‘Black Ink Crew’ Star Richard & Baby Mama Kathie Shade Each Other on Social Media

If you’ve been keeping up with the current season of “Black Ink Crew,” then you already know that Richard Duncan is attempting to be a better man now that he’s married to Nikki.

The couple recently had a baby, so Richard feels like it’s time for him to form better relationships with his other children and their mothers.

He also wants all of the kids to have relationships with one another.

So Richard attempted to have a meeting with Nikki, Cooley and Kathie.

As they discussed the kids, the conversation got tense.

Richard accused Kathie of keeping him away from their son.

But Kathie claimed she’s done nothing to prevent Richard from being around their son.

That’s when Nikki called Kathie out for wanting full custody.

At this point, Kathie stormed out of the meeting.

Nikki then urged Richard to go outside and apologize to Kathie.

He did just that and Kathie said she would not step in the way of him having a relationship with their son.

Although the meeting ended on a positive note, both Kathie and Richard took to social media to call each other out after the episode aired:

Read Kathie’s tweets from bottom to top:

Read Richard’s tweets from bottom to top:

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  1. Richard can’t change the narrative. He’s a deadbeat father and former druggie. So he can’t place blame on any baby mama for not trusting that he’s changed.

  2. It’s interesting how he’s trying to shame Kathie about her temper but he doesn’t seem to own his own issues.

  3. Richard should be thankful Kathie didn’t whoop Nikki’s a-s because we all know she could have. Nikki was trying to talk sh-t but Richard really ain’t trying to be in any of his kids lives except the baby he just had with Nikki.

    1. That’s when I realized Kathie really has changed. The old Kathie would have mushed Nikki’s head into the table. In front of the baby and everything.

  4. All of this could have been avoided if Richard wasn’t out here impregnating women left and right. His life will never be peaceful.

  5. And he’s probably still not in their son’s life. That’s what really makes me shake his head. He’s not serious and wants to pretend he’s changed so much. Please.

  6. The episode was weird because Nikki isn’t much different from Richard. She abandoned her own son just to be with Richard and do a reality show. And then when someone called her out on this, she fought them while she was supposedly pregnant. So I don’t think she needed to talk down to Kathie. She’s a mess too.

    1. Agree with you. Nikki acts like she’s bipolar. She wears the pants. O’Sh-t need to take Nikki’s drawers off and be the father his kids need, not Nikki’s biotch.

  7. Both of them can have a stadium of seats. Neither is better than the other. I’ve been watching since season one so I know the history. I will say this. Richard hasn’t been a good father to his kids because he didn’t want to be. He made a lot of bad decisions so he can’t expect all the mothers of his kids to forget that just because he’s married now. Naw, you have to prove you have changed.

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