By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The R&B Divas LA trailer is out. Reality television might still cause lots of petitions and debates in the African-American community, but it’s definitely one of the major reasons TV One has a fighting chance to outgrow BET. In fact, the network’s most successful show is still “R&B Divas,” and now that the show is on its second season and still outperforming the other shows, it’s no shocker the producers have decided to introduce a spinoff, “R&B Divas LA.”
The network just released a trailer for the new show, and by the looks of the clip it’s going to be full of tension and cat fights amongst some of R&B’s very talented singers. The cast will feature Lil Mo, Dawn Robinson (En Vogue), Michel’le, Kelly Price, Claudette Ortiz (City High), and Chanté Moore.
In the trailer, we see quick glances of Dawn Robinson working on having a baby with her white boyfriend, Kelly Price getting up in some faces and pushing the girls to do the R&B version of a monologue, Lil Mo getting angry and shouting at some of the ladies for reasons unknown, Claudette is trying to adjust to being a single parent since her marriage with her fellow City High member failed (did we mention she was dating the other City Hig guy first?), and Chante’ Moore making it clear that she will fight Kelly Price with “her heels on.”
Check out the explosive trailer below:
In related news, we heard from a little birdie that Faith Evans has totally washed her hands of “R&B Divas.” Although Faith told her former cast members on the Atlanta show that she was leaving to spend more time with her kids in LA, apparently Faith is upset the Atlanta show got so out of control and things got way too hostile too quickly with the issues surrounding Nicci Gilbert and her numerous beefs with the other ladies, especially Syleena Johnson. Faith didn’t even show up to the reunion and she is no longer producing the R&B Divas Atlanta show. She seems to think she was pushed out as a producer so TV One could finally have its version of “Basketball Wives” and “Love and Hip Hop.”
The source also told us she knew she had to walk away when she saw the producers intended to take the LA show into the same, cat fight driven direction.
But of course, that’s all gossip.
Man, I’m so disappointed by what this show has become. It was so positive and grown in the first season. Now it’s just so hard to watch. I just expected more from these grown women. The ATL show has really went downhill, and I see LA will be even more “turnt up.” Crazy.
Good for Faith. I really need to vent about R&B Divas ATL, so I’m happy UB posted this.
First of all, Nicci makes me want to hop through my TV and punch her in the face. She was nothing more than a big bully this season. Angie Stone annoyed me at first, but she grew on me because she was the realist person on the show and wasn’t scared to tell everyone about themselves. LaTocha is cool. I liked her. And KeKe is my fave. I love Monifah, love Syleeena, and I’m glad people can now see Syleena is not crazy. Nicci was the problem all along. She needs to go.
With that being said, I might still watch the LA one. I love Kelly Price and Lil Mo.
Faith is smart! It wouldn’t be good for her brand to be associated with the show anymore. I’m watching the LA one though. It looks good!
Kelly Price is a b-tch. So this show should be entertaining.
The producers are just doing what they think will increase ratings. Unfortunately more drama = more viewers.
I’m glad Faith got the hell out of there. TV One ruined a good show. I’m done. I’m not even watching the LA one. Grown woman talking about fighting other grown women is a bit much for me.
Ive never watched it BUT best believe I paid Comcast Friday so I can watch Love and Hip Hop!
So tired of all these thirsty shows.
I won’t be watching. R&B Divas Atlanta disappointed me with all of the fighting from season two. I don’t want to see more fighting. Only reality show I’ll continue to watch is Tia & Tamera.
So I find it funny that women say I am not watch these thirsty and degrading shows. Man please, that’s a bunch of Bull if I ever heard or read one. The is in everyday life, women argue. Some even fight, why should they be fake & plastic. Oh I get it cause it’s Hollywood huh, man that BS. This Ain’t suga coded TV, this reality TV. And things happen, women act like they don’t get into stuff. Like you suppose to act prissy, and not argue. Miss me=(dismiss) me with that. I believe you should be yourself whether its TV or not. Be true to thyself so you can be true to other. Y’all women act like y’all don’t talk mess, have never got in a fight or disagreement. The only difference is that you sh-t or stupidity is not onTV for the WORLD to see. They are human beings, they are gonna make mistake. Maybe you can learn from it, and not make the same ones. That way they’re lives or this show won’t be all for nothing.