By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Yung Berg lost his gig on “Love and Hip Hop Hollywood” because he reportedly assaulted fellow former LHHH costar Masika Kalysha but he’s still having quite a bit of drama despite no longer being on the reality show.
Last year a woman blasted him on Instagram and accused him of not taking care of a child he fathered, and now she’s once again airing him out.
Rhymes with Snitch writes:
Yung Berg’s baby mama puts the rapper on blast for abandoning their son and asked her followers to tag Berg in the post because he blocked her.
I forgot Yung Turd’s punk a-s even existed.
Me too and I want to go back to that.
Yung Turd? Sis…LMBO
He’s such a loser to me.
I can’t stand deadbeats.
Karma will get him.
It already has and will continue to do so.
F-ck boy.
Looks like him.
This childish is behavior. I understand she is frustrated with Yung Berg, but this isn’t going to help the situation. She don’t think putting this info on social won’t have an effect on her child because it will. The whole world don’t need to know your personal business.Why waste time on negativity when you a child yo focus on. Also, take his a-s to court if money is what she is seeking.