RHOP fans are opinionated amid Candiace Dillard Bassett and Gizelle Bryant’s fallout.
Candiace Dillard Bassett and Gizelle Bryant are no longer in a good place. In fact, it’s uncertain if the “Real Housewives of Potomac” stars will ever be able to come back from the current drama. As we reported, Gizelle accused Chris Bassett of making her feel uncomfortable at last season’s reunion. She said she didn’t feel good about them having a private conversation in her dressing room without Candiace. But Chris asked her if they could talk. So she agreed to it.
Chris is hurt that Gizelle would say something like this. He said he had no intention of making her uncomfortable. He just thought that he and Gizelle had their own friendship. Gizelle and Robyn Dixon have been over to Chris and Candiace’s home many times even when the camera crew wasn’t there. And he’s happily cooked for them and made sure they enjoyed themselves. So she didn’t think it would be an issue if they spoke in her dressing room.
For Candiace, Gizelle’s actions feel way too much like a personal attack on Chris. She believes Gizelle finds people to target on the show so she won’t have to share too much about her personal life. And she credits Gizelle’s actions for stressing her out so much and making her IVF journey very difficult. At the time all of this was going on, Candiace was going through the process of freezing her eggs. On the recent episode, she said that her doctor said that her body wasn’t taking to the process. And that could be due to high-stress levels.
Candiace said more about this on Twitter. She tweeted, “Word 2the wise when embarking on an egg freezing journey: don’t do it while shooting a show w/ desperately poor unfortunate souls who will cry sexual assault for ratings. That was some of the hardest terrain I’ve ever climbed realizing outside factors could derail my journey.”
A lot of fans support Candiace when it comes to the accusation made about Chris. They also feel it was unfair for Candiace to have to deal with this during her IVF journey. However, some RHOP fans took issue with the tweet because they don’t agree that Gizelle accused Chris of ****** assault. Others feel Candiace was spot on.
Ms Candiace you’re having a bad time with your journey is because it’s not meant for you. You’re a mean spirited person, you gay bashed people and wish death on a person that actually died. God don’t like ugly. Karma is real and it comes back on you in different ways.. Change your heart and spirit and maybe things will change for you.
This! All of these Candice tweets/posts about Gizelle being old and wrinkled — like she’ll never age. Karma definately comes in diffrent ways and if Gizelle responded with her reproductive struggle is because of karma, Candice would go completely bonkers. She would try to get the entire IVF community to attack Gizelle saying she’s referring to all of them collectively. *of course she’d have that daggone tissue all the while*
Leather Neck Gizzle is mad because she doesn’t have a man and no man wants her so she wants everyone to be miserable like her.
I think Candiace is being melodramatic but Gizelle as being melodramatic first so hey 🤷🏾♀️😂
I am not feeling this storyline at all. I just want to fast forward to Mia vs Wendy and Karen vs Charrisse.
Chile Gizelle definitely is wrong but Candiace didn’t care when it was other people’s husbands she did this to. Fans tried to warn her. But she wouldn’t listen. Gizelle can’t be trusted.
Hunni…. Giselle understands the assignment….She did everything she could to get Monique off the show…She even turned everyone against her…She did the same thing to Karen about Ray… Wendy about Eddie…She can’t do much about Michael..And now Candice….it’s u about Chris!!! When will y’all understand that Giselle is playing her role to keep/have a storyline going for herself because she has nothing else going on!!! H-ll….Robyn just may be next…
But haven’t Gizelle kinda did these same exact things to other castrated hmmmmmmmm. Candice might have a point. But then look how Gizelle got at Ashley, what about Mia like damn Gizelle can start all this mess but she can’t be called out on her antics .. I mean it just can’t be Robyn calling Gizelle out on her stuff. What makes Gizelle so d-mn special..
It isn’t fair to Chris for them to be putting out a false narrative that he is making unwanted advances or making them feel uncomfortable. Outside of this show, he has a reputation and career he must continue and to me this is slandering his character. Some people believe what they see to be facts, specifically, if more than one person is saying it. So, you have half of the cast almost saying that Chris made them feel uncomfortable or made an unwanted advance. That’s not something to play with, especially in this “Me too” era. It also causes people to feel like women aren’t credible when they’re making true statements about something that truly did happen bc now we’re seeing women making false accusations. Its not fair to the man whose being accused. Gizelle should have spoken to Chris and Candiance off camera together and it should’ve been brought up immediately after it happened. I’m definitely questioning Gizelle’s intentions and motives, particularly, since she doesn’t really have much of a storyline going for herself. smh
The false narrative is coming from his wife, Candice is making it a storyline. Only thing Giselle stated was the conversation made her uncomfortable. If she felt some type of way, then it is what it is. Everyone else needs to move on from it. Candice will ALWAYS be the victim, but it’s her words that’s stirring the pot. You can’t tell another woman how she should feel about a conversation, you weren’t privy to.
Candance can throw it out there but dont lìke when some one throws it back
I think it’s really weird and gross how many fans are telling the women on this show to shut up because they are telling us and their co workers their spouses made them uncomfortable. The same thing was done to Ashley when Mia’s husband bothered her. Then he turned around and mimicked oral s-x to Karen. No outrage. But once again Karen and Ashley were made to move on because fans said so. I like Chris. But if the others don’t like him sending DMs, or having private conversations with him, they are entitled to feel that way. Chris is the only husband who feels the need to befriend his wife’s coworkers and be so involved in the show. And it’s weird. Candiace is the star not him.
Candiace is making it worse because no one said Chris s-xually assaulted them and it’s not cool that she would tweet that. Don’t link your husband to assault just because you want all the fans on your side. I think she takes this show way too seriously. You can tell Gizelle doesn’t really care about any of this. And that’s how you have to be on Real Housewives. If not the stress will be too much.
The whole situation just shows how hypocritical everyone is. All these complaints about Gizelle and comments about how evil she is BUT we all only literally watch this show to see these women berate, shade, and read each other. And if Gizelle didn’t do this kind of stuff, fans would call the show boring. 🙄
Candiace has done so much evil stuff to others and now it coming back to here 10x worse. Your husband should not be having no conversation, texts, or DM with any other women period. If Gizelle felt uncomfortable she has a right to say something about it. Grow up Candiace because you brought all this on yourself. It’s call KARMA
I feel Gizzelle desire everything she said and more. I really disliked what big mouth Gizzelle said about Candiace husband. Every man doesn’t want light skin Gizzelle. They did the same thing to Ashely husband.