Scrappy is tired of Momma Dee telling other people his business.
Momma Dee and Scrappy clashed a lot on the current season of “Love And Hip Hop Atlanta.” Scrappy said he is tired of Momma Dee bashing Bambi. And at this point, it just seems as if his mother wants him to be single for the rest of his life. He also worries that Momma Dee’s treatment of Bambi will one day cause Bambi to walk away from the marriage. So it’s hurtful that Momma Dee just won’t change her ways so they can have a healthy family dynamic. In the meantime, Momma Dee is still not a fan of Bambi. She’s been dragging her plenty on social media, too.
The situation places Bambi in a tough spot. At the reunion, Bambi said that she does always believe in standing up for herself. But she doesn’t want to do anything to Momma Dee that would upset Scrappy. So the drama has been difficult for Bambi to navigate.
In the meantime, Scrappy has other issues with Momma Dee that have made him take a step back from their relationship. And that is childhood trauma as a result of Momma Dee’s past as a drug dealer and pimp. While he loves her, he wishes Momma Dee tried a bit harder to understand where he is coming from. But the more she goes at Bambi, the harder it is for Scrappy to continue to confide in his mother.
Bambi set the record straight.
Scrappy and Momma Dee had a huge blowup on the show after Scrappy expressed what he really feels about his childhood. And he also told Momma Dee that she needs to stop taking her childhood issues out on him. It was a powerful scene.
Well, some LHHATL fans think Bambi may be getting joy out of Scrappy getting into it with Momma Dee.
An Instagram user wrote, “I bet Bambi is enjoying this! Both of them have disrespected Bam and she has always been alone in this while Scrappy had his momma’s back, right or wrong. But now only when it’s done to him does Scrappy realize the gravity of his momma’s antics and finally see her for the person she’s always been! I’ve experienced a bit of this myself so just know God is always working and the truth will prevail in the end! Prayers for Scrap’s healing!”
In response to this, Bambi said, “Definitely not one ounce of enjoyment can ever be pulled from this. Unless a person is evil & heartless.”
Some things don’t even require a comment Bambi. Live you life and raise your kids and make your money. I understand where you’re at when it comes to Momma Dee. How can you have a relationship with her. She would really have to do a 360 and apologize and mean it for me to speak to her again. No one should have to endure this from their mother in law. I can say Erica tried to warn her about Momma Dee, I know Erica is glad she escaped that situation.