Did Destiny Payton recently shade Melody Holt on Instagram Live?
Destiny Payton and Melody Holt fell out on “Love & Marriage: Huntsville.” Since then, fans have been very vocal about their situation. And some have strong opinions about who is at fault. As for Melody, she wanted to move on from the friendship after Destiny was critical of her history as a friend at the Season 3 reunion. Melody gave Destiny thousands of dollars to pay her divorce attorney as well as other bills. So she didn’t understand why Destiny was upset that she started to text more than she called when it came down to their communication. Meanwhile, Destiny wanted to hear from Melody more. And she didn’t understand why they went from talking almost every other day to text messages when the show wasn’t filming. However, Melody said she needed a break from the cast for mental health reasons. She thought Destiny would understand this.
Well, Destiny was on Instagram Live recently. And she wanted to answer some questions from her supporters.
One Instagram user asked her how she felt about people “downplaying” her. Destiny took this moment to seemingly address her feelings about being compared to Melody on social media.
Destiny said, “That used to really, really get on my nerves the comparison and all that other stuff because I’ve been Destiny before ‘Love & Marriage: Huntsville.’ Let me pop my **** a little bit. Come on now. Stop playing with me. But anyway, no. I think it’s purposeful. You can never dim anybody’s light no matter who it is.”
She also seemingly got shady when someone said that they appreciate that Destiny is real, “Keep being authentic…I’m saying because people like the fake. Seems like people are enjoying the fake way more than the authentic these days.”
Destiny added, “Seems like people are really more into the fake even when you can see that it ain’t real. The narratives that are being sold are very inauthentic.”
Destiny Payton also defended Martell Holt amid backlash over his wine business.
One of Destiny’s supporters took to the comment section to complain about Martell Holt’s new wine company, Inest. Some fans have alleged that they haven’t been receiving their orders on time. And Destiny wasn’t having it.
“Y’all kill me. Listen, you know what, y’all kill me tryna down businesses. You ordered stuff from Amazon and I’m sure it didn’t come within the time frame…order stuff from other places…we’re Black-owned businesses. We’re Black business owners that are creating brands and figuring it out as we go. A lot of these older companies went through the same thing so y’all stop bashing people and try to find a way to support.”
She continued, “And also, let him know, hey, send a message. Stay on him. Things happen.”
I don’t understand how Melody is fake when she has shared more about her life than Destiny has. Truth be told, LAMH wouldn’t even still be on TV now if it wasn’t for Melody and Martell’s choice to be authentic. LAMH wouldn’t even have made it to season 2. Those two are the reasons anyone even watches and the DC show happened.
“I don’t understand how Melody is fake when she has shared more about her life than Destiny has.”
Thank you!
Don’t like Destiny at all. She’s so stank. Jealous of Melody 🤭
Destiny you need to 🛑 STOP. You are not liked. Melody make the whole Cast look STUPID. Can you see WHY all the Women surrendering themselves around Martell as well as yourself like Flies on Do Do cuz he was a MAN with Melody and all you Loose Un Marriage Women wants what Melody has. You head a BABY but we know you needed that 😜 to make your Story Line. You are TEAM Martell and we are know WHY. Destiny you need to STOP using the Black Card ♠️♦️ just do your JOBS
Very anti-black comments from Destiny on the black business side. Suggesting that black people can’t properly create and run businesses without being raggedy is rooted in racism and anti-blackness narratives. Black people can and do create and run businesses efficiently. I do it, Melody does it, and Stormi does it. The problem is Martell has no idea what he is doing. Instead of enabling him, get him in touch with someone who can help. Do not expect black people to tolerate bad business practices because we’re black. I’ve never had an Amazon package be late. However, Amazon does have policies in place for late, damaged, and stolen packages. What are Martell’s policies for disgruntled customers? No one should have to stay on him to get the items they paid for. That’s unprofessional. And inconsiderate.
Destiny acts like a pick me and I’m over it. She defends Martell all day long but has higher standards for the women she’s friends with. I don’t care for women like that.
