‘Queen Sugar’ Recap: Charley Comes Through for Ralph Angel + Hollywood Makes a Bold Decision

Things are getting back on track for Aunt Vi and Hollywood, Nova and Charley worry about Micah. 

Hollywood and Vi wake up in a hotel after a night of passionate love-making. Hollywood is feeding Vivian strawberries dipped in whipped cream. He tells her not to break things off.

“Don’t give up on us again.” – Hollywood

Nova fixes Micah breakfast at her home. Micah seems to be really enthused to eat however, he still isn’t ready to talk about what happened at the jail. Nova still tries to keep Micah’s spirits high and encourage him to speak out.

“I know you don’t want to hear this right now. But, remaining silent when one must speak… it’s slow death of freedom. I want you to be free” – Nova

Charley arrives at Nova’s to pick up Micah. Nova tells Charley that she’s worried about him, telling her he still isn’t eating and wet himself at the police station. She tells Charley that she is heading to Atlanta for a symposium.

Ralph Angel calls Nova and Charley to talk about the money for the Soybean crop but he gets interrupted by his parole officer. Before he hangs up, Charley tells him she is still upset about the soybean idea because RA didn’t go to her first about it.

Charley gets the truth from Micah.

Charley picks up Micah and on the way back home, she asks him if he told Davis he could have joint custody. Micah tells Charley that he wants to see Davis more than he has in at the past year. It becomes clear to Charley that Davis lied.

As Ralph Angel meets with the PO, he shows him the hand-written letter his father left. Ralph asks him if it’s valid, and the PO says it may stand up in court. Ralph says he doesn’t want to sue Charley and Nova, However, the PO gives him a different perspective. He says, “Land may look like dirt, but it’s really just brown money. I’ve seen some things, and you should be careful. This is about your future, and his.”

The PO then points to Blue.

Hollywood begins to resent the oil rig.

Hollywood and Vi are making up the bed in the hotel room and Hollywood gets a call. His mood changes when he is told to report back to the oil rig in 48 hours. Vivian notices his mood change. She walks over to him, hugging him telling Hollywood, saying, “Well we got work to do.”

The two them fall onto the bed for another love-making session.

Ralph Angel discovers what the Landry family has been up to.

A drone flies over the farm and Blue runs after it. Suddenly, the drone falls and startles Blue. This gets the attention of RA and he runs out to inspect everything. He finds a camera that fell off the drone.

RA heads by Mr. Boudreaux’s office to give back the drone. He sternly tells him to stay away from the land.

“You keep trying to play me for a fool. Between you and me, you gonna find out who the real one is.” – Ralph Angel

Mr. Boudreaux replies, “You should keep your son from playing outside by himself. He could get hurt.”

This enrages RA and he almost punches him. However he holds back and storms out of the office.

Charley confronts Davis.

Charley storms to Davis’ place to tell him Micah didn’t ask for joint custody.  Davis defends his actions and brings up how her father was able to have a good relationship with her and her mother despite the circumstances (Charley’s mother was her father’s mistress).

However, Charley isn’t moved.

As she storms out, Davis tells her he knows she forged his name on the contract for the Mill loan. He threatens to tell the bank if she doesn’t comply to the request.

Hollywood is uncertain about going back to work.

Hollywood and Vivian are in the hotel hot tub, having a romantic time. Hollywood got a call that he has to report back to the oil rig for the remainder of the 6 month contract. Vivian implies she is okay with this. “5 months will go by real fast.” However, Hollywood is still unsure about this.

Charley checks Ralph Angel.

Ralph Angel tells Charley what happened with the Boudreaux’s and the drone. Charley is mad that RA handled the situation before telling her, “I stepped to him, man to man, handling it.”

She also tells him that decisions like that are why she won’t sign the loan paperwork. She also demands to know anything else about them before he does something about it.

Nova is at the symposium hosted by the National Association of Black Journalists in Atlanta. Nova is introduced to a Dr. Dubois, a doctor and conservative whose ideology is a polar opposite of hers. The two have a spirited debate over mass incarceration on the symposium panel. However, there seems to be a romantic connection between the two of them during the panel. Dr. Dubois calls her fund-raiser “beautiful.”

“It was beautiful, it was self-determined, it was powerful. Your beautiful… work, it actually proves my point.”

Hollywood wants a change.

Hollywood and Vivian are still at the hotel, having dinner by the pool. He mentions to Vi that he wants to change his career to be in St. Joe full-time.

“I need to be in St. Joe’s with you, full-time.”- Hollywood

This comes off to a shock to Vivian. However, she is pleased by this as she comes across the table and hugs him.

The farm gets an unwanted visitor.

In the middle of the night, Ralph Angel sees men on the farm trying to sabotage the crop. He gets a shotgun and scares the men who run away. However he catches one of them, who happened to be a black farmer named Henry Lee.

Henry reveals to Charley, Prosper and RA that he was hired by the Landry Family to steal Remy’s sugar cane. He is also a mole in the Co-Op led by Charley to learn about the Queen Sugar Mill.

Henry Lee apologies to all of them at the table. Charley wants to call the police on Henry but RA doesn’t want to do that. The man fears that his wife and family may find out and bring shame. “This is how you shame the Landrys.” Charley doesn’t have sympathy for him but RA has second thoughts.

“Sometimes, you deserve a second chance.” – RA

In the morning, Charley sees Blue and Ralph Angel playing and it warms her heart.

Nova finds romance in Atlanta.

At a restaurant after the symposium, Nova sees Robert Dubois. They talk about the panel but they seem to be really into one another. After they leave the restaurant, they walk in a park and end up holding hands.

Charley and RA send a warning to Mr. Landry.

Charley and Ralph Angel go back to Mr. Boudreaux’s office and meet him and Mr. Landry. They tell them about their hired guns’ failed attempt to steal sugar cane.

Both parties have a stare down and Charley issues a threat to the Landry family, telling them not to come for them again. However, Mr Landry doesn’t seem to take heed to the warning, bringing up the fact his family, “has been in the sugar cane business for over 100 years.”

Charley makes it known that Queen Sugar will not be backing down.

Charley and Micah get some much needed support.

Hollywood and Vivian arrive back home and are surprised by the family. Charley asks them if their relationship is back in a good place. Hollywood eases Charley by saying, “Everything is cop-aseptic.” They all begin to dance to old school music.

Charley goes to wash dishes and Vi notices something isn’t okay with Charley. Vivian reassures her that everything will be okay and she’s home.

Ralph Angel sees Micah hanging on the back porch and goes to him. He asks Micah if he’s gonna be okay. Micah says, “I think so,” to which RA replies, “Keep your head up.”

Charley sees this, and shortly after tells him thank you. She also tells him that she had a change of heart and will sign the papers for a Micro-Loan.

At the end of the night, Charley tells Vi and Hollywood that she and Micah are going to give the “lovebirds” space.

Charley takes Micah to Davis’ place. She reveals that she had second thoughts about going against Davis’ joint custody request and says, “you deserve a second chance.” However, she also warns him not to mess up again.

Nova is checking out of her hotel and she runs into Dr. Dubois. He gives her a cup of coffee and tells her that he enjoyed her company. Nova tells him she’ll “return the favor” if he’s ever in New Orleans. He then escorts her to her taxi and gives her a card.

Once in the taxi, she seems smitten by Robert, smiling as the episode ends.

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