LHHATL Recap: Spice & Meda Make Peace + Scrappy Still Loves Bambi

Photo Credit: MTV/YouTube

Jessica has a medical scare. 

Shekinah meets Spice as she is getting her stage wardrobe together. They discuss the drama with Meda and Karlie. Spice doesn’t feel as if Meda has been loyal to her. She takes issue with Meda becoming close to Karlie and deciding she wouldn’t get involved in Karlie and Spice’s issues. Spice thinks Meda should have backed off from Karlie out of loyalty since she’s no longer on good terms with Karlie. 

As for Shekinah, she wants to meet with Meda soon so she can understand why Meda wouldn’t tell her which hospital Spice checked into.

Jessica is rushed to the hospital after she has very painful cramps, stomach pain, and bouts of vomiting. She learns she has two fibroids in her uterus. Jessica strongly believes this is why she had miscarriages. And it’s been hard to see Nick Cannon have multiple children after she miscarried before their breakup. 

Jessica is taking control of her health. 

Amy Luciani hangs out with her sisters so they can hash things out. She begins to understand why they feel like their mother plays favorites. And they are all ready to bury the hatchet. Plus, she tells them Khaotic kissed her and they have a complicated relationship. 

Jessica sees her new doctor. She is told surgery will be necessary to remove her fibroids. And it is likely that they are the reason she had miscarriages. After the surgery to remove them, Jessica will be able to have children. So she is ready to move forward. 

Amy has dinner with her mother. She decides to drop some big news on her. Turns out Amy has hired a new management team. So she wants her mother to move on from her and focus on her sisters’ businesses. Her mother is furious that Amy made this decision without even talking to her first. But Amy feels this is what she has to do in order to get their family back on track. Her mother storms off.

Spice and Meda hash things out. 

Scrappy and Khaotic hang out. Khaotic confirms he kissed Amy while they were in Texas. But he’s been flirty with Erica Banks as well. So he will entertain both until one of them takes him seriously. 

They talk about Scrappy’s argument with Erica Mena. He denies he slept with Diamond so there’s no way she could be pregnant by him. According to Scrappy, she only came to his hotel room to talk. Although he still loves Bambi, he’s accepted they are getting a divorce. 

Spice makes it to the Cayman Islands with Shekinah and her loved ones. She invites Meda to dinner after Meda pops up from Atlanta. Meda said she came to see Spice’s first performance since her near-death experience. But Spice still questions her loyalty since she’s gotten closer to Karlie and hasn’t been around for a couple of months. Meda becomes emotional and says she’s been dealing with her own issues. But she wasn’t going to miss a big moment for Spice because she loves and supports her. Spice hugs her and they make up. 

What are your thoughts on the episode? 

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  1. I am starting to not like Spice she DEMANDS all this LOYALTY and has a problem with a friend if they hang out with someone she doesn’t like that is so IMATURE yell not in high school….We all know Karly Redd can be a MESSY MESS however she did come to a whole other country to see her a**

    1. I’m right there with you baby. Usually when you have a near death experience, it humbles you. It doesn’t make you mean and self centered. I don’t care for Spice anymore. I need to start fast forwarding through her scenes. They are so childish and low vibrational. Yuck.

  2. Meda with the month naming 🙄 I don’t trust her. After throwing Joc under the bus to people she didn’t know said a lot about her character.

  3. How old is Spice? 12? She acts like a pre teen, you can’t be m friend if you’re her friend because I don’t like her? She needs to grow up. Near death didn’t do anything for her nasty attitude.

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