Brooke Bailey has more to say about Jackie Christie.
“Basketball Wives” star Jackie Christie is in the hot seat in the latest season. As it stands, she’s not in a good place with any of the other cast mates. Evelyn Lozada hired a private investigator to look into Jackie’s past. The investigator alleged that Jackie was arrested for prostitution in 1987. Brooke Bailey wants nothing to do with Jackie because she thinks Jackie has been insensitive about her daughter’s death. Jac’Eil Duckworth and Brandi Maxiell are Team Brooke when it comes to the matter. Jennifer Williams isn’t sure she can trust Jackie considering their past issues. However, Jackie’s role as the outcast will intensify during the next episode.
Brooke meets with the other ladies to discuss Jackie. She tells them that Jackie didn’t have nice things to say about them while speaking to her business partner.
“I’ve been on the phone with Jackie’s business partner on mute.”
While speaking in Jac’Eil’s direction, Brooke says, “She’s sick of hearing your voice.”
To Jennifer, Brooke says, “She sent your nudes with your breasts out.”
Brooke continues, “She absolutely hates Evelyn.”
When Brooke makes her way to Brandi, she tells everyone, “And she can’t understand why you’re here unless you’re gonna divorce Jason because he’s cheated on you with 350 women.”
Check out the trailer for the upcoming episode below.
Jackie should have left the show LONG time ago
Nope. Jackie is everyone’s storyline and the only basketball wife. Evelyn and Brooke should have been fired and kept off YEARS ago. They are losers and completely uninteresting which is why they leech off Jackie and before her Malaysia and Draya.
This! Jackie is the show! Keep seething Jackie haters because your gold digger faves will never be basketball wives. 🥰
Gold Diggers: Evelyn & Brooke, let’s pulled them up no telling what you will find on them. By the way why did Sunni, contact Brooke?
I agree somewhat! Jackie, needs to clear this up (Evelyn, Jennifer & Brooke), these ladies are desperate, devious, devilish, evil. Shaunie, should be ashamed of herself to allowed this behavior from them. Someone needs to investigate those (3) girls, girls, girls (yes girls). Checked their pasts see what they have out there.
Jackie is the Queen of Basketball Wife they all are using her for a storyline none of them have nothing to bringc to the table but to talk about Jackie if Jackie leave I’m done with the show!!! She
If they take Jackie off basketball wives
The producers might as well end the show..the show is so boring with the cast you have ..
Get rid of ALL OF THEM.
Brooke and Evelyn really bring this show down. They want everyone they dislike iced out and fired from the show when they themselves bring nothing of value to the platform.
Brooke lost a child and she’s still on the mean girl nonsense she picked up in high school. Pathetic.
The heffa needs to hibernate, fix her nose and HEAL!!
Bye Brooke….. ain’t you tired of this fake a** sympathy friendship? Them heffas don’t mess with you for real, it’s only due to your daughter’s passing. Wake dafuqq up…they don’t like you…go find a husband and make it a basketball player and thennnn…..you too can be a REAL BASKETBALL WIFE😜😜 like Theee Jackie Christie
Shaunie: Not a good look 👀 for you to be a First Lady
Jennifer: Terrible friend she doesn’t have a mind of her own
Brooke: Wannabe, Horrible Woman, Very Very Very Very Ugly Too.
Evelyn: Very, Very, Very, Very Ugly Woman, Devilish, Evil,
The other ladies on this show needs to leave they’re too smart, don’t u-allowed (Evelyn, Brooke), get u-all caught up in their B.S.
This is why the show is flopping so bad. They’re making the entire season about Jackie and trying to make it so no one films with her anymore. They’re too arrogant to realize they cannot carry this show without her. Especially Evelyn’s boring a-s.
Evelyn or Brooke has never been married to Basketball, football, baseball ,Tennis, or Rugby. They’re been around the block offend, and too talk about the only Basketball Wife⁉️ Mrs. Jackie Christie‼️ I pray that this is the final season for these boring no talent women.
