Kirk Reveals His Reason for Asking Rasheeda for a Paternity Test

Photo Credit: VH1
Photo Credit: VH1

By: Taren Vaughan

So why did Kirk ask Rasheeda for a paternity test? Kirk and Rasheeda’s marriage has had its rocky moments as the rapper and her husband’s business relationship started to take a toll on their union. Their marriage has been rumored to be on the rocks for awhile now with the news of Rasheeda’s pregnancy causing even more drama for the couple. Rasheeda confirmed her pregnancy via Instagram, showing off her bulging baby bump to her followers. And as most expected Kirk to be excited about it, he wasn’t thrilled about it at all as Kirk bluntly told Rasheeda having another baby right now was bad for business and even tried to blame Rasheeda for getting herself pregnant. Kirk’s reaction to the baby news wasn’t what irritated people the most though for it was him throwing the idea of abortion at his wife and his demand for a DNA test that made viewers look at  Kirk in a different light.

Kirk and Rasheeda stopped by Streetz Morning Grind. And during their interview, Kirk reveals why he insisted on Rasheeda getting a paternity test for the baby. Rasheeda starts things off by saying she thinks Kirk’s insecurities got the best of him and caused him to question whether or not the baby was his.

And Kirk says his anger over other situations led him to make the insensitive comments he made. Kirk also says he wishes Rasheeda’s mother would stay out of their business:

“I mean if you feeling a certain kind of way…At that moment in time, it was a lot going on. It’s so long to explain. It was one of them things where I was saying what’s on my mind, I was pissed off about a few things. Then Rasheeda mom all in the marriage. I mean I was like ‘Come on, it’s between me and you [Rasheeda.] You paying some bills over here? Let me handle mine.”

Rasheeda then jumps in and explains why she went to her mother to talk about the situation and tells Kirk he sounds foolish for even thinking she would cheat on him and get pregnant by another man.

Kirk goes on to further explain why he asked Rasheeda for a paternity test. And Kirk speaks on a past situation where he was asked to take a blood test by a woman who thought he was the father of her child. Turns out, the baby was indeed Kirk’s as he found out about it three years ago:

“Here’s an example for me. This is one of my examples. And I know everybody gone be like ‘Ahh, what that got to do with…’ Let’s see, three years ago, all of a sudden, I get a phone call right? Somebody says ‘Yo, I need you to go take a blood test. I think this child may be yours.’ So another man is raising a child, I go take the little swab test, come back and it’s my son. So I found out I had a kid three years ago. But for me, as a guy…You can’t just always believe in what a woman tell you just because [she’s your wife.]…Somebody else just raised my kid ’til he was almost 18 years old. He just found out that I’m his father…It’s women in general. You gotta understand…Listen, why not check and make sure a child is yours? Why not?”

While Rasheeda shows a slight amount of sympathy towards Kirk over the situation involving the son he knew nothing about for years, she tells him there is no need to come at her sideways over what happened in the past.

Peep Kirk and Rasheeda’s interview below and let us know how you feel about Kirk’s comments:


  1. Kirk is such a douche bag this season. Even if this is fake, a real man wouldn’t act this way towards his pregnant wife.

    1. I think he has a whole football team of kids. Wasn’t he married to someone else when he started messing with Rasheeda?

  2. If you’re married and still believe you need to ask for a blood test, you have to question why you even got married in the first place.

  3. Very stupid reason. He’s married. I can’t believe Rasheeda and Kirk have gone to this extreme just to get more camera time.

  4. These two are so desperate to stay on this show. Do they need the money that bad? I’m not buying their “marriage issues.” I think they are faking it.

    1. I don’t know if they are faking it or not but I’m still not interested in them so the stunts (if these are stunts) aren’t working.

  5. Huh? So he’s embarrassing himself and Rasheeda on tv because of what some other tramp did? Now that makes a lot of sense. LOL.

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