By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Rapper Game has made headlines recently after announcing that his fifth studio album would be named “Jesus Piece.” Ever since making the announcement, Game has made it clear that Jesus would be a concept of the album. So not only would the title name reflect that simple fact, but the album cover does as well as it features a black Jesus front and center wearing a “gangsta” inspired outfit. Many have expressed that they feel it’s very disrespectful for the rapper to make Jesus a theme of his profanity laced rap album, but Game has made it clear that he really doesn’t care who it offends. And at a recent show the other day, Game did what he does best and caused more controversy surrounding the concept of his latest album.
During one of his recent shows, Game performed with Jesus on the stage. The Jesus figure was holding a gold chain, and at some point of the performance, the rapper stopped and Jesus placed the gold chain around his neck. While many of those in attendance thought the rapper gave a great performance, some did complain that they felt Game might have went a little too far.
And then there are those who feel as if Game is using Jesus as a way to gain buzz for his album. Either way, the album is already getting mostly positive reviews. That’s an accomplishment for a “gangsta” rap album at a time when Pop music seems to be the only genre that really sells albums or gets any attention.
Here’s a picture of Jesus joining the rapper on stage during his performance at the House of Blues in Los Angeles:

Did Game go too far?
When being an attention whore goes too far.
He’s such an attention whore…
LOL he’s so wack.
He’s still going to flop…