Kenya Moore Says RHOA Performance is Lukewarm Because Producers Favor Marlo Hampton

Photo Credit: Bravo

Kenya Moore thinks Marlo Hampton is being protected by RHOA producers.

Real Housewives of Atlanta” star Kenya Moore has a lot of fans talking on social media. She recently had plenty to say during an interview with Carlos King. And she opened up about her issues with the current season. Kenya doesn’t feel like she’s being treated fairly by the producers. In fact, she thinks a lot of her scenes have been edited out. Kenya also believes Marlo Hampton is having a very different experience. In fact, Kenya alleged producers are editing things in a way that benefits Marlo tremendously. This is intentional, in Kenya’s opinion. Kenya is convinced producers are working hard to protect Marlo.

Considering Marlo isn’t on Kenya’s good side as of late, Kenya didn’t hold back her feelings about Marlo when Carlos brought her up.

She said, “You’re over here 6 weeks in, and you’re picking fights with Kandi that make no sense. After that ended and the managers got together and said let’s figure out a storyline and then you find Scotch Bright. You find Scotch Bright to sit up here and play your boyfriend. Okay, so that’s your new storyline. You’re so soft and gentle now all of a sudden.”

Marlo Hampton isn’t being real according to Kenya Moore.

Kenya added, “You’re so pink inside. It ain’t making sense. The math ain’t mathing. And everybody can see it. In fact, so many comments are like who is she blowing on production? What is happening?”

Carlos went on to ask, “Is Marlo being favored or protected?”

And Kenya answered, “Of course, yes, absolutely. That is what has taken the wind out of me this season. In part because it’s like no matter what I do, I was never protected. And that makes me ******* angry as a housewife. I was never protected.”

She continued, “I was always the one that everybody came for. Production was like we don’t GAF. And I got all the smoke. And I got no protection. You are sitting here making somebody who Season 1 lied about everything, including to everybody’s face about using the f-word. I didn’t say it, I didn’t say it, I didn’t say it…the f-bomb.”

Carlos interjected, “Yeah, yeah. The gay slur.”

Kenya had more to say, “Swore up and down she never said it. Until somebody had to produce the footage where she said it…If you’re gonna come and really show your life, show your life. We know the facts beyond the facts at this point. We don’t even have to say it. The money cannot be verified. The dates cannot be verified. The timelines cannot be verified. But that’s not what we’re talking about. We’re over here talking about Kandi and a restaurant.”

She continued with her point, “Then after that failed, then you’re over here chasing me around restaurants that got conveniently cut out. Group scenes, all kinds of scenes of mine conveniently got cut out, storylines of mine got cut out. But somehow an angel with foster care scene turns up and that makes the cut.”


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  1. Well, Kenya!

    I tell you what – from one Aquarius sister to another to another (Marlooow), Marlo isn’t done with anybody. I would bet my life that if Marlooow stays on the show, she is going to clash with Sheree again, Sanya, Monyetta, Ralph’s supposed to be cousin (whatever her name) and whoever else is on the show. She’s going to snap on her nephews again and any of the people from foster care.

    Marlooow suffers from grave, emotional and mental disorders. If she isn’t in therapy, she needs to be in therapy. She can have a life coach but she needs a psychiatrist. She’s that person who was hurt in childhood and she has never healed. So, to make herself feel better she wears nice clothes and that you do well. You may not know what to wear to fit the occasion but you can dress. However, what stands out about you is hurt and we know that HURT PEOPLE HURT PEOPLE. You continue to go after people. You wish you had Kandi, Kenya, Drew, Sanya & Monyetta’s Money and Power but YOU DON’T!

    The show is perishing! Get Back to Business or get Busy Going!

    I wish all of you ladies the best. One rotten apple can spoil the whole bunch.

    1. Is this not the character Kenya has portrayed since entering the scene. LET ME READ THIS AGAIN:
      She’s that person who was hurt in childhood and she has never healed. So, to make herself feel better she wears nice clothes and that you do well. However, what stands out about you is hurt and we know that HURT PEOPLE HURT PEOPLE

      1. Glenda,

        Do you not see where Kenya has made some progress? That is totally the difference. We all can be judged on who we once were and who some of us are still.

