Marsau Scott Says He Lost Respect for Martell Holt

Marsau Scott LAMH Drama
Photo Credit: OWN

Martell Holt’s recent conviction has turned off some fans of LAMH.

Love & Marriage: Huntsville” star Martell Holt has been a hot topic on social media due to his recent arrest and conviction. Melody Shari alleged that Martell threatened to release an explicit video they filmed during their marriage. And he allegedly wanted to make it look like Melody cheated on him. She pressed charges after a woman claimed Martell wanted his Paramour to leak the video. Martell and his mother reduced the situation to “just a text message” but Martell was convicted of Domestic Violence, Harassing Communications. He immediately repealed it. A trial will take place this September.

Melody and Martell’s costars have expressed their thoughts about the situation. Nell Fletcher originally said she didn’t agree with Black men being locked up. However, she changed her stance once she had a conversation with Melody. Now Marsau Scott is expressing his perspective.

Marsau Scott feels Martell Holt crossed the line.

During an interview via Carlos King’s YouTube channel, Marsau told Dustin Ross he lost respect for Martell.

“See, this is my unbiased opinion. Mel and I haven’t had the best relationship in the past but right is right and wrong is wrong. And to me, there’s nothing, well I’d imagine there’s something but the lowest of the lows is taking your then-wife…the most intimate moment you can have, the most vulnerable and sharing moment you can have and her trusting and giving you that tape or whatever and then you kind of weaponize that.”

He continued, “I can’t think of something lower at that point right there and you’re never going to win. And even someone who thinks like that at that point right there like I lost respect. I lost respect at that point. Now my thing is there are things that people do that you can understand and you can cope with. But there’s a level that people decide they want to go to that I just can’t get down with that. I can’t get down with that because anybody who would do that in that moment, that means anything that I’ve ever had that I could ever use against you I’ll use in your most vulnerable state if you push me to that.”

Marsau said a man has to have a line they refuse to cross.

“Me and my brothers got into fights all the time. We don’t hit in the face. You gotta have a line. You gotta have a line and the line has nothing to do with them. The line is about who you are. The line is about who you are as a man.”


  1. About time, I’ve never had any respect for Martell, he’s a loser. I’m just wondering what took the crew so long to see it. Just the way he spoke about Mel, he was nasty & hit below the belt like a girl. Real men
    stand up & take the blows not throw them at their wives. His excuse if she goes low, he’s going lower
    Well, now everyone knows how low he will go, he’s a bum, with no dignity or honor.

  2. Martell is dangerous and mentally ill. Marsau did file a restraining order against him so he knows very well how out of control Martell is.

  3. I don’t generally agree with Marsau but this time he got it 100%. Anyone thinking what he threatened to do to Mel is ok is not right,. And to hear him say she was bullying him. He sound real crazy. Boy you cheated on your wife, had unprotected sex, and created an outside child. You endangered her life in so many ways. A man you can no longer be called. As Marsau stated what he did was the lowest of the low.

  4. Martell Holt needs to be fired. What he is doing is not entertainment. He and Mel have been divorced for quite some time now. He has no storyline and is now resorting to destructive behavior. He claims he loves his kids but is trying to destroy their mother by any means necessary. He has even said that the show is scripted. He wants to tear everything down like a spioiled child. It’s time for him to go. Martell just needs to accept that Mel was the brains behind their success. HE NEEDS THERAPY!! Fire him!!

  5. He couldn’t have said it better. Montel has to go. He’s action killed his marriage, his character, and now his brand. Time to go.

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