Erica Dixon Gives an Update on Her Current Status with Bambi

“Love and Hip Hop Atlanta” stars Bambi and Lil Scrappy are enjoying marriage and a pregnancy. During this current season of LHHATL, the couple revealed they’re having their first child together.

Many fans wonder if this pregnancy would mean Bambi and Erica would begin to get along.

For those that don’t remember, Lil Scrappy and Erica spent time together last summer, low-key. Scrappy also spent quality time with Shay Johnson in Miami. Shay’s and Scrappy’s failed rekindling of their relationship became showcased during the first season of “Love and Hip Hop Miami.”

Recently, Erica solicited questions with Instagram’s “Ask a Question” feature, and a follower asked if she and Bambi get along, cordial with one another.

Erica told the person no. She says that when she and Bambi cross paths, Bambi doesn’t say anything. Instead, Bambi just looks.

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