By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Ciara stopped by the Breakfast Club this morning to discuss her upcoming studio album, “Jackie,” and she even opened up a little bit about her personal life and career struggles.
Here are the highlights of the interview.
On her failed relationship with Future:
“It clearly didn’t work out. But I have the greatest gift, the greatest joy in my life is my son. Honestly I feel like everything in life happens for a reason. My son has been the greatest gift God has given me in my life. And been the most game changing thing that has happened in my life in a necessary way.”
On the criticism surrounding her being with Future when he has multiple kids and baby mamas:
“I’m human. I went with love in that situation. I think that you can be with someone who has no kids and they could be the biggest jerk in the world. You could be with someone who is super wealthy and be the biggest jerk in the world…you can’t really call it. At the end of the day, I roll with love. My son’s father, I really believe had the greatest intentions in the world to love me and a beautiful thing came from that.”
Other tidbits:
– Her album drops next month
– She has no beef with Jermaine Dupri for claiming “I Bet” is a ripoff of “U Got It Bad”
– She has no ill feelings towards Rihanna despite their Twitter beef from a couple of years ago
– She was hoping to confront Charlamagne for always going in on her but he’s out of town
– Despite her low album sales, she refuses to give up on her music career
Check out the video below:
I need to watch this interview I never thought she would ever go on the breakfast club.
I never thought I’d see the day either.
She’s a sweet girl. Why do people drag her so much?
Because it’s the in thing to do and they are followers.
Because she’s a flop. Flops always get dragged.
She got some good media training. Now someone needs to call up Sevyn Streeter and teach her how to speak about Mack Wilds in her interviews. LOL.
They dated?!!!!!!!!!
They sure did. And she drags him in all of her interviews. BOB should be concerned that she is still pressed about an ex.
I’m still hoping she can win. I love her personality and she’s a great performer.
Ciara needs to cut the sh-t. People are always going in on her because we all know she should have a way better career than she does. She’s one of the best entertainers of her generation, but she chose to join Future’s baby mama club and put out wack music. How do you move away from the one thing that worked for you? Nobody wants to hear her sing. We want to see her dance. Until she goes back to that she will keep flopping.
Meh! *paint drying*
OT: Anybody see how MTO tried to set up Rihanna to look like she was snorting coke this morning? Rih was not playing with that negro!
Yeah they are so dumb. Why would Rih’s besties even post videos of her doing hardcore drugs on Instagram? Some people are so gullible. But she may sue that Eazy Money douche bag because he’s the one who started that lie with his caption.
True but why is she always showing off her weed use? Like how many more videos do we need to see of her rolling up blunts and twerking with her cl-t flea friends (users)? I like Rih but at what point will she grow up? It was cool when she was in her early 20s but now not so much.
It’s her IG and she can post what she pleases. Not everyone takes themselves so seriously all the time.
You’re making way too much sense for them. They can’t take the truth.
Do you even clean your a-s before you stalk us on here daily?
I don’t know how many house parties I’ve been to where I’m the only one in the room not smoking weed. I’m one of the few who doesn’t smoke. That means that in my circle, folks older…far older than Rihanna do. And this is indicative of how it is for a lot of us. Why must she change her lifestyle for anyone else, when behind closed doors, and sometimes not so closed, others are doing the same thing?
Ooooh gurl! Why The Navy found out he had warrants, found his address and turned his a-s in? Moral of the day: Leave Rihanna the f-ck alone!!!!
And you’re proud of that? The Navy is nothing but a bunch of losers who live vicariously through a woman who wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire. Yall need to grow up.
Girl get lost. Stans have been in existence before they even had a name. Were you pressed like this when MJ had people passing out at his concerts? No? Ok then. If you don’t like Rihanna or her stans, ignore us. But this stan thing ain’t new. Y’all are just mad someone you don’t like has so many people who adore her. Get over it.
Exactly. He got what he deserved.
Lol they wish. So many blogs are about to get those good ole cease and desist letters today.
Nah most of the blogs knew it was bullsh-t and didn’t touch it.
Do you silly Rihanna stans really think she doesn’t dabble in coke? Don’t tell me are that naive.
You again? I need to know who demolished you so bad in the Navy boo. Your anger for us is disturbing.
I don’t know why y’all are mad with me. Be mad at your fave. She’s the one who wanted the bad girl image so bad but wants to cry now that people actually expect her to do drugs because she’s so raunchy. You know you’re a failure at life when people expect you to do coke.
