Kendra and Lia chatted it up with Heavenly.
“Married to Medicine” star Dr. Heavenly Kimes will always speak her mind. So she had a lot to say when Dr. Kendra Segura and Lia Dias made an appearance on her YouTube channel.
Of course, the women discussed “Married to Medicine LA.”
They touched on the ending of Dr. Imani Walker’s marriage. While Lia and Kendra seem to think that things fell apart on Phil Johnson’s end, Heavenly had an interesting perspective.
Heavenly believes Quad and Imani are self-centered.
And she feels like Imani and Quad are a lot alike because they are self-centered. She said, “I’ma go ahead and say this and I know I’m wrong to say this but I’ma go on and say it anyway. Imani, I don’t know her like y’all do, you know I know her, I talk to her…but she seems very arrogant. Kind of like a Quad kind of situation where it’s going to be very difficult for her to sustain a relationship. That’s from the outside looking in. Anytime you’re so much in yourself, like even go to her page, it’s like 50-leven pictures of her.”
Heavenly added, “You gotta give one hundred and fifty percent and if you’re all about yourself which it looks like to me, Imani is, she seems self-centered to me. She just does.”
Heavenly isn’t sure Quad and Imani can have successful relationships.
She also said that Shanique Drummond’s marriage will last, “I do see self-centeredness. And I see why Quad’s marriage didn’t work amongst other things and I could see why Imani’s marriage wouldn’t work. When I look at a Shanique, it looks like somebody who’s giving, who’s going to fold sometimes. You gotta give one hundred percent. Y’all know that. A hundred and fifty percent. Y’all talk all that mess if you want to. But to stay married, you gon go through some stuff. And some of the stuff, you rather be happy than right. Sometimes.”
While Heavenly really likes Quad and Imani, she just doesn’t think they can ever sustain romantic relationships. She said, “It’s gonna be very difficult for somebody like Quad and/or Imani and that don’t mean I don’t love them because I love both of them dearly, to keep a man. It just is what it is. You could see Shanique’s gonna keep a man. And it has nothing to do, anything to do with looks. It just doesn’t. She’s strong. It’s okay to be strong. But a man needs to feel needed. That’s all I’m saying.”