‘Married to Medicine’ Recap: Dr. Simone & Mariah Call out Quad + Dr. Jackie Gets Clarity

Damon arrives to Barbados.

Dr. Heavenly is happy to see him and gives him a hug and a kiss when he arrives to their hotel room.

Curtis and Dr. Jackie take a stroll on the beach and talk. In a green screen interview, Jackie says she was able to reconnect with Curtis at her own pace back at home.

But in Barbados, she doesn’t get to control how they connect and she’s around her friends. She doesn’t like any of this.

Dr. Jackie brings up what happened with Toya and she tells Curtis he needs to be mindful of his actions considering what happened with the other woman.

Curtis says he hears her but he’s not going to let anyone make him fearful of being himself.

In a green screen interview, Jackie says the situation with Toya was disrespectful.

Dr. Heavenly comes through for Dr. Damon.

The group goes out to lunch.

Dr. Heavenly takes Dr. Damon to somewhere special, but doesn’t disclose where they are going. His father is from Barbados and their toxic relationship is why he pushed himself to be a great father and do well financially.

In a green screen interview, Damon says that he resents his father for not being around much.

On the bus, as the group heads to lunch, Dr. Jackie isn’t saying much. Toya asks her about her silence. Jackie throws some shade in her green screen interview.

“Toya, I have a lot of things on my mind. But you’re not one of them.” – Jackie

In a green screen interview, Toya says she feels like Jackie is upset about her and Curtis’ interaction the night before.

Eugene feels like Toya and Curtis played too much way too soon.

Heavenly takes Damon to the church that his father was buried.

“Damn, that’s something.” – Damon

This makes Damon emotional as Heavenly went through a lot to locate his father’s grave.

They walk outside to see the grave.

“I’m at a loss for words.” – Damon

He explains that it feels surreal and he wishes he would have seen more of his father while he was alive.

Damon recalls meeting his father when he was 16, he told him that he loved him and forgave him for not being around.

He’s not sure if his father’s disappearance was all his fault, either. He’s very touched about what Heavenly did.

“I’ll never forget the moment for the rest of my life. That was a big deal. It was a real special thing you did.” – Damon

On the bus, Toya tells the group that Eugene and she didn’t have s*x the night before. This irritates Eugene and he says he wishes Toya would stop telling the group such personal details.

When the group gets to the restaurant, they notice Greg and Quad trying to be affectionate. Greg kisses on her and Quad complains about him ruining her lipstick.

In a green screen interview, Dr. Contessa says it’s obvious that Quad and Greg’s marriage is strained.

Quad irritates the group.

Heavenly and Damon arrive to the restaurant.

She explains that they stopped by Damon’s father’s grave.

“He passed in 89.” – Damon

Heavenly gets emotional discussing how much she went through to find out the church.

During this conversation, Quad interrupts and says she needs some salt, pepper, and ketchup.

“It’s not all about you, Quad. It’s about this baby right here.” – Dr. Simone

In a green screen interview, Dr. Simone wonders if Quad has a constant need to get all the attention out the group.

Quad says she knows it’s not all about her, and Simone tells her she’s being rude.

In a green screen interview, Heavenly says Quad only cares about herself and it shows.

Heavenly then continues to speak on Damon’s father, and breaks down in tears. Simone sheds a few tears with her.

The husbands discuss things that were said at the couple’s game the other night. They tell Dr. Greg that he was too reckless.

Heavenly tells the group that she scheduled a session with a s*x therapist for all the couples. She looks at Toya as she says this and Toya questions why but Heavenly doesn’t answer.

The lightbulb comes on for Jackie.

Later on, the couples get together to have dinner.

The s*x therapist arrives.

Her name s Dr. Tiffanie. The first question she asks is where is the most interesting place the couples have made love. At this point, Damon accidentally breaks his glass.

He says it was a mistake and the group finds humor in this.

Toya answers the question and she says she would like for it to be the balcony.

In a green screen interview, Toya says Eugene “finishes” too fast and Eugene says she’s mediocre.

Dr. Tiffanie then asks who is the most passionate in the bedroom.

Dr. Simone says Cecil but he’s not very affectionate.

He doesn’t tell her he loves her and she wishes he would at least call and tell her he’s thinking about her.

Dr. Tiffanie says that Cecil needs to think about this more.

Curtis asks Dr. Tiffanie how does one convince their spouse to try new things in the bedroom. This annoys Jackie.

In a green screen interview, Dr. Heavenly says that Curtis already had a 3some without Jackie.

