By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The Kardashians stay in the headlines thanks to their drama filled lives, but R&B singer Toni Braxton says the family has been instrumental in her family’s journey to reality stardom.
In fact, Toni credits the family for opening up the door for “Braxton Family Values.”
Toni tells HuffPost Live:
“I love the Kardashians and what it shows is family power — I like that. They were a trendsetter and the Kardashians helped us get on the air as a reality show.”
I wish black people would stop praising these whores. All they do is use black people and spit them back out. Wake up.
I agree.
step and fetchin is so deep rooted. they so scared of massa. so scared if they dont give massa daughter a false compliment that they gon get they lil chitlens snatched away…smh.
u clearly see the whole point is arse-kissin and promoting it because they dont post when massas compliment our lips, complexion, and arses..one day they just popped up with them after dissing it for years. what a laugh
Toni is better than this. Kim and her attention whoring family didn’t open any doors for Grammy award winning Toni Braxton period.
Now she is praising The Kartrashians but Run’s House who she should really be praising had one of the first successful family reality shows but I’m sleep.
girl they always steal black ideas and get paid more to do so, then boot us out the franchise…ex
living single/friends
in living color/saturday night live
Sh-t it used to be the in thing to drag this family, but now it’s like a requirement to kiss their rotten a-sses now. F-ck the Kardashians.
It’s like people feel like they have to praise them now when the truth is they got where they are by Kim’s sex tape. That’s not praise worthy.
Bye Toni.
Ok so which one of them is about to put out a sex tape? They are on the Kardashian plan right?
People give the Kardashians way too much credit. They are where they are because of white privilege and Kim’s sex tape. Not hard work.
They don’t hear you though.
I absolutely adore Toni but she’s bugging you would think that filing bankruptcy twice would have humble her behind. She’s a fame hoe on the low low.
I still love her though
Not Toni. Ugh.