Sheree Whitfield got a little shady on Instagram recently.
“Love & Marriage: Huntsville” star Martell Holt had a very messy ending to his marriage to Melody Holt. Melody said Martell’s cheating was a huge problem. In fact, she accused him of cheating with multiple women. However, she said he had a longtime affair with Arionne Curry. After Melody filed for divorce, she learned Arionne was pregnant. These days Melody and Martell are still struggling to get along. And Martell is currently suing Melody for full custody of their children.
Amid a messy custody battle, Martell is also dating Sheree Whitfield. She said that she’s been having fun spending time with Martell. And she’s already introduced Martell to friends and family.
Well, Arionne hasn’t been happy to see Martell out and about with Sheree in the media. She recently slammed Martell on Instagram. She accused him of still hooking up with her. And she accused him of telling her that his relationship with Sheree was just for “business.”
Arionne also referred to Sheree as an “old *****.” And Sheree responded by referring to herself as “old and cold.”
Turns out Sheree isn’t done with Arionne yet. On another Instagram post, Sheree seemingly threw a little shade at Arionne by letting her know that Sheree is a full-course meal. Arionne was nicknamed “Coleslaw” by blogger Funky Dineva. He said he believed Arionne was more of a side dish while Melody was a full-course meal. And the nickname stuck with a lot of LAMH fans.
Sheree posted a photo of herself on Instagram. In the caption, she wrote, “The day you look at other women and celebrate their strengths instead of think of them as competition is the day you go from a girl to a woman. – Ali Washington
#SelfLove #Growth #Old&Cold #ExplorePage #FullCourseMealWithTheTablePotsPansAndPlates”
Check out the screenshot in the video below.
She sounds stupid going back and forth with a girl young enough to be her daughter. She know the young lady lacks maturity and sense. Why stoop..
This to me is 😃 GREAT to know how Martell and Sheree is getting together. The way you GOT him is now the way you LOSS him. All it tell us is Martell is not standing still with one woman and he still LOVE his WIFE which is 😊 WONDERFUl. BYE Felicia,s. Later
Sheree will learn the hard way as well… THEY BOTH are looking real stupid in these streets…Sheree is too old for this foolishness….they’re in the same boat…neither can keep a man…
Competition for relevance.
She is looking really dumb out here in these streets Now he is eating Sheree Cat so deal with it a baby don’t hold a man honey grew the f-ck up
That’s why they call her Coleslaw? ðŸ˜ðŸ˜‚ Sheree seems she is trying to extend a storyline. I don’t know if she will be able to include everything if the language in contracts get in the way. Either way what a mess. I’m wondering how long this will play
Arion is a nasty vulgar low class budget bottom budget bitch she has absolutely no class and she needs to grow up that’s what she needs to do who needs to know what you do in your bedroom you are so sad you are everything you are nothing compared to any of these ladies you’re so envious you are a Wanabee try closing them Lakes to marry men as well as your mouth to marry me and because I’m sure you were sucking on that knob
This is so childish. Both women are looking stupid. Sharee is doing this for a storyline. Martell has nothing to bring to the table. He has 5 kids what can he do for her? Her kids are grown. Now Martell is fine as hell. So if she’s in it just to keep her pipes clean I’ll say kudos to her. It’s sad the things people will do for some 🪙 💰 🪙 coins.
No disrespect, but I do think a lot of women may lack common sense. It’s clear as day that Martell talks sh*t about Sheree and Arionne to each other. He did the same thing to Melody and Arionne. He would talk sh*t to them both and had them hating each other when he is the real issue. Now that Melody finally woke up, Martell just replaced her with Sheree. Now Sheree thinks she won some prize but I guarantee she will be sharing Martell with multiple women because that’s his MO. The sh*t women tolerate because they are too lazy to shed themselves of their pick me mindset society taught them is crazy.