Kevin Surratt, Sr. Calls out Traci Braxton’s Family for Showing Her in Sick State on New Show

Photo Credit: WE tv/YouTube

The Braxtons said they didn’t attend the memorial service planned by Kevin Surrat, Sr. because Traci Braxton didn’t want a funeral.

The Braxtons” is responsible for debates that have been taking place on social media. As we reported, the new show was supposed to have a different vibe from “Braxton Family Values.” However, some fans are starting to feel like the baggage from the previous show has been carried into the new series. In particular, Traci Braxton and her husband Kevin Surratt, Sr. clashed with Traci’s siblings often. Unfortunately, this didn’t change after Traci passed away from esophageal cancer. During the first couple of episodes of “The Braxtons,” Trina Braxton and Towanda Braxton were very critical of Kevin Sr. In particular, Towanda and Trina were upset a producer tried to get Kevin Sr. to film a scene with their brother and father. 

Towanda said she wasn’t going to allow Kevin Sr. on the show because he planned a funeral for Traci and she stated she didn’t want a funeral in her will. 


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Traci Braxton gave instructions for her funeral in the last will registered in Maryland.

Interestingly enough, YouTuber Really BTV got her hands on the last will registered for Traci in Maryland. Urban Belle was also able to secure a copy of the will. In the documents, Traci gave instructions for her funeral. She made her son Kevin Surratt, Jr. her personal representative. This means he was put in charge of paying Traci’s funeral expenses and any debts acquired from her illness. Traci requested one viewing and to be cremated. She didn’t want her organizations, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, and Order of the Eastern Stars, to make appearances. Kevin Sr. and Kevin Jr. were listed in charge of deciding what Traci wore for the viewing and the guest list. 

The will confirms that Kevin, Jr., is the executor. When he is ready, he will also take over the management of Traci’s brand and likeness from Clifton Jones.

Traci also created a trust for her grandchildren. Kevin, Jr. is the director of this trust. He is over the foundation she started to fight against cancer as well.

Kevin, Sr. was left with certain bank accounts, a diamond ring, and the remains of Traci’s niece, Lauren Braxton. Real estate properties and the remainder of the estate were also divided and given to Kevin Sr. and Kevin Jr. equally.

Kevin Surratt, Sr. got some things off his chest recently.

Days ago, Kevin Sr. answered some questions about things that were said on, “The Braxtons.” He said he planned a viewing for Traci in accordance with the will. Kevin also denied that he fathered a child outside of his marriage to Traci. The rumor started because a BFV fan saw him out with his daughter from a previous marriage and her baby. Traci and Kevin used the rumor to get on “Marriage Boot Camp.”

Kevin also said he would have never shown footage of Traci in her last days.

“When they had the viewing for her, it’s a beautiful picture of her man…This picture is absolutely beautiful, man, as she rested this day from the viewing, and I wanted everybody to see her in that state. And to remember her in that state. I would have never shown her or show her the way you showing her on that show. But that’s another story, man.”

He addressed his relationship with Kevin Jr. and confirmed they had some rocky moments. But he hasn’t missed any of Kevin Jr.’s court dates, and he’s confident Kevin Jr.’s aunts can’t say the same.


  1. None of this surprises me. If I recall correctly Kevin Jr. attended that memorial Kevin Sr. planned. I think all of this was about getting in the son’s good graces so the sisters could get the new show approved and show footage of Traci’s last days. They are foul.

      1. You need glasses. Traci flat out said in her will she wanted a funeral AND viewing. Towanda said Traci said she didn’t want a funeral in her will and that is completely false since she left instructions for her funeral AND viewing in the will. You can literally read the will yourself smh.

  2. It isn’t about them honoring Traci. It’s about changing the narrative. They really want us to forget how horribly they treated Traci.

    1. You are so right! I saw right through it when they kept saying “we’re doing this to honor Traci’s last wishes.” I highly doubt that Traci was thinking of a darn show on her dying bed. It’s so sad that these greedy people would exploit their deceased daughter/sister like that. Evelyn and Towanda are the leaders of this mess. The love of money will bring the their knees sooner or later. Just ridiculous !!

    2. Correct. Truth be told it’s f-cked up Evelyn and the sisters made the entire show about Kevin Jr and his dad not getting along when they never really spent much time in Maryland with Traci and her family to begin with. It’s exploitation. They’re still mistreating Traci after death.

  3. Smh people think they know everything just by watching a TV show 🙌 That family love each other with all the ups and downs, family relationships can be complicated and hard at times but don’t mistake it again love is there! I really miss seeing Traci she brought a lot to the show however she had her times acting out as well so again family can be hard! There was a reason she left her son in charge when typically the spouse is given that right so imma let yall ponder on why you think she did that! 🤔 I send my love to the Braxtons they’ve had a lot of loss in their lives and takes courage to live your life on tv under scrutiny 🙌❤️

    1. She left her son in charge of her brand and image because she knew her husband was not going to sign off on her last moments being put on TV. She left her husband the money and properties though. So you were saying?


        1. Can YOU read Nikki? You said there’s a reason she left her son in charge of her brand and I said it’s because she knew her husband wouldn’t sign off on Traci’s death being exploited for tv ratings. You want to paint this narrative that Traci didn’t trust her husband when he’s all up and down her will. He was in charge of planning her funeral and viewing and left assets. So again you were saying? Meanwhile the sisters and the momma weren’t in charge of anything. So what does that mean?

  4. So Traci’s will have instruction for her FUNERAL. Her sisters are saying she didn’t want one. At the end of the day Kevin Sr. Is her HUSBAND, not her boyfriend. The family may not like him but they need to RESPECT him. I don’t care for their dislike of Kevin Sr. being shown in front of Kevin Jr. It’s disrespectful and in very poor taste. IMO, this show could’ve stayed off the air. Doing it while still grieving is not a good idea.

  5. He sound like he’s telling the truth she divided everything equally, and I’m tired of Towanda with that “Scratchy” but when he talks with her she call him Kevin Jr . Scrap the entire show , hell we all grieving our Loved ones we ain’t telling the world , Just dysfunctional

  6. It was all these conversations about what Traci did or didn’t leave Kevin Sr. but it’s more telling that she didn’t leave her sisters anything. I think they focus on Kevin Sr. to keep people from remembering how awful they were to Traci and her family.

    1. Why would Traci need to leave her sisters anything, they have their own money and husbands. She did what she was supposed to which was leave stuff to her husband, son and grandkids. We don’t know what the siblings relationship was like just from watching TV.

  7. I am positive that when or if Traci requested this show to be brought back in her honor, this was not what she envisioned. It’s dark, depressing and combative. There is nothing even remotely celebratory here. Her death has not changed the dynamic of this family. This is actually really pathetic and it needs to be taken off the air/ not available for purchase EVER. Sleep in peace and power Traci.

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