By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Wendy Williams isn’t one to mince words when it comes to celebrities and gossip, so it’s no surprise she has a few words for Ciara and Russell Wilson seeing as they have been a hot topic for the last few weeks.
Now that Future admitted he thinks the relationship is just a publicity stunt, Wendy is chiming in and she agrees.
Wendy even went as far as to compare Ciara to Kim Kardashian and accused the singer of using her son for attention and payback.
She says:
“Ciara, I feel like you are not into this dude like that and you are using this as an opportunity to stay out here because people aren’t buying music. And Russell, you are equally opportuning on her because it’s off season in football. You kind of might like to be on a red carpet with a beautiful woman. And releasing the statement, Russell, that you all aren’t having sex and you asked us to pray for you…that’s all a part of the whole…he wants to stay out there. Isn’t that something between a couple?
“You all aren’t even any virgins, so please.
“I think this relationship is about as phony as a three dollar bill. And while I know Ciara loves her child, she’s using her child as a pawn for publicity and also probably to get back at Future. And by the way, I also feel like the relationship she had with Future was…I think Ci Ci is a lot like La La Anthony. I think that she’s like Kim Kardashian. I think that she’s like a lot of these girls who would do almost anything to stay in front of you all (points at the audience) and here on Hot Topics.”
Check out the video below. The Ciara talk starts at the 6:40 mark.
Wendy girl bye.
Umm Ciara shouldn’t be compared to Kim and neither should La La. Both of them actual have talent and real careers. Wendy tried it.
Wendy is such a sellout. For her to compare two black women with actual careers to a p-rn star who does nothing but get naked for attention is absurd and so offensive. I am so done with her.
All celebrities are attention whores to a degree because they lose money once we stop caring about them. But I wouldn’t go as far to say Ciara is using her own child. That’s just wrong.
LOL so I’m sure y’all are about to get on here and drag Wendy but the evil heifer got it right this time. Ciara used to roll with Kim. Wendy has every right to compare them because both of them stay plotting how to stay relevant. Ciara dates for relevance, just like her old bff Kim. And everyone knows Lala is thirsty. Let’s not act brand new people.
Why are you and the majority of the navy still upset with Ciara? That Twitter beef was a long time ago.
I’ve never liked Ciara because she’s not the sweet person she portrays herself to be. I don’t like fake celebrities. Sue me.
I never liked the $3 bill either. Fake as h*ll.
You need to stop living vicariously through Rihanna.
I’ll stop living vicariously though Rihanna when y’all stop living vicariously though this PR relationship.
its all good now but when Wendy drags rihanna like she always does you’re going to be upset like her now cause she dragging ciara but she calls rihanna a ho all the time
I don’t like Wendy and that doesn’t change because she told the truth about Ciara. You can agree with someone’s opinion even if you don’t like them.
Speak it! I can’t stand Wendell on a good day, but on this she’s correct!
Someone is going to slap Wendy one day.
So non virgins can’t choose to be celibate now?
I’m so sick of Wendy.
Wendy told no lies and I think Russell may be gay
Really? I actually heard he was a bit of a thot with women before he got married.
I thought he married his high school sweet heart?!!
Wendy never ceases to amaze me how much hate she has for black women. She talks down on almost every famous black woman in the industry and she’s been doing that for years. She really trying to compare Ciara and Lala to Kim, Ciara who made her name through music and Lala who was a MTV DJ legitimate careers. This ain’t surprising she always downs black women but praises Jennifer Lopez like she has squeaky clean image.
Well Wendy should know plenty about fake relationships since her own husband can’t even stand her and prefers to sleep with trans women while she’s working. She’s nothing more than a sugar mama to his closeted a-s.
I really don’t understand why Ciara and Russell’s relationship is making so many people angry. They aren’t bothering anyone.
They seem too happy and bitter people can’t take it. They do the same thing to Beyonce and Jay Z.
I normally tolerate Wendy- but she’s so far off on this. 1. Why are Wendy & Future so mad at Ciara finding happiness? 2. With the ridiculous sexualization of women & having these “relationship goals” that are shallow and superficial, why is it absurd that a man would say they are celibate & ask for prayers? 3. When are we going to come together & stop giving WW and other “faux” celebrities all this attention?!
Wendy is such a bitter person.
I don’t understand how anyone can agree with Wendy. Ciara has still not yet said a word bad about Future. He’s more of an attention whore and opportunist than she is.
Oh Wendell..
Wendy’s downfall is going to be epic.
She’s entitled to her opinions, but I think it’s very disrespectful to compare Ciara to Kim K. But then again, I’ve seen Kim compared to Michelle Obama as well. Sadly, no matter how much a black women accomplishes, ignorant people will always dismiss our resumes and tell us we’re not even better than white p-rn stars. Sad indeed.
I barely ever agree with Wendy a-s but he telling the truth this time,aint nobody checkin for Ciara in the music game she is a flop she might as well try out for Love&HipHop or be a model because the music aint poppin..#NoShade #AllTea
Wendy needs to worry about her own relationship. It’s been rocky for a long time.
Wendy is speaking the truth. Ciara want that spotlight and she wants it bad. She wants it just to be popular. Kim wants it because she can spin it and make money. Ciara stunt is not helping her she’s not selling music or selling out arenas,but as long as she’s in the tabloid she’s fine.
Ciara has been dating Russell for a hot minute and now they’re talking about waiting to have sex until marriage? Marriage already? She seems a little thirsty to me.
Their relationship is sickening and seems fake