By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Kevin Hart takes the blame for the failure of his first marriage to Torrei Hart, but the comedian says that he’s learned plenty since his marriage went south and he has since found love with his current girlfriend Eniko Parrish.
Despite his ex-wife making it pretty clear that she thinks Eniko may be a gold digger, Kevin thinks a proposal could be in the impending future. He’s been with Eniko almost five years and his divorce from his ex-wife was finalized in 2010.
Kevin is in full press mode for his latest film “Ride Along” (the film hits theaters this Friday). The comedian tells Power 106:
“It’s definitely in my future. I got a good one. I wish I could sit up here and lie and say that it hasn’t been talked about and ‘oh my god there’s no way’ but we’ve got some years in. We’re going on almost five years pretty soon. She’s definitely proven herself, she’s there for me, I know that she loves me. She’s stepped up and taken a role in my life as well as my kids its a beautiful thing. So it’s something that’s definitely in talks.”
So is it like a trend now for men to marry their old mistresses?
She’s proven herself? Ugh. I hate the way some men talk about marriage.
Me too.
Well a lot of women are out here working overtime to prove they are marriage material while the man just kicks his feet up and chooses. It’s sad to watch.
Yeah that kind of rubbed me the wrong way too. He said it like he doesn’t have to prove himself too and he’s the one that already has one failed marriage already. So if anything, he needs to be proving he’s ready for marriage.
Thank you.
I’m glad to see women notice the problems with his statement. As a married woman, I can say BOTH people have to prove they are ready for marriage before they make that move. Unfortunately we live in a society that presents marriage as a life change that only benefits a woman so a lot of men act as if they are doing us a favor when they put a ring on it! And with that mindset, they will not work hard to make sure their wife is happy, but will cut up with the quickness when they are not happy. It really works both ways, and until both genders get this, divorce will continue to increase in this country.
Love this!
He better get a good prenup.
I don’t know her but she really does give me the gold digger vibes. I’m not sure why…hmm…
Because she has no career of her own and depends on his money to survive. #MysterySolved lol
Well she says she’s a up and coming model but we’ve never seen her model. So yeah…your hunch may be correct.
It really shouldn’t take a man 5 years to see a woman is marriage material.
You’re right, it should not take a man that long. And with mature men, it does not. They know instantly within the first few conversations and dates with a woman whether or not she is marriage material. I think Kevin took 5 years to get comfortable with marrying again because his last marriage did not work and he’s afraid to do it a second time.
Wait, they got divorced in 2010 and he’s been with this current chick for five years? And I know the divroce settlement wasn’t finalized until last year. Really Kevin?! He has no shame whatsoever!
Yeah, but that’s old news. He’s already admitted he cheated plenty while he was married. Even though he will never admit Eniko was his mistress back in the day, the math is clear. He says he’s changed tho, but only time will tell. If he has one of those “break babies” then we will know.
lol @ “break babies”
As long as he gets that prenup i’m happy for him.
I love them together. They act like they have so much fun and he really loves her. I’m sure he will pop the question very soon.
I like them too! They have really grown on me.
And it continues hoes stay winning in 2014 what else is new.
2013 – 2014: The Side Chick Years.
Kevin Ex Wife must be devastated. She admitted to being open to the idea of them getting back together oh well. They been together 6 years and his face lights up when he around her so good luck to them.
Damn right it should take a man 5 or more years to get married. Especially a man of kevin status.