‘Black Ink Crew’ Recap: Mike Finds out the Results of Paternity Test + Teddy Returns

Cease gives the gang an update.

Donna updates Sky on what happened when her plan with Alex was executed. Sky still isn’t sure the advice was bad. They change the topic and the group discusses the Brooklyn shop. They know there are a lot of reasons why Cease shouldn’t move forward. But when Cease comes into the shop, he tells them that he’s decided to move forward with the grand open. Talking to Corey’s mom really put things into perspective.

However, they only have 6 days to get everything done. So he will need everyone to make this a success. So he tells everyone to get a costume for J’Ouvert. And he rented a house in Brooklyn for everyone to stay while they work on the grand opening.

Jess’ son meets Walt.

Walt takes some time off work to meet Jess’ son Xavier. In a green screen interview, Jess says that she and Xavier have agreed to pull a prank with this meeting. They play some basketball and talk. Xavier talks Walt into a bet. If he wins the basketball game, he will decide if Walt can date Jess or not. If Walt wins, he can continue to date Jess. Xavier wins by one point. But he tells Walt he’s fine with him dating Jess.

Teddy is back.

After missing in action for a while, Teddy returns to the shop. He’s cold with Puma and Cease. But he persuades them to go outside to talk. Teddy apologizes for being hard on Puma. He realizes that he’s just overprotective of Cease. He also tells Cease that his brother got into a fight with a corrections officer. On top of that, his mother is sick. So he’s really been stressed out. Puma and Cease tell Teddy that they are here for him and they will help out any way possible.

The gang arrives at the Brooklyn house Cease rented for them. They have four days to get everything in line for the shop’s opening. On the first night, they have some performers come through before Cease gives a speech. He even gets a congressional award.

Mike’s paternity test results are in.

Sky, Q, and Mike go to a costume shop to get costumes for J’Ouvert. While trying on things, Mike’s roommate texts him that the paternity test results have arrived. Mike is nervous to find out if he’s a father or not.

Donna tells Young Bae she hasn’t spoken to Alex since the fake wedding. He’s really upset with her. Bae tells Donna that she wishes she would have taken her time with Rob. And Donna should take things slow with Alex.

Quani talks to Puma. She warns him to be careful at J’Ouvert. The crew is attending to promote the new shop. But Quani says people have been hurt there in the past.

The results are disappointing.

Mike runs home to get the paternity test results. He opens the envelope with Sky. And he finds out that he’s not the father. It’s disappointing for Mike because he was preparing to be a dad.

J’Ouvert begins. Everyone has a good time until they are rushed to get away from a disturbance that turns out to be rowdy teenagers. As they begin to move, Mike says he can’t breathe. He then collapses. Mike is actually having a panic attack. But he starts to feel a little better and Cease throws water on him. In a green screen interview, Cease says throwing water on people who have fainted always works on TV.

After Mike gets up and begins to walk around, the gang continues to enjoy J’Ouvert.

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