Martell Holt and Melody Holt took a huge step back in their co-parenting relationship.
“Love & Marriage: Huntsville” star Martell Holt is back in the headlines. Days ago, Melody Holt made an interesting revelation during an interview. She told The Shaderoom that her ex-husband is currently suing her for full custody. And the current legal battle has stalled her from changing her name officially. She wants to legally change her name to Melody Shari. But she was told that the proceeding regarding custody means she can’t move forward until the custody situation has been handled in court. So the whole situation has been very eye-opening for Melody. She also thinks it’s interesting that Martell is doing this since they have always had joint custody because it seemed like the fair thing to do. Plus, joint custody was the best option that put their children first.
When Martell threatened to fight for full custody in the past, he accused Melody of working too much. He said Melody would travel a lot for work, and it just made sense that their children just live with him full-time. Interestingly enough, some LAMH fans felt like Martell was being unreasonable. And they pointed out that single mothers have to work to provide for their children. So Martell’s threat to take them away from Melody was just a means to get even with Melody for divorcing him.
Well, the drama continues. Hours ago, Martell posted to Instagram about taking the children to school for their first day back. And some felt like Martell threw shade in the caption.
He wrote, “Certain things as parents we shouldn’t miss. I won’t miss birthdays, holidays, school functions…well, I guess I ain’t miss anything! 🤣.” Martell continued, “HAPPY 1st day back to my 5th, 4th, and 1st graders! Smart and very well-rounded kids.”
Melody Holt’s cousin has had enough of Martell Holt.
Melody’s cousin was not having it. So she called out Martell on Facebook. In her post, she wrote, “Let me just gon head and sit this BS here and call it out for what it is!!! You really mad that she ain’t show up for your publicity stunt this morning and came later for the very reason!! It had nothing to do with the kids but everything to do with your ego being hurt!! But pop your **** sis 🥴🥴 Heavy on the SIS! Cause it’s giving I’m on my period energy! 🥴”
She continued, “This is interesting because in 2020 I remember my cousin having to rush and grab a Christmas tree and gifts two days before Christmas because he decided not to be with them nor did he gift them ONE gift. He also skipped Sugar Mama’s birthday the same year (her first birthday). Then Mel invited us to Mariah and Maliah’s birthday parties THIS year and told us he’s been invited just to make us aware (so we could play nice). Guess what he was? A no-show.”
When one Facebook user called her out for slamming Martell, she stood firm.
She said, “…I’ve never once came for Martell as a father! I’ve actually defended him in some accusations or stayed quiet. This is a temper tantrum because Mel wouldn’t take a pic!! So yeah I’m calling it out for what it is! BS! 🤷🏽♀️”
Check out the screenshots in the video below.
I don’t buy into the narrative of Martell being an amazing father. He treats Melody like trash and put his d-ck before his children multiple times. Fatherhood is more than IG posts and being present for birthday parties and keeping your kids for two weeks. How you treat the mother of your children matters as well. And it matters a lot which is why Martell will have a lot to explain when his children are old enough to ask questions and do research about his past decisions. I’ve seen adults fall out with their parents once they learned what happened when they were too young to know.
I said the same thing, when them kids get older to realize the oldest two, I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t even want to deal with him at all!!
Same. People be like he’s a great father and I’m like HOW?!! He’s a menace.
It’s crazy how Melody still tries to be considerate of Martell and he’s always doing whatever possible to hurt her. Yet Mel is always dragged by the fans and told she should do more to accommodate a man who wants to take her babies away from her just because she left him.
Who is still defending Martell? This man has put Melody through h-ll and you mean to tell me there are still women defending him? Really? Some women really will defend any type of foolishness as long as the problematic man is one they want to sleep with. Yuck. I’m side eying Sheree as well. Publicity stunt or not, she has always had bad taste in men. She has higher taste in home furnishings than the men she dates and sleeps with.
I typically try not to dislike people because of a reality show but I really, truly do not like Martell.
Martell isn’t going to get full custody, so he’s wasting his time and resources.
Hurt people hurt people Martell is That Melody don’t want nothing to do with them he needs to go back to his side chick where he thought it was so cute where is that pop tart at. Leave Melanie alone and Keith live in your trash life. I
Hurt people hurt people and Marcellus made that Melody divorced him he needs to go back with his pop thought that he ran around with and leave Melanie alone and try to get on with his dry life
Martel is a petty b-tch you can’t call him a man because he doesn’t act like one he won’t take responsibility for ruining in his family. There’s consequences to your actions you wanted your cake and eat it too too no that’s not the way the world works so what you need to do is get yourself together and work on being a better persand a better person and maybe a man.