Survivor’s Remorse Recap: Missy & Reggie Come to an Understanding + M Chuck Gets Closure

M Chuck tells Pookie that she wants to go grab something to eat as they walk out of the cemetery.

She feels guilty about being hungry after visiting the graves of her “rape dads,” but Pookie assures her it’s okay for her to want to eat. M Chuck thinks she may want to eat because she feels like she did what needed to be done regarding the situation.

She once again asks how Julius had her mother’s attackers killed but Pookie still refuses to tell her.

“How don’t matter. Why does.” – Pookie

“I hope I have a secret one day I need you to keep.” – M Chuck

Reggie gets his father ready for bed.

Trent is spending the night at Reggie and Missy’s home, and Reggie makes sure he has everything he needs.

He tells Trent to make sure he gets something from the kitchen for breakfast, and he plans on sleeping in. Trent asks him how his head is doing and Reggie tells him he’s still in a lot of pain.

“Good night.” – Reggie

Cam is still reading his father’s letters and he calls Allison again to read one to her. In the letter, his father apologizes for not giving him Christmas gifts and having his mother come over to see him.

Cam says he understands why Cassie hid the letters but he can’t help but feel like the whole situation is unnecessary and sad.

Allison offers to use her frequent flyer’s miles to see him in Boston but he tells her he will buy her plane tickets when he needs her.

He tells her he’s going back to the prison to see his father, again. He’s not confident his father even wants to see him again, and Allison assures him he does.

Pookie and M Chuck catch up over food.

M Chuck and Pookie grab a bite to eat as M Chuck challenges him to learn how to swim.

He asks her how she’s doing and she says she thought seeing the graves would make her feel better. But she feels like she’s had some growth because she’s not thinking about having s*x with him to numb herself.

She tells him she’s learning how to lean on friends like him and be grounded. She thanks him for all he’s done for her.

She offers to pay for the food, especially since Pookie only ate a salad, but gets a bright idea on her way to the bathroom.

Missy and Reggie talk it out.

While Missy is brushing her teeth, Reggie attempts to talk to her about what happened in the parking lot and Trent.

“Why don’t we just do what you said earlier? Sleep it off and talk tomorrow.” – Missy

He tells her that he wishes he never went to see Trent but Missy says it’s her fault for pushing him to do it and meddling.

Reggie also apologizes for lying about where he was going but says he feels like everything is all his fault.

He says he may not be able to give her everything she needs in life.

She tells him he’s everything he wants and needs.

He’s not sure he’s capable of giving the life she wants and blames his father issues. She points out that the fact that he is worried means that he’s capable of being the man he wants to be.

M Chuck goes back to the graveyard with Pookie to pee on the graves of Cassie’s attackers. They sing in the car.

Allison calls Reggie.

She tells him Cam is in Boston to see his dad in prison. She’s worried and thinks Reggie should go see him. Reggie agrees and Missy brings him the letter Trent left on the pillow.

In the letter, Trent thanks Reggie for everything and tells him to reach out when he’s comfortable.

Paul and Cam meet an a house for sale and go over how they will flip it for a profit.

Cam goes back to see his father and he thanks him for writing the letters. Cam tells him he’s planning on coming back the next day.

Pookie drops M Chuck off back to the private plane and Cassie calls. She asks if M Chuck got all she needed from Pookie and she says she did.

She tells her she’s a miracle and to focus on moving forward when she returns to Atlanta.

Reggie meets Cam and they both tell each other they have a lot of catching up to do. M Chuck then calls and says she sees Chen’s private jet. Reggie tells her he borrowed the jet to get to Boston and meet up with Cam, who M Chuck also didn’t know was in Boston.

He invites her to grab a bite to eat with him and Cam.


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