By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
For weeks now it’s been rumored Kenya Moore, NeNe Leakes and Kandi Burruss were the most likely to return for season eight of “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” but now NeNe tells PEOPLE Magazine that she is done with the hit reality show because she feels her career is at a point where she no longer needs the check.
PEOPLE writes:
“This was definitely a hard decision for me,” Leakes tells PEOPLE. “Me and my husband [Gregg Leakes] have been going back and forth on it for weeks now. But my contract is up and I just think this is the right time. This is my opportunity to spread my wings and do different things.”
The announcement comes with the news that Leakes will soon be focusing on totally new projects.
“I’m actually going to be doing a new primetime television show with a big legend,” Leakes teases of the series she begins filming this week. “All of my fans will get to see me be really happy, witty and funny and tell all of those one liners that I always have said on Housewives.”
It’s a positive new direction that the mother of two is more than happy to take.
“I feel a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders,” says Leakes, who throughout the years was the center of many arguments and altercations on the show.
NeNe also claims this doesn’t mean she won’t return at some point, but as for season eight, she won’t be holding a peach and would rather commit to her other projects (including her spinoff with Kim Zolciak).
I never thought I would see the day.
#TheDashShow Breaking News ***Nene Leaks Leaves/Quits RHOA*** Will you continue to watch #RHOA without #NeneLeaks
My Response: Yes I will still continue to watch and support the show and cast. Nene Leaks was an original of RHOA and will always be noted as such. However, she did not make the show what it is today on her own. She had support from the many cast members which contributed to her storylines that brought her to the forefront. It is sad to see her leave but it is always better to leave when you are on top of your game -and right now no one can deny her that.
Nene, on behalf of your fans; we wish you well sweetie and we will continue to support you in your up coming projects. You will always be the star of ROHA. #TheDashShow
It’s the end of an era. There are no original housewives now. But it makes sense. The ratings have dropped, she has a new show with Kim and several other money making ventures. She doesn’t need the check anymore. NeNe played the game and she played it well. I’m happy for her.
Did hell freeze over?
Say what!!!!!! Now Nene gets on my damn nerves but she is damn good for TV!!!!! Was she fired? What’s the tea?????
New primitive tv show in the works, new store about to open, game with Kim K, new Bravo show with Kim Z, and an HSN clothing line that’s doing very well. Now that her contract is up, she definitely doesn’t need the check, not after the aggravation of last seadon.
Hmmm makes sense! I was never a stan but I will miss her.
I’m going to miss her. Now all the RHOA viewers will go watch her and Kim instead. Those ratings from last season aren’t going to recover, that’s for sure.
I’m mad as hell. Nene is my favorite and I don’t like anyone else as much as I adored her. She has the kind of personality that is made for this kind of stuff. Who can carry the torch? It damn sure ain’t Kenya, Kandi or Regine from Living Single. I won’t be watching season 8.
They just lost a viewer then. The original housewives were the best. I miss them all now.
This was the best time for her to walk away. Carlos really damaged the show and it’s not worth trying to save when she has her successful HSN line, that new deal with Kim Kardashian’s video game, the pop up shops, two new shows. and possibly getting into the daytime talk show circuit. I mean once you do broadway, it’s hard to go back to RHOA and be happy with it. I wish her the best and will continue to support all her projects.
I honestly don’t even know what to say. I did not see this coming and I don’t like it one bit y’all.
RHOA is in real trouble now. But since Kenya, Kandi and the others think Nene isn’t needed, let them save the sinking ship.
Kenya never said she wanted Nene gone though.
But most of your sistren and brethren did so be ready for the dragging y’all will receive when those ratings flop something serious.
Bye b-tch!
She really said this?
She’s being smart. Kenya now has to prove her so called queen title is legit now. And when she doesn’t, Nene will be able to say I told you so while having all her other projects keeping her relevant. Good strategy.
