The Braxtons are back.
When the announcement came that Toni Braxton, Tamar Braxton, Trina Braxton, Towanda Braxton, and Evelyn Braxton were returning to WE tv, some fans weren’t sure what to expect. “Braxton Family Values” highlighted the controversial relationships between the Braxton sisters and the childhood trauma they were still processing. Traci Braxton in particular felt like the black sheep of the sisters. At the height of their contention, Traci didn’t participate in the protest spearheaded by her sisters to negotiate better contracts from the show’s production company. So she continued to film BFV in their absence and this only made certain relationships more difficult.
Unfortunately, these relationships were not mended before “Braxton Family Values” concluded.
Traci’s passing from esophageal cancer gave the family motivation to return to television with “The Braxtons.” It was said that Traci wanted them to do the new show to honor her memory. However, many fans feel like the opposite is actually happening. In a few episodes, Traci’s son Kevin Surratt, Jr. was made the focal point. His divorce, past arrest, and past tension with his father have been discussed ad nauseam and some fans are questioning if his personal life is being exploited for ratings. This is also a question because they recall Traci didn’t air her son’s personal business on BFV to the same degree.
Some longtime fans think the new show is hard to support.
The recent episode showed Kevin Jr. had a seizure after he had a disappointing phone call with his ex-wife. According to Towanda and the others, Kevin Jr. didn’t start having seizures until Traci died. He was found unresponsive by producers. Luckily, he was able to receive the medical attention necessary. Towanda rushed to his hotel room and he told her he was afraid to be alone because he worried the stress would cause another seizure. While fans were grateful Towanda was able to be there for Kevin Jr., some expressed they don’t think it’s right to have him on television during such a dark time in his life.
Some longtime fans feel it’s uncomfortable to watch.
One X user wrote, “I don’t know if I’m going to keep watching this. It’s making me uncomfortable. It feels very exploitative smh. #TheBraxtons”
Another said, “#TheBraxtons new show is unraveling the family name quicker than those last 3 1/2 seasons of the #BFV show.”
Interestingly enough, ratings for “The Braxtons” pale in comparison to the numbers for “Braxton Family Values.” The most-watched episode of the final season of “Braxton Family Values” pulled in 471,000 viewers. The first episode of “The Braxtons” brought in 194,000 viewers. The lowest-rated episode so far brought in 163,000 viewers. The most watched episode of “The Braxtons” attracted 257,000 viewers.
Are you enjoying “The Braxtons”?
The whole show is just weird. They’re acting like BFV never happened. Exploiting Traci’s son and husband is certainly off putting as well. What an awful show. I’ll never support these women again.
I can’t watch it anymore. Trina and Towanda are acting desperate for money. Karma will be nasty for both.
They’re acting like they’re broke as f-ck. I mean why else are they dogging out Traci’s real family for a storyline? Trina hasn’t had a job since Sister Circle and Towanda is pretending to be auntie of the year like she has to support that forever fiance of hers. Then her fiancé is speaking on Traci’s business when she called him an opportunist while she was alive. But they want Traci’s widow to keep his mouth shut? I’m so thankful to not be in a family like this. Traci deserved better. I at least respect Tamar and Toni for not getting involved.
Whose decision was it to bring this show back is the question?
So which sister told Traci she was dead to her?
Probably Towanda or Tamar. Traci never said who it was.
I think it was Towanda. She’s trying the hardest to rewrite history. Tamar isn’t doing that.
The main focus being Tracy’s death is morbidly overkill RIP/H! If the nephew is constantly experiencing seizures, why are they allowing him to be & travel alone? As an Auntie, I would suggest staying with me or another relative. SMH!
That’s what let me know they are fake and full of it. Someone who had a seizure should NOT be left alone in a hotel room. They are really using Traci’s family for clicks and views and it’s so disturbing.
It’s a trashy show. They’re just showing they never gave a d-mn about Traci and still don’t. That momma of theirs is at the root of the evil and dysfunction. Traci was closer to her brother and father for a reason!
If they cared about honoring Traci, they wouldn’t be using her son for content or getting gleeful about him and his dad having problems. They’d be pushing for healing and peace not turmoil. I knew Towanda was a snake because Traci said so. But Trina really surprised me smh.
I definitely feel bad for Traci son it’s so heart breaking but exploiting I thought he was an adult not a 5 yrs old so I’m sure if he didn’t want to do it he wouldn’t 🤷♀️ he had no problem clapping back when the sisters were in to it so I believe he can speak up for himself! THEY SAID TRACI WANTED THEM TO DO IT not sure i would agree but whatever they decided as a family then oh well. I do feel they should put more of their personal lives in it, but if you don’t like it simple DONT WATCH 🤦♀️
Exploitation doesn’t have an age limit. Cassie was exploited by Diddy while she was an adult. Kevin Jr. is being exploited while he’s grieving and mentally broken. It happens every day. Not hard to understand.
I’m not convinced Traci wanted them to do this show to honor her. It sounds like another lie. All they’ve been doing is airing out her son’s life problems. Why aren’t they showing their own lives? Only Toni and Tamar have their own stories outside of Kevin sr and jr.
I can’t remember which Season, I do remember Traci, talking to her husband talking about how her sisters treated her when she got pregnant. So instead of them being more passionate for their sister. Toni, Trina, & Tamar sided with the label, it wouldn’t be a good look for Toni, so what they do side with the label over their own sister (Very Sad).
I have always like Traci (the real sister). I missed you Traci RIP.
I agree they are exploiting him. I hope they are paying him well
I swear some of the scenes feel so fake…for example when Ms E,Trina and Towanda met up for lunch and Towanda goes it feel like Traci gonna come running out…and then them all talking about the humming birds just didn’t seem sincere.imo
Imagine using your sister’s death, son, and widower for ratings and the best you do is 250,000 viewers. Embarrassing.
Trina and Towanda care so much about what the public thinks but they need to be worried about what God thinks about their actions. He is NOT pleased and this is NOT how you treat your sister’s family. They will reap what they sow. And we’ll remember and refer to this time period when that happens.
This show is a pathetic attempt to make money, it’s obvious that Ms E has expected her family to support her. I remember the sisters being upset about her always being with Tamar, well of course Vince had the money. Toni said so herself, she grew up knowing that she had to take care of her family. Now they’re using Kevin at his most vulnerable time, instead of helping him. Snakes, that’s why Tamar keeps her distance, she wants to help them but doesn’t want to be affiliated. No wonder the mental challenges she’s faced, taught to shut up and take it for the sake of the family.
I’m not really enjoying this season. I would like to see the show focus on positive things they are doing. Like Tamar and Evelyn’s cooking show, Toni’s show, Towandas product line, Towanda interacting with her kids and boyfriend, etc. Every episode should nor be about Tracy or Scratchy. The show is really sad and hard to watch right now.
So glad to see so many have the same thoughts as I do. I’m a person of few words, so with that….You shall reap what you have sown!
Rest in peace Traci!
Quite as it’s kept. I think Traci should cut ties with ( ALL ) the sisters including Toni and their Mother. They ALL had part to play in how poorly Traci was treated
The last episode was beautiful and seems very genuine. It’s important to be positive and not always look for a negative.. no matter what happened in the past it’s good to see things on the right path! Tamar not being in the past scene when they come together is so typical!