By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
When people think about famous couples who have stood the test of time, Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith definitely come to most people’s minds. For many years, the Smiths have been considered as one of the truest representations of “Black Love,” however, that hasn’t managed to keep them from being targets of gossip and tabloids. On numerous occasions, reports have claimed the couple was headed for a divorce, but despite all the rumors of an impending divorce and open marriage, the superstars have remained solid. Interestingly enough, Jada admits one of the biggest reasons her marriage to Will has remained in tact is simply because she made the conscious decision to not seek advice about her marriage from friends. In a recent interview with RedBook Magazine, she says:
“It is dangerous. Intimacy is a very complicated thing. There is nothing I could ever say to anyone that would give them a clear understanding of what happens between us – so why get anyone involved?
“[Will and I] work all that out with each other; that’s part of being in an intimate relationship. If you are giving your life to someone and this is the only person you deeply love, then you should be able to come to that person with anything. There shouldn’t be a person I need to talk to outside of him. And I don’t want my friends, who have a great affinity for both of us, to feel like they have to take sides.”
Jada also revealed that she considers Will a “warrior” and doesn’t feel there’s much he can do to cause her to stop loving him:
“He’s the best warrior you will ever find. What is the thing that Will could do that would make me not love him? That would make me abandon him? I can’t think of one. I’m sorry. Except if he did something bad to the kids – now we’ve got a problem. But that’s it. We’ve had such an extraordinary life together.”
Too cute. But what do you think about what Jada said about keeping friends out of her marriage? Do you think it’s just smarter for all couples to keep their business in-house and seek advice from their partners only? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.
She’s so right. Keep your business to yourself and you’ll stay together. Lol.
She’s on point. As always.
Jada is so right. I learned the hard way how important it is to keep your relationship’s business to yourself. Not everyone is qualified to give relationship advice.
Easier said than done! Lol.
Not everyone is your friend. So keep your relationship issues to yourself.
She’s speaking the truth. I don’t know about that warrior part though. LOL.
I couldn’t agree more! You’ll have less drama if you keep your business to yourself!
I’m consigning like hell on this one.
I disagree slightly. There needs to be a trusted elder of some kind you can approach for advice and guidance in this whether its a parent or even a pastor.
She lost me on warrior.
You won’t see me talkin about my men with you heaux! HA! Jada is so right on this.
SMART! never let your left hand know what your right hand is doing….quite sure she has people she can vent to without her business being sold…..
God and my husband are the only one’s I talk to about my marriage. They are also the only two that I allow to approach me on the subject of my relationship. Early on, I learned to never ever discuss my relationship with single or divorced people and, later, I stretched that wisdom to include everyone else. More than two decades in, I find that keeping intimate matters contained within a close-knit circle of three works best for me.