Terrence Howard Blames ‘Crab Mentality’ for Criticism Received for Interracial Marriage

Photo Credit: Hip Hollywood/YouTube
Photo Credit: Hip Hollywood/YouTube

By: Taren Vaughan

Terrence Howard saw his career take off after he took on the role as “D.J.” in ‘Hustle & Flow’. And from that point on, Terrence Howard saw more acting opportunities pop up for him, landing a part in the hit movie ‘Iron Man’. Though snagging a part in such a box office hit like ‘Iron Man’, Terrence recently revealed that his role in the movie put a damper on his career after some controversy arose surrounding his salary negotiations over his role in the movie. In a recent interview, Terrence Howard said:

“Worst thing I witnessed was ‘Iron Man’ killing my career. I love the fact that ‘Iron Man’ put me on a world stage and tested my strength of character. I chose not to fight back, not to deal with the allegations, but to continue forward and do what I had to do. I had to start all over: went from making $6 million a movie, back to $60 thousand a movie. But as long as you don’t give up you are able … I’ll make $20 million soon. Because I have learned the lessons of yesterday.”


It’s pretty clear that Terrence Howard has no problems speaking his mind. So when it comes to criticism he feels he received for marrying outside his race (he is now divorced), during promotion for his upcoming movie ‘Dead Man Down’, he took some time to acknowledge the criticism and calls blacks that had something negative to say about it crabs in a recent interview with Hip Hollywood:


“We have a crab mentality where we still pull each other down because of choices that we make, because I choose to marry an Asian woman instead of a Black woman.

“I think as Black people we have to start helping each other. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say nothing at all.”


Check out the clip below:


    1. Exactly. And it’s not even about crabs in a barrel. It’s about how he is just an a**hole. If he was more humble, then it wouldn’t be a problem. He can say all of this mess about interracial dating, but he has just as much self hatred like the rest of em. He ain’t fooling nobody.

  1. I’m not sure why black men who marry outside their race think we care so much. Do want you want and shut up.

    1. Thank u!! its annoying because every black woman doesnt care about who black men date.. I see black men in public places and they look & act nervous round me when they’re with a non black woman.. Just Live your life Man.Some want to think like this for attention… I dont Know.

  2. What does THIS have to do with his new movie? He did the same thing in the other interview…talking about Iron Man when he should have been talking about his new film. He’s such a queen.

  3. Terrence, black women don’t want you. Trust me. Stop wasting your time talking about imaginary criticism.

    1. LOL! Right! Plus, we actually are attracted to the chocolate brothers who are humble, talented, and aren’t dogging black people in their interviews (ie. Denzel and Morris Chestnut). IJS!

    2. THANK YOU. I wish people would just marry who they want to and stop pretending like the whole black race gives a damn. This is 2013, a lot of black women are doing it too! Just be happy and keep it cute.

  4. Uh I don’t even know a lot of black people that are checking for him. So I doubt people really care who he married and divorced. He has an unnecessary sense of self for no reason.

  5. And this is another reason he got a pay cut. He’s just not likable. What does any of this have to do with his new movie?

  6. Crabs in a barrel would mean that his wife is somehow some kind of symbol of success and black people are jealous right? But didn’t she end up punching him in the face because he moved on to a new chick (he called the cops too on her) and they aren’t even together so why on earth does anyone need to hate on a failed marriage? LOL.

  7. I do think people shouldn’t criticize who people marry but Terrence has a knack for talking about the wrong things at times when he is supposed to be promoting a movie. It’s really annoying.

  8. I couldn’t care less who he marries. He’s a douche bag and I damn sure don’t want him. Do you douche bag.

  9. SMH. What is his problem? He does this in all of his interviews. No wonder he has a hard time getting roles these days.

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