If we’re naive, you’re pressed. Fair?
Nobody is more pressed than you stans. Why do y’all live vicariously through this woman? Her money and success ain’t yours.
She was just mixing tobacco with her weed. It’s not uncommon. I know people want her to be a cokehead but she isn’t.
Because she acts like the type to do drugs. She brought this on herself.
So because she’s not afraid to be open about not being perfect she’s the perfect prospect for cocaine use? And they say stans are dumb and irrational. Look. Rih ain’t going nowhere. So get over it.
Let these miserable haters know boo.
The truth hurts.
She always has so many excuses. Her career is where it is because she got cocky and fired the staff who made her successful.
I agree. After Goodies she should have held on to Jazzy Phae. But no, she thought she was the new Janet Jackson off one album. LOL.
She looks cute. She said in this interview that she’s going to have a lot of dance tracks on this album so I’m excited.
Ciara should be bigger than Rihanna and Beyonce. She has more talent.
And Rihanna is the one on drugs you say?
Excuse me, come again?!! Naw son. There is no way.. I like
I like Ciara but no. Rihanna and Beyonce have better vocals. And although I think Ciara is a wonderful dancer, sometimes I think she’s not very polished. Just like Chris Brown.
What vocals does Rihanna have? She smokes cigarettes and she’s a horrible performer. She sounds like a goat in heat. And don’t tell me you think Beyonce is a better dancer? Lmao
Rihanna’s voice has improved. And while Ciara is a better dancer than Beyonce, Beyonce is the better performer and all around entertainer. There’s more to a great performance than choreography. Beyonce understands this. But I agree with you…she should be a bigger star. She has what it takes.
In which universe? When did “Delusion” become a planet?
You have to be trolling.
I like Ciara too but I looooove Bey she ain’t messing with Bey.
You don’t even believe this yourself. Good day troll.
Lies you tell!!!
Her album comes out next month and she has no real hit single out right now? She’s going to flop again.
#DEAD at this becoming a Rihanna post. Ci Ci just can’t win.
Even Beyonce was brought up. LOL.
Rihanna and Bey are more interesting though.
I’m just waiting for King Bey to jump on in and get Anonymous together. You know she’s coming. Lol.
Well she’s pregnant so she isn’t handing out draggings like she used to. She’ll be back to normal when she has the baby I assume. Lurking and reading anyone who dares to come for the Queen. LOL.
Beyonce is pregnant?
Lol I don’t think so. When we talk about someone named King Bey, we’re talking about one of the posters on here. She is the biggest Beyonce stan and has straight up ethered multiple Beyonce haters throughout the years. She literally said she subscribes to every Bey post just in case she has to read someone. Lol. But she’s mainly a lurker, but will comment whenever Beyonce is mentioned. I think you’ve seen her once or twice since you’ve been here but didn’t pay her much attention (she’s much calmer since getting pregnant), but she’s pregnant right now.
Ok gotcha. I’m a newbie so I had no idea.
I hope she doesn’t flop again.
I like Ciara I’ve always liked Ciara but I think she has been naive I hope she is getting mature especially with men. I think a lot people go in on Ciara fair or unfair because they are disappointed because Ciara is too talented she should be a way a bigger star. If people go and listen to Ciara albums she actually has some good songs.
Very interesting comments. I wish Ciara well. I like her and have liked her since her first album. But she can’t be compared to Beyonce and Rihanna. All 3 of them have different lanes and can win at the same time.
And y’all dead wrong for hijacking this post smh Ciara can’t never win.
Way more interesting things happening than listening to Ciara. She’s boring!
I’m glad she didn’t name Kim as one of her real friends.
She has to get back to her Baby Janet roots. And I do wish she would call up Jazzy, Missy and Timbaland to get herself some hits.
I got so many laughs from these comments today. Anyway, I love how positive she is being about everything. Motherhood looks good on her.
I was wondering why there are so many comments and then I saw Rihanna and Beyonce were brought up. Well that explains it.
hello world about ciara and future people need to stay out they dam business and mine their own got dam business and let them find their selves and ciara needs to drop all the albums she can produce and stop worrying about future he know who he love and nobody can break that up world try listening to my new album ‘LOVE HURTS’ 2015 R&B BRAND NEW RAPPER REGINA BLUE LIGHTS.com YOUTUBE