Bow Wow Says He Has Never Experienced Racism

Bow Wow is refusing to vote in the election because he has lost faith in the political system, and folks have been trying their hardest to change his mind on social media.

When reminded that this election is very important to African-Americans and he should understand that considering he’s most likely been disadvantaged in the industry due to his race, Bow Wow told a follower that he has never experienced racism.

Check out his tweet regarding having privilege below:

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  1. I wish this f-ckboi would shut up! I’m mixed too and trust me I’ve encountered some form of racism no matter how subtle. He’s not immune. This affects all of us.

    1. Whoops… I didn’t mean to refer to him as mixed. His mom is black and his dad looks black (mixed but still black). How does that make him mixed? He sounds like Sereyah.

  2. He’s never experienced it because he’s not smart enough to recognize it…. I’m sure he says things like this for attention. They should stop trying to convince him to vote, stupid people shouldn’t vote- that’s how we ended up with a tea party congress !

  3. Sigh…racism is one of the reasons he will never star in a blockbuster film. It’s why he will always be a sidekick to a white actor on TV, and why he was forced to get BET money a few years ago to survive. But he needs to feel like a special snowflake for some reason. Whatever.

  4. This is what happens when parents don’t raise their kids right. He is so disconnected from reality and his people and it’s sad.

  5. He started in the industry as a child and he appears to be quite sheltered so maybe he hasnt experienced it. He clearly has an excessive amount of free time on his hands and feeding into what he says is exactly what he wants

  6. I wish everybody would just ignore him because black blogs and writers are the only way he is surviving and keeping his name out there. Let him fade into oblivion he doesn’t deserve backlash he wants this attention not fooling me. He deserves for people to be indifferent he doesn’t matter on to the next story please.

  7. I’m over him and all the rest of the black celebrities who don’t even want to be empathetic to their own people.

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