Kenya Moore and Marc Daly’s divorce is still playing out in court.
“Real Housewives of Atlanta” star Kenya Moore has been going through a very nasty divorce that has played out on the show as well as the courtroom. Her ex Marc Daly has made a few appearances on the show. And fans had a lot to say about their interactions. Some of her past and present costars accused Kenya of being a very different person when Marc was around. In fact, they felt like she was nicer and very submissive towards Marc. However, the cracks in the marriage were just as visible. They spent the majority of the marriage living in two different states. Plus, Kenya felt like Marc could be very controlling at times and his word prevailed over hers.
When the marriage ended, Kenya said she had a few regrets. However, her biggest one was she didn’t stand up to Marc enough. So she vowed to not back down as things got really messy in divorce court.
Well, things just got messier. According to Radar Online via Love B Scott, a recent episode is being used by Marc to make things harder for Kenya.
Kenya Moore’s blowup with Marlo Hampton was cited in Marc Daly’s court documents.
Apparently, Marc is demanding that the court hold Kenya in contempt of court because of a controversial scene with Marlo Hampton. Marc has demanded that Brooklyn Daly makes no appearances on “Real Housewives of Atlanta.” However, the judge previously ruled that Brooklyn can appear on the show with restrictions.
Those restrictions specified that Brooklyn must not be placed in situations that are dangerous and inappropriate for her age. Kenya was also told by the judge that she had to notify Marc beforehand about Brooklyn filming scenes as well as other opportunities. But Kenya has the final say and not Marc since she has sole custody.
According to the court documents filed, Marc is furious that Brooklyn was present when Marlo kicked the hotel room door multiple times. This didn’t sit well with Kenya because at the time of Marlo’s antics, Brooklyn was in the hotel room sleeping. So this set Kenya all the way off.
As we reported, Kenya and Marlo were on a cast trip to Alabama for a performance. Kenya was set to perform at the halftime show for the Magic City Classic, a well-known HBCU event. However, she wasn’t able to perform due to a sudden illness.
Kenya Moore set the record straight for a Twitter user.
Marc also takes issue with a commercial Kenya filmed with Brooklyn for Home Run Inn Pizza. He alleges he had to learn about Brooklyn filming the commercial via the internet. And he’s upset that Kenya didn’t allegedly discuss the project with him beforehand.
Interestingly enough, some fans have been critical of Kenya’s comments in the midseason trailer. During one scene, Kenya confirmed she wants to make use of the remaining embryos she made with Marc. And she’s still open to having another child with Marc despite their messy breakup. It also appeared as if she said she wouldn’t rule out them getting back together.
Kenya clarified a couple of things regarding the midseason trailer on her Twitter account.
A Twitter user wrote, “Scene was edited. She can’t get back w/ Marc because HE doesn’t wanna be back w/her. The voice of Brooklyn “I’m a sister now” scene was someone else’s voice. What 4 yr old use adverbs “now” in a sentence like that? Kenya wants a surrogacy storyline. Where’s Roi & his baby girl?”
In response, Kenya tweeted, “This is a TRAILER. The clips are misleading. I would never go back w/him. Why do you think he didn’t sign the divorce papers in years? Just stop.”
She continued, “Brooklyn DID say that. She is clearly more intelligent than you. Keep watching and you will find out. Keep the cable on #RHOA.”
This man is a menace.
This just shows why it’s so important to be careful who you marry and have children with. Be careful ladies and gents.
Yep and it doesn’t help that society makes people feel like they have to get married or they are a loser. So a lot of people are rushing into marriage just to regret it a few years later.
I totally agree!
Marc is a piece of work. It’s clear Kenya was so desperate to be a wife she didn’t look deep before she dove head first into this man. I believe it was all physical not mental possibly on both parts.
Exactly!!!! She wanted to be married and have a child so bad to the point where she just don’t know who she was getting involved with!!!
Well, I don’t put myself in a position to be able to describe or know the reason why people go into or are into different relationships. We women love hard and however we get there, we do recover well.
Marc, GO AWAY! You are a user and an abuser. You stated in your moment on camera that you would never take anything from Kenya. You lied! You are a sore looser and I don’t believe you care about your daughter. What have you given her? Open a trust fund for her because at this point, I don’t believe Kenya even wants child support.
You are the typical abuser. You don’t want the woman but you don’t want her to succeed or be with someone else. Kenya, do you! Keep teaching Brooklyn all of those languages, continue to build her self esteem and never let her hear you talk negative about her father.
Marc, GO AWAY, PLEASE! You are draining! You haven’t been with Kenya in a couple of years now and you really weren’t with her at all. So, why? Don’t you have another lover by now? We know that you’re truly not focused on HIM/HER.
KENYA, continue to build your empire. He is not entitled to any of it. Whatever you purchased in the marriage, even though he doesn’t deserve it, let him have it. Close the door, go on a cruise and throw the key in the ocean.
MOVE ON and don’t look back. Brooklyn has everything she needs in you.
Your Aquarius sister in spirit!
I can’t stand men who drag out things like this in court because of their hurt feelings and inflated egos.
This isn’t about the health and safety of Brooklyn, this is about control.
*And the fact that MARLO is tied to this….if she doesn’t apologize at the reunion (cause you know Andy is gonna bring it up) I hope Kenya, Kandi, Monyetta and Drew wear her a$$ out. Her reckless behavior is impacting CHILDREN in REAL LIFE. It’s really disturbing and disgusting.
Everyone keep blaming Marc, he didt do this all by himself, Kenya is just as much the blame as he is, it takes 2 , she married him not knowing, just like he married her without knowing, we all know Kenya’s mouth, attitude, personality, I’m sure he can tell some stories, just like the stories we hear she’s telling, Kenya is not the best person that she pretends to be, we have all seen her tactics, attitude, deposition and more, and it’s not all for TV, every man she was involved with on RHOA, she stated it was always there fault, she took no accountability, just like she’s doing now, and remember she was supposed to have been engaged 3 times prior to getting on the show, so NO, Kenya is not all that innocent in this situation, it’s always a 2 way street in marriage, you get what you put in, it’s about give and take, for better or worse, if she didt understand that she shouldn’t have married him and in vice versa, remember Kenya claims to be so intelligent, but yet she couldn’t see that beforehand, nor did Marc, they both should be taking accountability for whatever did or did not happen and they both need to move on, stop always thinking it’s just him, it’s her too, she is a big Liar as well.
Nah, I don’t even like Kenya but Marc really is trash. Do your research.
Well said !