        Growth, healing and progress is the key and that’s an everyday task for the rest of our lives.

        Here and now, Marlooow is a sick cookie!

        I wish them all the best & you too!

      2. This is so true the pot can’t call the kettle black . Kenya is the worst . She tortured poor Porsha from day one until her last day on the show. She was down on Drew because The others were on her but now they are cool .Now it’s Marlo’s turn .For her to say she’s a strong black woman, I don’t see it . She follows Kandi ‘s lead and she’s a bully ..PERIOD .She was hurt in her life now she’s walking around playing victim spreading that hurt. It’s always a double standard with this chic as well.

  2. Kenya and Kandi sound like such weak housewives. Kandi argued she’s valuable because of the supporting cast around her. And Kenya blames her weak season on Marlo out of all people. It’s all so embarrassing.

    1. Well Queen, I don’t know if I agree totally with what you’re saying but I truly respect your right to say it. Yes, I do believe that this wasn’t a great season for Kandi. I have seen her double down and critisize Drew when she was feeling down. She even put Todd down about his movie. Kandi has her mother’s personality for sure.
      However, I’m team Kandi and I know she has a great heart. Another hurt soul! Kenya, is a businesswoman and someone who has truly been blessed. Her love life will have her to react emotionally to people. Just like Marloow, her Aquarius sister (Me too), they/we wear our feelings on our sleeves and we’re very sensitive people. Good hearted but sensitive!

      All of those women need healing! They need to get with Drew’s sister and start a healing campaign and get back to business. Take Cynthia Bailey with you!

      I wish them all the best because they all have great potential and worth.

    1. Yes and it serves her right, she tried to say Nene was lying. Well fool you are saying the same thing.
      Personally I feel marlow devalues the show. And I’m perso tired of this woe is me, from foster care.
      It Kenya I feel you and your 4 year divorce are getting just what you deserve, what made you think you were so special production wouldn’t do you like they did Mrs.Leaks.
      Get over it

  3. Kenya is favored by Bravo producers because she has nothing going on besides her divorce from Marc. Kenya has had the same storyline for years. Nevertheless I don’t disagree with Marlo being Favored also.

  4. Everybody knows this is a “scripted show!” The problem with RHOA this season is the “weak” writing, don’t know if it’s because of the Screenwriters strike or what. But Kenya can hold her own, be careful coming for her. And Kandi will whip your a-s, so don’t mess with her. Marlo’s character isn’t strong enough to carry the show because she lies through her teeth. Stop making her “the It girl!” And please please dump Courtney!!!

  5. Kenya description is the of herself. Marlo is doing what works for Kenya, nice clothes, fake relationships, being mean and messy. They are just alike. Two people who have issues that they use to explain horrible behavior.

    1. Exactly! They are both the same, messy, nasty and have fake relationships! Neither has a storyline. They have brought Cynthia back for a check. And she and Kenya are buddies again. Cynthia said on a radio show on satellite that she would never be friends with Kenya, because of the way she treated her on “Girls Trip.” Kenya was jealous that Cynthia married Mike. Kenya is elated that Cynthia’s marriage ended in divorce. She and Marlo are miserable and want everyone else to be too. They should be best friends!

  6. Thank God for Kenya and Miss Brooklyn! It’s amazing how something can happen to us to make us do a 360. I’m happy for Kenya and she has been blessed to get up and smile every day. Now, isn’t that a turnaround.

    That is what Marlo needs. Her nephews aren’t doing it because I believe that her reasoning for taking them in doesn’t seem genuine. Children make your life happy and then when they get older, they can make your life sad.

    But these are the days for all smiles and Kenya definitely has that.

  7. Marlo and Kenya are sh-t starters but Kenya is trying to change and Marlo is trying to keep up a lot of mess. I believe Marlo is a high priced call girl and need to not be on the show.

  8. I feel the show hasn’t been interesting since Nene was dismissed. We need someone like her that will get down and dirty. Speak the truth about the sitSharuation no matter the issue. Nene’s out blurst always brought out certain truths from others that came for her. Next season consider bringing Nene back for the real girl stories and truth.

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