It’s been hard for Lyrica Anderson and A1 Bentley to move forward.
Lyrica Anderson and A1 Bentley opened up about their marital issues on “Love And Hip Hop Hollywood.” The couple bonded over their passion for music. But oftentimes their careers in the music industry would cause them to clash. However, infidelity eventually became the main source of their problems. As for Lyrica, she was devastated that A1 cheated. However, A1 felt like Lyrica was hypocritical. He accused her of stepping out as well. This is something Lyrica denied. In fact, she said that she only dated other people when they were separated. So in her opinion, she didn’t cheat. And they weren’t together at the time.
Interestingly enough, another source of tension for them was their mothers. They don’t get along. Sometimes this was a focal point on LHHH. At times, the two mothers nearly came to blows, too. This was addressed when A1 and Lyrica appeared on “The Conversation.” The Zeus Network show didn’t do much to help their marriage either. And Lyrica said she wanted to walk away because A1’s mother Pam is ghetto and she’s tired of all the drama.
Well, Lyrica and A1 gave it another go on the latest season of “Marriage Boot Camp.” By the end of the program, Lyrica decided she needed more time to see how serious A1 is about getting back together. This disappointed A1. However, Lyrica’s conversation with Dr. Ish Major made her realize staying for the sake of their son wasn’t a healthy decision.
Although Lyrica appreciated the advice from Dr. Ish, she didn’t appreciate a tweet he penned about her situation. So she called him out.
Click next for the details.
I know a lot of fans think Dr. Ish can do no wrong but he seems so unprofessional to me. He doesn’t act like an actual therapist at times.
Gangsta Boo made solid points about him as well but people were too determined to drag her for her addiction than admit that this man does questionable things as a therapist. I don’t like how he handled the Tahiry and Vado situation either.
Lyrica played herself going on MBC knowing she wasn’t getting back with Steak Sauce.
Dr. Ish isn’t going to tip toe around your feelings at all. They all got it not just Lyrica.
One thing for sure when you marry someone it is and what you and your significant other wants. One thing for sure, you didn’t marry the mother’s. They need to hear you from both sides and help them figure out if they want to continue the marriage and truly listen to both sides and make them both understand this what has happened and areaing your marriage on air is not the best way. Always talk to each other after the fire in both has been put out to talk to each other. Marriage counseling may work but the main person you need in your marriage is God. He’s the only one and not others if you want to be married or not
Lyrica’s mom is the biggest problem she had in her marriage and she can never check her mom. Her mom was the start of the issues with her mother in law. If she doesn’t check her. Her mom might ruin her next marriage.