Actress Lela Rochon Explains Why She Threw Away ‘The Help’ Script

Lela Rochon made a recent appearance on “Oprah: Where Are They Now?” And during the interview, she revealed she passed up on auditioning for “The Help” when she got the script because she wasn’t fond of the idea of playing a maid.

The Huffington Post writes:

Then, as Rochon chose to focus on her family, her professional momentum slowed. It was a decision she made happily, but, looking back, Rochon tells “Oprah: Where Are They Now?” that there were opportunities for which she could have made some exceptions.

“There were things I was offered that I probably should have done, just to stay relevant,” she admits.

One of those things happened to be a future award-winning phenomenon.

“I didn’t go in and read or pursue ‘The Help,’” Rochon says with a sheepish smile. “I actually threw the script in the trash can.”

On the surface, Rochon took issue with her potential role.

“I wasn’t a fan of the idea of playing a maid,” she says.

In context, the role might have made more sense, but Rochon hadn’t read the novel either. “I didn’t really get it,” she says. “I was like… ‘Eh, I’m not really interested in that.’”


Lela also revealed that she also passed up on auditioning for “The Matrix” as well because she didn’t understand the plot.

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  1. Like she was going to get the part in the help anyways bye Lela. She obviously ain’t serious about acting anymore because she knows she can fall back on her movie director husband.

  2. There’s really no respectful way for me to say this but she’s a damn fool. Now people have been wondering what happened to her and now we know. It’s a shame because I always thought she was a good actress.

  3. What’s stupid? She didn’t understand the matrix movie just like sure none of u did. I didn’t understand what the f-ck was goin on in 1, 2 , or 3. What’s the movies about? She said she should have taken parts to stay relevant. But she didn’t need the $$$

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