Toya Bush-Harris may be joining Dr. Heavenly Kimes in the hot seat.
“Married to Medicine” is having another eventful season. As it stands, Dr. Heavenly Kimes is currently in the hot seat. Some of the other cast members take issue with the comments she made on her YouTube channel. In the past, Heavenly hasn’t shied away from giving her opinions. However, this is causing some friction in her friendships. Dr. Contessa Metcalfe is upset that Heavenly accused Dr. Scott Metcalfe of being emotionally and verbally abusive. This resulted in Contessa not speaking to Heavenly for several months. She later planned an intervention for Heavenly. And it didn’t go well either. These days Heavenly and Contessa don’t have a friendship.
Another friendship that has been tested on “Married to Medicine” is the fractured one between Toya Bush-Harris and Anila Sajja. At the beginning of Season 9, it seemed as if they were getting back to a cordial place. However, Toya and Dr. Eugene Harris didn’t enjoy being shaded with Halloween costumes. They have also accused people of being obsessed with their real estate decisions.
Well, there is more drama to follow on the upcoming episodes. And the midseason trailer made it appear as if some people may be trying to link Toya to Anila and Dr. Kiran Sajja’s house being robbed.
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