Knowing when it’s time to give it all over to God. By: Taren Vaughan After you have done all that you can possibly do and have said everything that you could possibly say, there comes a point where you must simply let it be.…
Is it all just a coincidence or simply God’s doing? By: Taren Vaughan At times, it may seem like you just so happened to be in the right place at the right time. Your string of good luck simply appeared out of nowhere. Everything…
When all hope is gone, God still makes a way. By: Taren Vaughan There are moments when we go through things that test our patience. These things may not be too severe, so we manage to overcome them with ease. But what about those…
Is going to church every Sunday good enough for God? By: Taren Vaughan Some of us make it a point to go to church each and every Sunday of the week. Unless something comes up and we just can’t make it, we break out…