Chile I wish Brooke would leave the show. Just nasty and entitled all the time. None of these women are real friends. They all talk behind each other’s backs. I mean we just saw them laughing about Jackie possibly prostituting an episode or so ago. But they want to clutch pearls when it’s Jackie’s turn to talk ish. I can’t stand any of them. Followers at their big age. 🤢
Brooke wants everyone to kiss her a-s. They didn’t f**k with Brooke before her daughters passing. Now they’ve got that fake sympathy friendship flowing. Jackie needs to put the middle finger 🖕🏽 up and tell all those fake miserable 2-faced heffas to get like her and become a REAL BASKETBALL WIFE! None of them are friends….they are VH1 co-workers, that’s it that’s all!
For Women who have sooo much money and soo many businesses they are very petty …
Just because someone picked you up and dusted you off doesn’t mean you should belittle others…
Jackie should have been left the show she really has no storyline accept getting married every year and drinking and being disrespectful and disruptive….
Jackie is messy and will talk trash about all of them but isn’t that the truth for everyone else too? Look how fast Evelyn came for Brandi’s marriage when she invited Jackie to her event and how quickly they fake made up. These women aren’t friends just coworkers. Jackie doesn’t owe any of them loyalty when they give her none.
This show is called Basketball Wives. As it stands Jackie and Vanessa were the only two who fit the name of the show. Now they just ran Vanessa off with their hypocrisy and now they want to do the same to Jackie. Jackie’s husband literally coaches a NBA team and she spends a lot of time around real basketball wives. Jackie isn’t the one who needs to go, everyone else should. Brooke needs to go and heal. Evelyn is a racist who has no business on tv. Jac’Eil is a boring follower who can be replaced with another WNBA wag. Jennifer can exit with her scammer boyfriends and Brandi should have never been there in the first place. I say bring Vanessa, CeCe, OG, and Tami back with new girls and keep Jackie around to get back to the actual point of the show.
Everyone talks about everyone on that show. Isn’t that what they’re doing now to Jackie? Calling someone and putting on mute so they can’t hear you is snake sucka schitt. So if ‘Jackie’s business partner’ whooped Brooke’s butt for this would she be wrong because she could lose business behind this move by Brooke’s.
I guess Shauni popping up to REMIND Jackie WHO THE BOSS…..Well Shauni you may be the BOSS however Jackie is the SHOW you see they can’t keep her name out their mouth….BAD BODY BROOK is just MEAN,REVENGEFUL AND CLASSLESS she mad about her daughter name being brought up yet SHE IS the one CONSTANTLY bringing her up..
.I am sorry for your loss but gurrrlllll we not going into ANOTHER season of you talking about your daughter LEAVE the show and HEAL!!!!!!!!
Everything Brooke said Jackie said was facts though 🙄
That new girl’s voice is annoying, Brandi’s storyline is always about her husband cheating on her with 350 people (boring), and Evelyn is literally the most disliked person in the history of the show. Are we supposed to be outraged on the behalf of the mean girls? I don’t care what Jackie says about any of them. They aren’t saints themselves.
Brooke is really starting to irk me. I’m sorry her daughter died but that doesn’t give her a pass to be an a-shole which she’s been on every episode. Like girl stop taking your grief out on other people. Go to therapy and leave the show.
I’m not sure the name of the show really applies anymore since the only true Basketball wives are Jackie and Brandi. All the other women are with men who do not play BB. Brooke need therapy because her grief is making her a mean girl gone wild. Evelyn is just a bitter middle aged woman who should just leave the show. Jennifer, well what can I say about this wannabe actress who should just slink off and get a life. No one cares about her insignificant life! Ja’Cil is just too nice to be on the show. Brandi should just leave and work on her family issues. In essence it’s time for the show to be cancelled. Oh and Jackie for her part when you are sixty have some class and stop arguing with those women..not a good look. Unfortunately since there is nothing positive about this show, I will need to stop watching it. I hope others follow me since the show depends on ratings and stop watching it. It truly put women of color in a bad light. As for Shaunie married to a minister why are you producing such a sachet show. Try doing a positive show.
