‘Black Ink Crew’ Recap: Cease Learns the Truth About Herb + Comes to Blows with Richard

black ink crew season 7 episode 5
Photo Credit: VH1

Teddy and Cease have been retrained by security after attacking Herb for his altercation with Sky.

Donna walks Cease back into their rental house in New Orleans. While in the bathroom, she tries to calm an angry Cease down. He replays everything back in his mind and breathes heavily.

As Donna wipes his head dry from sweat, Cease then gets up and decides he want another round with Herb. She tells him that he’s worked too hard for what he has to lose it over Herb.

Teddy is game for this and so is Walt. When they get back outside, it’s clear that Walt and Cease are very upset. Herb has been escorted away by security. Walt goes off and Sky tells him she’s fine. The punch was nothing to her.

“I ate that. He hit like a b*tch.” – Sky

Walt says that Herb was wrong to hit Sky back and he shouldn’t bite the hand that’s feeding him.

Kitty tells Cease that everything is going to be okay. He finally begins to calm down.

There won’t be a round two for now.

When Melody arrives at the 113th shop, she sees a sign that says Art 2 Ink.

That is the name of Puma’s tattoo shop.

Bae sees Melody and takes her outside to explain everything. She says she called for some help and Richard pulled up. He’s still not good with Cease and he ended up bringing Puma too.

Things got crazy after Puma refused to actually work and only wanted to party in the shop to upset Cease. So Melody helps Bae clean up the shop.

Alex and Donna pop up. Bae hopes that Cease isn’t on his way back too. But they tell her it’s just them.

Apparently Alex got a phone call from his dad and he wants to meet to talk.

The couple recaps what went down in New Orleans.

This makes Bae nervous because she knows Cease is going to come back to New York livid.

Back in New Orleans, Cease is still on the edge.

He’s not saying much but his anger is evident.

After Sky tells Cease to stop stressing, Sky says that it’s no need to stress. She hit Herb first.

“Y’all whooped his a*s anyway.” – Sky

But Teddy feels like it’s never an excuse for a man to hit a woman. Regardless, Sky is ready to move on from the situation.

Kitty and Ace enter the room. Apparently Kitty was told that the men who vandalized the shop actually run a tattoo shop that Herb used to work at.

Since Alex is the one who hired Herb, Cease now has a bone to pick with Alex.

“Now I’m really f*cking pissed!” – Cease

Alex meets up with his father.

They have been on really good terms since Alex told him he hated how violent he was towards him growing up.

Father and son get straight to the point and Alex’s dad tell him he has peripheral artery disease. This could be fatal.

The news is upsetting to Alex. His dad will need surgery in two days. Alex plans to be there for the entire procedure. He consoles his father as his father cries.

“I love you.” – Alex

The gang returns to New York.

Sky bought herself a new puppy after all the negativity in New Orleans.

She takes the dog shopping for new digs. In a green screen interview, she says she misses Des so that may be another reason why she wanted a dog.

Kitty and Sky make their way back to the 113th shop.

Bae acts strange when she is asked how things went while everyone else was away. Melody urges Bae to come clean. She does.

“Oh sh*t.” – Donna

“They had a wild a*s party.” – Bae

Everyone tells Bae that Cease is going to be angry when he finds out Puma and Richard were there.

Alex arrives to the shop and tells everyone he’s stressed out about his father.

Donna pulls him to the side and tells Alex to pray for his dad. He asks her to come to the hospital and she tells him she will.

His client Steve comes in for a new tattoo.

Cease comes to the shop and calls out Alex for hiring Herb.

They start arguing and Herb tells Cease he has family issues that are more important than shop drama. He storms off and leaves Cease angry.

So Cease flips over the couch. He then discovers an Art 2 Ink flyer.

Sky directs Cease to ask Bae what happened. She then explains that Richard and Puma came to the shop and were supposed to help her run things while everyone else was away.

This leads to Cease throwing a temper tantrum. He storms out the shop and pushes a cameraman away.

Tati and Teddy get closer.

Teddy and Tati go out for drinks.

In a green screen interview, Teddy says that he’s been looking forward to hanging out with her.

They discuss Puma and Richard being in the shop. He knows things won’t end well.

The conversation changes into their future. Teddy tells Tati that he’s always been attracted to her. He says in a green screen interview that Tati is what he prefers, a young and spicy Latina.

His past relationships with Sky and Jadah did nothing for him.

Both play a game of pool after having some drinks. After the game of pool, they kiss.

Alex and his son Cam are on the way to the hospital for his father’s surgery.

Donna is going to meet them at the hospital.

When they arrive to the hospital, they find his father lying in the hospital bed minutes before it’s time for him to head into surgery. Alex is scared that the surgery won’t be successful. But he’s trying to remain calm so that his father will remain hopeful.

He gets agitated when Donna doesn’t show up. He calls her and gets her voicemail.

The great news is his dad made it through surgery.

Richard and Cease come to blows.

Cease is in the shop checking things out.

He discovers Richard there taking paintings off the wall. These are paintings that Richard bought for the shop and he wants them back. They start arguing and Richard says he helped build the shop so it’s his as well.

But Cease feels Richard betrayed him by bringing Puma to the shop.

They start shoving each other and get restrained by security.

“You’re dead to me!” – Cease

In a green screen interview, Cease says this is the last straw for his friendship with Richard.

Richard breaks down in tears and says that he loves Cease. But Cease has turned this back on all the people who have been there for him since the beginning.

Both are hurt that their friendship is over.

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