By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Now that the eight season of “Real Housewives of Atlanta” has wrapped up, fans of the reality show have been giving their opinions of the reunion on social media.
And one fallout many didn’t see coming was Porsha Williams and NeNe Leakes.
Now NeNe takes the fallout to a shady level.
Click next for the details.
Aww come on now Nene. This was unnecessary and very petty. I hate that her and Porsha fell out because I know Kenya is just going to stir the pot and make it worse.
Nene what is your problem why do you want to turn on Porsha when she was there for you. remember when you acted a fool with Kim and Kenya is no better. come on Nene you WERE my FAVORITE but not now. Also Kandi was one of my favorite but she turn on Phadra just because Todd was good friends with Appolo. SHAME on you Kandi!!!
Nene’s feelings are just hurt. She didn’t like how Phaedra and Porsha were acting when she came back and Porsha tried to clap back at her at the reunion. Her ego couldn’t take it. I think they will be cool again eventually.
Kenya gets the last laugh again. And you better believe this will be Porsha’s last season. I love how my fave always plays chess and these girls can’t keep up.
The freaking delusion.
Where’s the lies though? *giggles*
How is Kenya playing chess when she’s on RHOA? Playing chess would be what Vanessa Williams is doing. She’s a former beauty queen who managed to become a legitimate actress and she doesn’t have to make a fool of herself on a reality show to pay her bills. You need higher standards.
@Chelly 1000%
Didn’t you say that 2 years ago, and instead Porsha just got demoted? Then came roaring back the following season more popular than ever? Bless y’all delusional hearts tho! ?
But why are you taking up for Poorsha though? Girl she’s been throwing shade at your fave Nene. If Nene comes back next season, she is going to make Poorsha’s time on the show hell. And I hope she does. *giggles*
Plays chess? Sis, Kenya is on a reality show. She’s not curing cancer or running the world. LOL.
These ladies change friendships every season. What’s next? Nene and Kenya?
You were probably being facetious but I do think Kenya and Nene will end up getting close. And it’s going to be hilarious to see Nene’s stans explode with rage.
I doubt it. LOL.
When I think about it, the only reason Nene and Kenya don’t get along is because they are so much alike. Now if they can get past that, I can see them being cool and taking down Poorsha. *giggles*
Eh, I think it was only a matter of time before they fell out. Porsha ain’t one to hold her tongue and neither is Nene. So clashing was bound to happen.
Nene needs to mind her damn bizness…….if Porsha wants to knock bishes out cuz they coming for her so be it lol. Nene is probably mad cuz Phae and Porsh are close…but so what. Nene was being shady all along wit not telling them she was poppin up on the vakay and Porsha was just talking to her. I would feel some type of way if I was Porsha
They are so fake. If any of them ladies came at me the way they came at Porsha, i would be beatin A-s too!
For real……if Nene was really Porsha’s friend she would’ve been told her about herself off camera…some type of friend calls you out in front of millions….she has so much knowledge and business savvy why she didn’t pick up the phone or go visit Porsha and tell her face to face how she is “damaging her own brand” I am sure Porsha would’ve taken it as a sincere gesture…so w/e Nene is a secret hater..it started wit Kandi..now because she is making as much money as Kandi she doesn’t feel threaten anymore and doesn’t understand why Kandi will never be here for her. I don’t like Kandi now because of the whole Todd and Phae thing…but I totally understand why she doesn’t care for Nene
Nene has been telling Porsha that she feels she’s not doing the best for her brand for a while. She said it last season and this season on the show. And as close as they are I’m sure she’s said it to her face. Porsha was just feeling raw from all mouth Kenya constantly coming at her, but Nene wasn’t hating.
Nene was the only housewife to create a successful brand solely from RHOA. She was definitely right in advising Porsha about her brand and her image being compromised. If Porsha hadn’t been so defensive she would’ve taken the advice being offered instead of being defensive. Nene is right, if you’re gonna do sh-t make sure they’re no cameras around. That’s Media-training 101!
I think Porsha overreacted and Nene is pissed that she tried her at the reunion. Nene was even being disrespectful when she told her to chill out. So I don’t know why Porsha snapped back the way she did.
Y’all are going to be gagging when Bravo confirms Poorsha has been fired.
That was harsh. Now if Porsha shaded her back she’d have a fit.
I don’t really understand how NeNe still has fans. She’s a backstabber and she will throw anyone under the bus. Porsha should feel like a fool for thinking she could trust her.
Meanwhile you’re rooting for the biggest backstabber and bully of them all who’s given every single woman on the show, especially Porsha and Kim a reason to distrust her.
I think a lot of them up there were backstabbers. Kandi deserted her friend for a man (for sure). Todd acting all sissified, I don’t even know why Peter was up there. Kenya’s man bringing flowers trying to prove that he is a gentleman in love with Kenya when his broke A-s just need somewhere to stay (opportunist like Todd), Kenya just trying to get ratings and keep “her” show so she kept smartin off but can’t apologize properly. Cynthia (don’t want to talk about her flip flop glad her best friend is back so she can go and draw up another friend contract A-s); saving the best for last…(drum roll), Nene is not a friend. She should have told her “friends” that she was going to be on the vacation. She didn’t because she wanted to make a grand entrance as if she is running things. If she is supposed to be a friend to Porsha, she could have talked to her off camera and let her know. Why wait until she is in front of viewers to say it. I noticed that Phaedra did speak with her off camera and came to her defense to let them know that she was getting help and she had spoken to Porsha about what is bothering her. Kenya was disrepectful and could not even remember what she said but she is for the good of Women…(tearing them down,that is). Nene has no-one best interest. She could care less about any of them on the show. Last year they were attacking her butt and she was looking so sour faced. Remember Nene, you quit the show. You are doing bigger and better things so why are you back on the show? They have attached Porsha and now they try to back off as if they haven’t done anything and everybody knows (Phaedra’s voice) that if you were to put your hands up in my face or a bull horn or sceptor you gettin a beat down brand or no brand, cameras rollin and all
I’m officially over NeNe. I have been a fan of hers for years despite her shady ways and enough is enough. I’m not interested in yet another season where these ladies switch teams and pretend to be friends. NeNe is just as insufferable as Kenya at this point.
I don’t even like Nene but I agreed with what she said. Say what you want about Nene but we have not seen her fight on TV now have we? Meanwhile we’ve seen Porsha in three altercations. She’s going to limit her opportunities because now everyone sees she’s just another ratchet. If she ever gets fired from RHOA, I expect her to end up one of Mona’s shows.
Hi Good People , NENE that’s a No-no ! You are a walking contradiction , as you did attack Kim on that tour bus also . You ran from Sheree , well , skip-walked. I usually roll with Ms.Leaks , however , she’s not nearly as endurance filled as Porsha , period . NeNe only keeps her hands off the others via fear of handcuffs or an a-s whooping ,TBH . Then she called Porsha dumb because she hates being put on the spot via facts . Porsha does need to not allow her buttons to be pushed by pattern face or scorned lover . They’ll keep fawking with love , if she keeps wearing the easy button .
You know I thought I was imagining that fight on the tour bus. She did put her hands on Kim.