business maybe that’s why you so mad
Destiny is evil, for every demon 5 blessing. She is getting evicted from her house and business for none payment of rent. She is a very bitter. Destiny will never win bring dirty
From what we see on TV, both Melody and Destiny have been dealing with divorces. They’re probably too much alike. They’re both strong women. Hopefully they’ll be able to mend the fence. It’s ridiculous. Huntsville isn’t that big. Shame on them both. Didn’t Martell have an affair with Destiny at some point?
Destiny. Girl Bye. I just don’t like you no more. Soooo jealous of Mel
She’s draining.
Nobody Owe Destiny Anything. Destiny is SLOW. SHE IS CONTINUE DESTROYING HERSELF. It is almost as if she want Melody to lift her up to Heaven, like the Lion King. Melody took her Hand until she had to drop it for a Good Reason. Destiny, Help Us Viewer’s. Get Out Of Our Faces. You Have Nothing Coming.
Why is Destiny like this? 🙄
Why is she even still on the show,,,no storyline but Mel. Mel live in her empty head rent free
I hope she do I not get renewed for next season. Frankly, I am sick of her
Destiny is a truly bitter said person. Please pay Melody back her money since you are so ungrateful. You’re mad because Melody proved you were being lying. Melody is your storyline. Destiny is angry with her life