I’m so tired of these sorry a-s depressing women always have something to say about Jackie…. What Jackie need to do is get her own show, and leave this outdated show alone. Because not one of them wives to nobody.. I guess Brandi cry baby a-s. And this tired b-tch don’t have nothing to talk about. Every year she going through something so sad with her family. Girl keep this sh-t off TV,.. If you really going through something, take some time off and deal with it for real. Everyone doesn’t need to know your personal business. And ain’t this the same girl who call Shaunie a ( B-tch) and she suppose to be fired. And Jac’Eil really don’t have a story line. Girl go home a watch your son, these fake a-s b-tches don’t like you. You next on there list to talk about. And this wash up trick Brooke need a life. Girl if you was really tired of people talking about your kids, stop bringing your personal life on tv… Take some time off and get really right.. And the B-tch Evelyn doesn’t have nothing to talk about. That’s why she in everyone else business. Tell everyone how your build hoe a-s daughter f-ck one of your good friends baby daddy and got pregnant….
These women continue to attack Jackie because they are messy and it’s the only way to feel good about themseleves. None of them are any better than what they are calling Jackie. Brooke coming with these “new” thngs to put on the table about Jackie is ridiculous, who cares. In the last couple of episodes, all they have done is poked fun and laughed at Jackie. Evelyn thought she was doing something investigating her for some 30 year old crap, yet she won’t investigate current events surrounding Jennifer’s boyfriend. Cheyenne said classless and tastless, they should consider it a compliment. No matter how Jennifer, Brooke and Evelyn layer themselves down in the deisgner clothes, they still look and act like a bunch of gutter rats. Brandi and Jac’Eil are starting to follow along, They need to distance themselves like Brittany and Clayanna did last season.They bullied both of them to no ends and tried to flip it on them and first lady Shaunie allowed it.
Jackie is suppose to be the Monarchy of the show, but she is way more messier than anyone!!! It’s all good when she talks about everybody else’s past, but as soon as her past is into question, everybody else are haters or mean or y’all don’t like them, etc .. Get Y’ALL’S LIFE (IN MY TAMAR BRACTON VOICE)… I DON’T LIKE JACKIE, NEVER HAVE AND NEVER WILL!!!!!!!!
Monarchy? I think you meant MATRIARCH. And no, that was never Jackie’s job. That is Shaunie’s job and she’s done a terrible job at it which is why Evelyn is back and the show is failing. Dislike Jackie all you want, but no one will ever like those terrible faves of yours. They are so boring they need to discuss Jackie in every scene because she’s the star. And that’s the real reason you’re mad. Seethe 🥰.
Jackie is very messy but this entire season everyone story line is about Jackie. very boring. Evelyn should NEVER have gone into her past like that, she would be pissed if someone had done that to her. Brooke need to find a story line lay off Jackie.
The show is not showing Black Women in a good light. When the show first aired It was fresh and I couldn’t wait for the next episode to air. Now it’s stale and it looks staged. It’s like they had to come up with a storyline/scapegoat and I see it’s Jackie. I pray that Shaunie will consider bringing actual Basket Ball Wives to the show and retire those that have only dated or divorced a basketball player. The women may need the money but their storylines have run their course. Praying the Lord will heal Brooke’s broken heart and give her peace.
Jackie Christie is Basketball Wives LA! The way the other ladies are treating her and talking about her is completely hypocritical. She’s always been the heart of the show, bringing the drama, the laughs, and the realness. Brooke should really take time away from the camera to continue healing, instead of fueling unnecessary drama. Evilyn needs serious self-reflection because her hostility, especially towards Jackie, is over the top and unwarranted. It’s clear they’re trying to force everyone to gang up on Jackie, and it’s disappointing to see. Jen and Ja’cyl have no real reason to be against Jackie, so siding with Brooke just highlights their lack of maturity and individuality. It’s sad to watch grown women act this way, especially when Jackie has always brought so much to the show!