‘Married to Medicine’ Drama: Anila Sajja Put All the Way on Blast + Quad Webb Vindicated?

Photo Credit: Bravo

Toya Bush-Harris thinks the accusations made about her crossed the line.

Toya Bush-Harris and Quad Webb clashed quite a bit during the recent season of “Married to Medicine.” In fact, Toya strongly believed that Quad was behind the cheating rumors about her. And overall, she just thought the rumors she had been targeted with were very harmful to her marriage and reputation. After Kari Wells and others accused her of saying a hit was put on Anila Sajja ahead of the robbery, Toya became fed up. She said she was considering filing a lawsuit. She also did meet with an attorney to find out what she could do despite the contracts all cast members had to sign.

Quad may be someone Toya doesn’t care for or trust, however, a new interview may have vindicated Quad.

“Married to Medicine” fans probably remember the events that took place at Quad’s holiday party. Anila showed up to the event with a woman named Zaina Wuest. Zaina lives in the same neighborhood as Anila and Quad. After Dr. Heavenly Kimes told Toya she thought the two women were going to ambush her about the rumor, Toya went off. She called out Zaina and Anila. She suspected that they had something to do with the rumor before she eventually settled with the thought that Quad was allegedly the mastermind.

Anila Sajja and Toya Bush-Harris’ neighbor wanted to set the record straight.

Interestingly enough, in the scene, Anila seemingly told Zaina to bring up the rumor. And when things got heated, Zaina was seen warning Toya that she didn’t want her to start talking about what she knows.

Well, Zaina did an interview with DJ Richie Skye recently. She explained the scene. Zaina claimed that she wasn’t going to say the rumor. And what she meant was Toya didn’t want her to tell everyone that she ended the friendship because Zaina befriended Anila.

Zaina also said that Anila allegedly lied when she said that Zaina asked for a ride to Quad’s party. And Anila actually asked Zaina and another friend to ride to the event with her.

However, the messiest claim made was that Anila allegedly made the whole rumor up for a storyline.

The cheating accusations about Toya Bush-Harris were completely made up?

Zaina told Richie, “Poor girl. I feel very sorry for her. Just knowing her from a personal side outside of the show, she obviously wanted to be in this show very badly cause I’ve seen the process in the beginning, how Toya got her on the show. And the desperation and everything. She struggled during her first season. And she simply run out of a storyline which is something that she kept saying to me, ‘Hey I need a storyline.’ Which I was confused about because my understanding of a reality show was that your life is the storyline.”

She continued, “The name that she bought up that Toya was meant to be having an affair with is the person that one of my friends…it’s my friend’s boyfriend or her other half who I don’t want to mention the name. Anila found out at an additional event at her house, they were having issues in their relationship. And they live in the neighborhood.”

Zaina said that originally, Anila came to her and accused Toya of cheating. And she allegedly said that she would see different cars parked in Toya’s driveway. But Anila allegedly went on to add the boyfriend of one of Zaina’s friends to the rumor to give it some validity.

Zaina Wuest revealed when she started to suspect Toya Bush-Harris was being lied on.

“So all that information together gave her a really good story to put together. And she thought hey, let me rope Zaina in because now when I look back at all the meetings that we’ve had outside of the show…the lunch with Quad, the dinner that she arranged with Heavenly, all of that and the questioning during that time…what she was saying to me to get my support, ‘I’m really struggling with these girls. They pick on me. They’re ganging up on me. My Indian friends don’t like me anymore. They judge me for being in this show.'”

She added, “You know, playing victim the whole time. And I really felt sorry for her.”

Once Zaina’s friend’s boyfriend was added to the rumor, Zaina then figured that Anila allegedly made the entire rumor up.

When it comes to Quad, Zaina alleges that Quad was allegedly used to do Anila’s dirty work and she had no idea.

Was Quad Webb used to do Anila Sajja’s dirty work?

“As for Quad, I consider her a good friend. I don’t need to defend Quad. She can defend herself. We all know that. But I will say this about Quad, the very little time I’ve known her, Quad does own her part. Wrong or right. Good. Bad. She owns her part. And because she was pulled into this…she was, I think in some ways Anila tried to rope her into it. The lunches, the dinners, and then you know, ‘So say it, say it. Say more.’ And then she saw an opportunity where the three of us had something in common which was Zaina’s not getting along with Toya. Anila’s not getting along with Toya. And Quad wasn’t getting along with Toya. So Anila thought what a good little group to put together to bring out some, whatever, right?”

Zaina continued, “Going back to Quad, she is somebody that I really respect because of that reason where she will own her part. And I know in this part, she had nothing to do with this rumor.”

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  1. Wow. Well, let me apologize then because I thought Quad made up that lie. I knew it was bs when it was first said. I know it sounds crazy, but Toya is honest to a fault. If she cheated on Eugene, she’d share that on the show because Toya is literally the realest person on that cast. Even to her and Eugene’s own detriment. Anila is a problem. I hope Quad lets her have it.

  2. Quad lied on Mariah about doing drugs. She isn’t vindicated because all this means is Anila outdid her in her scheming and lying. I will say that Anila is not a good fit for this show. That was obvious during her first season. Audra is a better fit and should have been a main cast member over Anila. Not because Anila isn’t black but you can just tell that she doesn’t have genuine connections with any of them. They just tolerate her because they don’t like Toya. I mean even this Zaina person would probably fit in better than Anila.

    1. Contessa said none of them have a true connection with Anila in her interview with Funky Dineva. Sounds like it’s the producers trying to make her a thing. And we all know why. 🙃

      1. Yep. They wanted to prevent a lawsuit from Mariah since she said they didn’t want to show her family’s diversity or let her wear a hijab.

  3. Mess. And I agree that Anila isn’t a good fit for the show. She was only hired to avoid a lawsuit by Mariah. And that’s why producers don’t want to fire her. I really miss Mariah because she didn’t have to slander people and make up storylines to be interesting. She is a star naturally.

  4. Someone called it on here and I can’t remember who it was but they said Anila would eventually burn Quad because she plays the victim much better. 😳

  5. Sorry, I just don’t believe everything I read on the internet. Either way, true or not true, I’m still not a fan of Quad or Anila.

    And seriously what does Quad do for money??? We all know Toya is a stay at home mom. Quad’s all in Toya’s business but I don’t see her working on the show? Are her business really making money? I only remember the doggy line (?) and maybe a clothing line – I don’t hear anyone talking about that?

  6. I’m sorry but the season was terrible and Anila is one of the main reasons why. They hated Mariah so much that they’ve ruined the show with her replacement. Toya needs to be the only one from that neighborhood on the show because clearly the entire neighborhood is thirsty and desperate to be in TV.

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