Draya Confirms Pregnancy
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Amanda is a TV junkie with a passion for all things reality television. She's from Decatur, GA.
I hope they understand they can’t be breaking up every other day now. She looks cute preggers.
They sure can’t. And with her being pregnant, she can’t be out here being stressed about their relationship. I sincerely hope they have worked out their issues. A new baby will only make a bad relationship worse.
I knew it!!
Yeah she was looking a little pregnant in the face lately. Well she has him for 18 years now. He better act right.
Lawd they gotta stop having those wild fights now. Congrats to them.
Good luck to them both. And I mean that.
this baby is probably a result of one of their passionate breakups to makeups lmao
Wow. She’s beautiful prego! Just like Evelyn Lozada ,they both carry their weight in such a graceful manner .It will quickly shed , I’m sure .CONGRATS DRAYA FACE LOLZ .
They are about to have a full house. When’s the wedding?
Well alirghty then.
Got em!
Chick deleted her hoeness like a mof-cka.
Draya is not messing around. She is getting her career on a good track and now she’s got Orlando by the balls for at least 18 years. Next up, the wedding. She is on the Evelyn path I guess. Except Orlando doesn’t have as much money of course.