Well I know which annoying blogger will now claim Nene was fired even though she didn’t have this tea first. Anyway, I’ll watch her new show with Kim and call it a day. All the housewives shows are on the decline anyway.
I mean people can celebrate this if they want but Nene still has more money than most of the people who are trying to be shady. I respect that.
She doesn’t need the check anymore and I think that’s why she’s been so busy getting new ventures started. She wanted to walk away sooner but had to get her ducks in a row first. Oh well. I’m sure Kenya’s stans are treating this like a national holiday but they need to try to figure out why Kenya can’t just walk away and be straight like Nene will. Say what you want about Nene but she put herself in the right position and Kenya who claims to be smarter still has not really capitalized off RHOA financially.
You do know Kenya has multiple things in the works right? Y’all are going to be so mad when those announcements come.
LOL. That hair line and show will never see the light of day.
The evil heifer was fired and she knows it. But good! She only poisoned the show anyway. Most of us won’t miss her.
RHOA will be cancelled in about one more season.
She should have left a long time ago. Kim did and she’s been much happier and still getting that Bravo money. I think Nene realized Kim was doing it the right way and now they have their own show, she can exit now too. It’s exhausting to get paid to cat fight all the time. It will drain you.
WOW I’m shocked but Nene accomplished what you are suppose to accomplish when you get on a reality show make a career out of it where she doesn’t need RHOA anymore. With that said might as well cancel the show or recast it because Nene made RHOA this present cast can’t carry the show. They either need to reboot it and get back to the basics and find Atlanta based socialites or cancel it. But I will say is Kenya’s fans are getting exactly what they wanted they claim Kenya is carrying the show we will see when those ratings hit but when they flop I will be in full slander mode bookmark this post.
This only puts more pressure on Kenya and her delusional stans. If season 8 flops harder than season 7, I’m going all the way in.
Why are y’all making this about Kenya and Team Twirl?
Because y’all had the most to say about Nene and wanted her gone for a while now. All we’re saying is be prepared when your queen can’t save the ship she helped sink.
This show is done.
She’ll be back. Look at Bethanny.Being away one season means the ratings will suffer and she will get even more money to return in season 9. Chess.
Good for her!
Well all the other housewives better be stacking up their coins. And with Bravo working more on getting scripted shows, it’s only a matter of time before all these shows get cancelled.
She’s walking away because she CAN. Kenya could never.
Andy just said on Twitter they love Nene and she can come back whenever she wants. So much for her getting fired Kenya stans. Lol.
Anyone with a brain knows Nene would never get fired. I think she asked for more money and they declined so she walked.
And she would be right in walking away if they declined an increase. Bravo continued to add new “housewives” based on who would be willing to go up against her. She was the focal point.
Being that I’m not here for Kenya’s continued lies about nonexistent boyfriends and businesses, Kandi’s ongoing and staged family problems, and Cynthia’s fake new backbone and catty husband, I think I will take my leave too.
I’m sad but happy for her at the same time.
RHOA made her a rich bish. So she can walk away now and do things she actually enjoys. I ain’t mad!!!!!!
This is truly the end of an era. Bravo has a lot of work to do and Sheree Whitfield need not be a part of the equation. Neither, Kandi, Kenya nor Cynthia are capable of carrying this show forward into the land of better viewership. I will definitely miss this show but I always said I would no longer watch if NeNe leaves. It’s been a fun ride—for the most part.
Now who will all the dumb a-ses blame for every damn thing?
This show has ran its course anyway. RHOA will be a distant memory after this season. Nene’s example should be followed tho on how to make a reality show platform work for you, good job Mrs. Leakes and well wishes!
hope she stays gone and out of sight completely.
All these people getting geeked about her leaving are slow. Nene is RHOA and always has been. Y’all better hope and pray she makes some appearances because if she doesn’t, y’all won’t have anyone to hate and blame everything on. Oh and it will get cancelled if she’s completely done. Kenya, Kandi and all the other nobodies can’t carry this show. None of them have the right personalities.