Curtis tells Dr. Jackie that he wants to spend more time with her and he feels like she works a lot. This doesn’t sit well with Dr. Contessa. She whispers some insults about Curtis to her husband Scott.

“He’s selfish as sh*t. He’s a f*cking a*shole.” – Dr. Contessa

Dr. Jackie says she’s committed to her patients as a breast cancer survivor.

Dr Tiffanie says that Dr. Jackie and Curtis’ marriage is just as important as her patients.

In a green screen interview, Dr. Jackie says that maybe her marriage to Curtis is dying and needs to be saved.

After Dr. Tiffanie wraps up and says her goodbyes, Toya and Eugene briefly contemplate having s*x. Toya demands they do it on the beach, and Curtis says he prefers a bathroom, however, they do end up finding common ground and make love in the shower.

Dr. Simone scheduled a health screening for all the doctors. She wants to provide free medical check ups to the local residents.

They are doing blood pressure screenings.

Eventually, the doctors start taking each others blood pressure.

Eugene’s is 180/110.

Dr. Jackie says it’s dangerous and could cause a stroke. She says he needs be taken to the hospital but he says he feels fine. He’s been working out so he hasn’t been feeling like taking his high blood pressure medication.

Eugene says he feels fine and Dr. Jackie says he needs to take some medication while on the trip just to be safe.

Dr. Contessa tells Eugene he needs to lighten up on working and he needs to make his health a priority.

Toya tells Mariah she feels like Eugene works too much and needs to take better care of himself.

The group gets back on the bus and get ready to get on a boat.

It turns out to be a yacht with an onboard chef. Everyone is impressed.

Simone and Mariah call out Quad.

On the yacht. Eugene tells Toya that he knows he needs to do something about his weight and his lifestyle. As result, Eugene also will get back on hypertension medication.

“I’ve heard that before.” – Toya

Dr. Contessa says that Mariah is actually cooler than she thought. Mariah says she knows her tone is a problem and causes conflicts, but she feels like Quad is never checked for hers.

Quad gets angry and starts arguing with Mariah, who doesn’t back down.

Simone admits that Mariah makes a good point.

“We have taken it a lot easier on Quad than each other because we know that she’s sensitive. – Simone

“But that’s bullsh*t. Bullsh*t.” – Mariah

Quad doesn’t feel like she gets any passes in the group.

“I have never gotten a break in this group!” – Quad

Simone then gets angry and says that Quad isn’t being honest. Quad is also very angry. As a result, they get in each other’s faces and start yelling.

“You place yourself on a pedestal!” – Simone


What are your thoughts on the episode?

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  1. I have been waiting for Quad to be called out forever. She has always gotten away with everything while Mariah can’t even breathe without them jumping on her.

    1. It’s about time someone called Quad out. She thinks she is all that and a bag of chips and everyone has gone along with her. She is mean spirited and wrapped up in herself. Thinks she is always right and no one else opinion matters

  2. Quad really thought she was going to get everyone to gang up on Mariah again but they were all sick of her mess at that point. Great episode.

    1. Yes, yes, I was so glad to see Quad get a taste of her own medicine, she is too uppity for me. Straight outta the hood into money by marrying a doctor who she really cares nothing about. Dr Gee need to cut his losses and let her booshi a-s hit it.i agree with Jordan’s memory, Heavenly is the devil and fake as hell

      1. It’s O>K> to come from nothing and make a better life for yourself an your an your family, that doesn’t make u Uppity! it makes u smart keep striving for the best u can be.#Your Aunt C

  3. She still the devil! If I was Jackie I would have been pissed at what she said about that threesome. I just don’t know where she is getting the strength from because she seems more happy now that her husband cheated on her then she did before, and that comment he made about needing attention after what he did to his wife is just disgusting!

  4. I just can’t believe how good this season has been. I look forward to a new episode every Friday. And someone needs to call Simone out too. She is the biggest sh-t starter on the show.

    1. That he is.. Jackie needs to leave him right where he landed. He’ll do it again. He’s not even out of hot water & talking smack….. Do you boo, just do it someplace i’m not.

    1. It’s OK to strive to be the best u can be, that don”t make u Uppity! it makes u wanting a better life for u and your family, i know that’s your goal because that’s want your father instill in U.#Your Aunt

  5. As a Barbadian I was highly offended by the clip that I saw which suggested that we have a poor health care system here and that these realty show actresses were here to bring blood pressure testing to the people.

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