Is Destiny out of her mind? People work had as f-ck for our money. When we buy something online, we expect it to make it to our house in a timely manner and good condition. If you can’t do that, then don’t start a business. I’m tired of everyone including our own expecting us to have low standards about how we’re treated just because we’re Black. If you want a successful business, run it like you have some sense. D-mn.
Destiny sounds jealous. Honestly a good bit of that cast is jealous of Melody and it’s pathetic. When someone is successful, study what they do and tailor it to make your own lane. She’s too busy shading Melody and defending Martell when she has her own business to run. Imagine caring about mess more than your own business. Makes no sense.
Destiny should have never lied about not hearing from Melody. Melody was there for her. She really doesn’t have a storyline without Melody or Martell. She lied about getting a ppp. She’s really just a liar
Hate and jealousy will block your blessings. When you learn how to be happy for people and focus on yourself, that’s when the blessings start to pour in. Destiny needs to do better. I miss the confident and loyal friend and boss she used to be on the show.
That “give me grace because I’m a black business owner” mindset is a guaranteed way to not stay in business very long. No one cares. They expect great customer service regardless. Martell better straighten up before the Better Business Bureau gets involved.
Destiny is the LAMH Sheree. She picked the wrong team to be on and it’s sad to see.
Sigh…I am so disappointed in Destiny. She threw a genuine friendship away for absolutely no reason and her loyalty to Martell will never be reciprocated. Notice how he wasn’t trying to help her pay her bills like Melody did.
Melody is not a nice person. She seems stuck up. I can understand why DESTINY feel like. Melody fans need to get over themselves. 🙄
I agree!
It’s so funny to see Destiny so mad and pressed that Melody has so many fans who love her. All it does is make us support her more. I appreciate that Melody spends time on her socials talking about God, entrepreneurship, manifestation, and how to pray. It’s always good vibes when I watch her lives. It’s unfortunate that she gave Destiny all that money and support and it still wasn’t good enough. That’s how I know Destiny was never a real friend. And that’s okay because Melody’s life has been better since she left Destiny and Martell alone. Cut the deadweight in your life and you will prosper. Keep your head up Melody. We love you! You’re beautiful, successful, smart, and kind even to those who don’t appreciate it. But that’s okay because God continues to favor you. 💕
Melody is a confident and gorgeous woman so she’s going to have haters. I can understand why she now only sees these people as coworkers. The jealousy is crazy. I feel bad for the people who bought Martell’s wine. He should treat his customers better. Melody took her products with her when she went out of town so they would be shipped to her customers on time. You have to go above and beyond when you own a business. No excuses.
The day Melody leaves this show is when my desire to watch it will die. I love black women who are bosses. They inspire me. Stormi is very impressive as well.
I don’t even understand why Destiny is on the show. She has had no storyline since she has been on the show. Just because you dating Letisha’s/ Wanda’s family member you started hating on Mel. She has been more of a friend to you than you, to her. She stopped fooling with your ex.
Destiny get lost. Please. Jealousy will get you no where honey 😃
I think Destiny needs to educate herself more on business. She doesn’t have the right mentality and I believe that’s why she’s been having so many problems with her beauty supply store. No one who wants their business to succeed and expand has this viewpoint. You can’t sustain any business with unprofessional practices. Customers shouldn’t have to DM someone 100 times to get what they paid for shipped to their house. They shouldn’t have to DM at all. Once payment goes through, the shipping process is supposed to begin the next couple of business days. Amazon wouldn’t be what it is today if they started off not actually sending people their packages on time. It would have folded the first couple of years. Jeff was in his garage getting those packages out. His work ethic and passion to succeed was evident. Read about him.
Nah. Great customer service from day one will make any business a major success. It makes people want to continue to support your business. Destiny sounds silly here. I know Martell is her friend but this take ain’t it. Martell won’t be in business long if he doesn’t get it together.
Why is Destiny on the show???? What storyline does she have besides Melody?!?!…She no longer have a husband because he left and didn’t want to be on the show in the first place…and I don’t see anything she’s doing!!!! I’m just sicka her!!! Just go SAT down somewhere and do something with yaself!!! And ain’t nobody FAKER that her azz!!!
Destiny is very jealous of Melody. Destiny need to stop calling Melody fake it appears to be Destiny is the fake and phoney one.