Love And Hip Hop Atlanta
On the recent episode of “Love And Hip Hop Atlanta,” Scrappy is still feeling a type of way about his latest blowup with Bambi. He doesn’t like that she put him on blast for being back in communication with his ex-girlfriend Diamond. Regardless, he…

Scrappy and Bambi’s marriage is over and it’s playing out on LHHATL. “Love And Hip Hop Atlanta” stars Scrappy and Bambi have hit a snag in their marriage. Momma Dee didn’t make things easy for them with her constant rants about Bambi on social…

On the season premiere of “Love And Hip Hop Atlanta,” news of Bambi and Scrappy’s divorce made its way to the group. Scrappy says he’s been fighting to save the marriage for a long time but a divorce is what Bambi wants. So he’s…

Bambi and Scrappy’s marriage wasn’t able to withstand Momma Dee’s meddling and the reappearance of one of Scrappy’s exes. “Love And Hip Hop Atlanta” stars Bambi and Scrappy‘s marriage issues have played out on the show for multiple seasons. However, the upcoming season will…