By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Lil Scrappy and Bambi rekindled their romance weeks ago, but some sources claimed they took things a step further and eloped recently.
Bambi’s camped denied the report, but Bambi confirmed they did indeed tie the knot in an interview.
Click next for the details.
Excuse me if im wrong but i dont think anyone asked if they were married??
Now didn’t she just say a few months ago Scrappy is broke and wouldn’t even help her pay to move out of the last house they rented in Atlanta? Good luck with that girl. And got the nerve to shade Erica who had enough sense not to marry Scrappy because she realized he would never really get his sh-t together.
I guess Mona told them they needed to actually have a storyline next season. LOL.
If she’s so happy, why take the time to shade Erica? She should be really careful about taunting her man’s ex. We see how that worked out for Eniko. Just saying.
This could end really badly given their track record. I hope they understand they can’t be breaking up every month like they did before. Divorce is no joke.
So we supposed to believe someone she shaded as broke could afford that rock?? And if that was supposed to be shade she should do her research and see that Erika had the ring and the proposal
Bambi has always been threatened by Erica she got exactly what she wanted married to Scrappy .But what this shows me it doesn’t matter if she is married she still views Erica as a threat and what does that say about her marriage to Scrappy smh.
She finally got him to marry her but still pressed about Erica. Sad.