‘Greenleaf’ Recap: Grace Learns the Truth About AJ

Greenleaf Season 4 Episode 7 Reunited
Photo Credit: OWN

AJ hides out with Sophia.

In a panic, Grace calls Sophia looking for AJ. Sophia tells Grace he hasn’t spoken to her and she doesn’t know where AJ is. However, AJ’s hiding out in her dorm room. She asks AJ why he can’t go home, believing he’s innocent. AJ remains mum on the question.

Meanwhile, Charity’s in a really good mood, talking to herself in the mirror gloating her recent successes in diming out her sister to Phil. She then joins James with her sibling for a chat. Charity defends Phil to her family. James stops this spat to tell his kids he’s proposing to Mae. Interestingly enough, Mae listens in on this meeting learning about James’ plans.

Kerissa’s gets a text from Fernando as she’s preparing to move out.

Later on, Karine calls Mae about Misty and the Board’s desire to take her name off the scholarship fund.

Charity’s confronted about Phil.

Jacob also confronts Charity about being caught kissing Phil in his office. She tells her brother that she’s in love with Phil. Grace overhears this argument but Jacob keeps Charity’s fling a secret from Grace.

When Charity gets to the church, she tells Phil not to send the file about the Police recording. She tells him it’s because Jacob saw her kissing. Phil gives her 24 hours to decide if he really wants him not to send it. He tells her that it’s his highest priority to keep her trust and love.

Back at Sophia’s dorm, AJ says he only stopped by to see her because she was the only one who treated him like family. Their conversation was quite tense and AJ treated Sophia disrespectfully.

Meanwhile, Zora’s halfway listening to Dante’s girlfriend venting about Dante but Zora’s more concerned about the Bible. This angers Nicki and she walks out as a result.

Grace learns Kerissa and Jacob sold their land to Harmony & Hope.

Grace is speaking to someone who sold their strip of land to Fernando. He paid top dollar and Grace hasn’t figured out he’s working with Harmony and Hope.

Later on, Jacob returns to Calvary to confront Phil about his relationship with Charity. He warns Phil to tread lightly about Charity, not to hurt her. Or else he has to answer to God.

Sophia still cares about AJ and takes some of her money, placing it in his bag. However, she comes across a bag of prescription pills. Fernando, meanwhile, asks Kerissa some interesting questions about who would inherit the Greenleaf mansion in the event of James and Mae’s demise. He then gives her a passionate kiss.

AJ returns to a distraught Sophia who found the pills. She goes off on him and tries to stop him from leaving. But this is futile as he walks out.

Mae stops by the church to speak to Misty about the Scholarship Fund. Mae learns one of Mac’s victims approached the board with the idea. Despite Mae’s pleading, Misty doesn’t budge. While in Fernando’s office, Grace runs into Kerissa, who’s nonchalant about the recent sale. Grace also gets stonewalled by Fernando. When Mae leaves, Fernando calls Bob.

Mae opens about her abuse story.

Back at the church, Mae runs into Dalene and Vida to speak about the fund. She also apologizes for what Mac did to her.

Zora’s asking for advice from James about her friendship with Nicki. James tells Zora that all she can do is love, listen and wait. Aaron helps Grace dig into Fernando’s company. He discovers that Harmony & Hope owns that company.

Mae does her best to convince Vida to keep her name on the Scholarship Fund. Vida doesn’t believe Mae didn’t know about Mac’s happenings. Mae reveals her father abused her the way Mac abused Vida and others. That blinded her from seeing what Mac was really doing.

Vida convinces Mae to speak to the board about her revelation.

Mae accepts James’ proposal.

Finally, Charity and Jacob are preparing to sing for their parents when Grace walks in to spoil the good news. Grace tells Jacob that he and Kerissa sold their land to Harmony & Hope. Out of retaliation, Jacob reveals Charity’s in love with Phil. This argument angers James and he misses his chance to propose.

Nicki stops by Zora’s as Dante kicked her out. Zora welcomes her in to stay with open arms. Meanwhile, Mae’s in her closet crying. Mae opens up to James about her meeting with the board. Although she knew he was going to propose, he doesn’t get to ask.

His mood changes when he gets an answer anyway; she says yes.

Jacob speaks with Kerissa about their recent sale but their son is in their bed so he stops himself, heading into another room to sleep. The next morning, Charity heads into Phil’s office to confront him about Harmony and Hope’s recent purchases. However, he didn’t know what was going on. Sophia also returns home to see Grace. She tells Grace everything that happened, telling Grace AJ did steal the drugs.

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