By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
This year’s VMAs is getting lots of publicity already because multiple artists took to Twitter to vent their frustrations with the nominations, but Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift took things a step further with their very awkward exchange.
Many felt Taylor’s tweets to Nicki were condescending and insensitive to artists of color, and surprisingly the pop star ended up getting the majority of the backlash in the media and social media instead of Nicki.
So in a savvy PR move, Taylor decided it would be best to apologize:
In related news, Meek Mill has also apologized to Nicki for coming for Drake on Twitter.
Gossip Cop writes:
During a concert in Virginia for Minaj’s “The Pinkprint Tour,” Mill said, “I want to give a special apology shout-out to Nicki Minaj for my crazy a** going crazy on Twitter. You can’t be messing with no hood n*gga.” The rapper, however, went on to again allege Drake used a ghost writer for his verse on the song “R.I.C.O,” which is featured on Mill’s Dreams Worth More Than Money album. “I was just upset as a fan that that n*gga verse he ain’t write,” said Mill, adding, “Shout-out to Drake.”
A video posted by Nosey Girl (@noseygirlofficial) on
@meekmill address @champagnepapi at the show A video posted by QuickSilva✅ (@djquicksilva) on
So many fake apologies in one post…
Exactly. And Nicki had a huge fake smile on her face in that video. I can really see now that Meek was just a rebound she was hoping would make SB jealous.
I’m not really moved by any of these apologies. And if Taylor and Meek didn’t get so much backlash, neither one of them would have apologized. But whatever.
Taylor got that wake up call. Black Twitter and Black Tumblr ain’t to be played with.
I still don’t f-ck with Taylor. Passive aggressive b-tches only apologize when they have to. This applies to Meek too.
Meek is weak. He’s crying because Drake didn’t write the verse for his song? I’ve never even heard of this song….
*blank stare*
Stunts and shows.
Weak insincere apologies.
I think everyone was doing damage control here. I don’t doubt Nicki still feels some kind of way, especially since she tweeted Katy Perry soon after accepting Taylor’s weak apology. And Meek apologized and right after took more subtle shots at Drake. Fakeness all around.
Taylor is a well oiled PR machine.
I’m glad Taylor got a slice of humble pie for once.
Who would have imagined it would be Nicki to take Taylor down and make the media turn on her? LMBO
Meek Mill is a loser. He’s not disappointed as a fan. This bozo is in his feelings due to the fact that Drake didn’t tweet about his album and his closeness to Nicki. R.I.C.O is EASILY one of the hottest songs on that album and he has the nerve to trip because he thinks Drake didn’t write the verse? In the words of Charlamagne, Meek needs to shut the f up forever.
Just another day of people in Hollywood being fake!!!!!!!!
So being fake is the right thing to do now????? FOH…ummm I wouldn’t even had accepted none of those apologies. I would’ve told Taylor “Next time READ with COMPREHENSION” and Meek “Get yourself a dictionary and find you a seat in the corner”
Taylor needs to keep her self off twitter. Meek needs to stay off drugs. And Nicki…I don’t get her. She complained and shared a valued point but in the end she wins many awards at the BET award yet she act like she didn’t care. But when it comes to the “white” awards she cares?? Stop seeking privilage and acceptance from white people. And on top of that she kept mentioning her Anaconda video…no offense but the graphics on Taylor’s Bad Blood video was pretty good. Plus Beyonce’s 7/11 video was nominated…shouldn’t Nicki feel some type of way that that video of Beyonce running around her room cause Nicki to feel some type of way. And PLUS how did Nicki get the mind set to make a rant about Black Females needing to be recognize…when in every song she makes its downing other black females saying their not on her level…didn’t she down Lil Kim at the BET awards in her speech…I don’t like any of these people.
Taylor’s apology was so dry.
Taylor apologized? LOL! Talk about small victories. I love it!