YouTuber Shuts Down Marsau Scott After He Says Melody Shari Has Never Been Accountable

Photo Credit: OWN/YouTube

Marsau Scott came for Melody Shari at the LAMH reunion.

Love & Marriage: Huntsville” star Melody Shari isn’t on the best terms with her costars. In fact, she’s at a point where she doesn’t even want to be on good terms with them. This probably isn’t too surprising considering last season Marsau Scott and Maurice Scott admitted to hanging out with Martell Holt and his former mistress, Arionne Curry. Melody has also accused Marsau of helping Martell cheat by buying Arionne flowers and gifts despite the fact that he was also supposed to be Melody’s friend at the time. Regardless, Marsau and LaTisha Scott believe Melody has done much worse to them. They haven’t been able to move past Melody making cheating accusations about Marsau even though Martell was the first one to make the claim.

Interestingly enough, Carlos King will address Melody’s feelings about the rest of the Comeback Group on the upcoming episode and Part 2 of the reunion. Things kick off after the drama at Destiny Payton’s MaDonni reopening event is discussed.

Carlos asks Melody, “Let me ask you this, Melody. Based on the incident and based on tonight, do you see a world where you are able to move forward with everybody?”

Melody answers, “Never…never. Nope.” She adds, “We’re trying to operate in a place where people aren’t willing to be honest, people aren’t willing to be held accountable and accept responsibility…”

Marsau then interjects, “Have you ever been accountable for anything, Melody, ever?”

Melody says, “He’s entitled to his own opinion, he doesn’t even know me like that but it’s cool.”

Marsau continues with his perspective, “You can’t find anything that she’s ever taken accountability for. I’ll stand on that. I bet a thousand dollars and a bucket of **** she can’t. Matter of fact, I’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone on this stage that can find out.”

A YouTuber was able to shut down Marsau Scott with receipts.

Well, blogger Brown Skyn Girl took Marsau up on his challenge. And she did in fact come with receipts of Melody taking accountability multiple times. She actually apologized to LaTisha for their fallout and took accountability on at least 3 different occasions.

In a past scene, Melody told LaTisha, “For me, I will say that I apologize to you for things I’ve said that have been hurtful to you. Cause at the end of the day, I don’t want to bring another woman pain or hurt so I do apologize.”

Melody even apologized to LaTisha at a past reunion. She said, “I hate to see us at this place too, before we took the break like I wanted to cry because I’m like this was a lot. So I get her feeling that and I’m sorry that you feel that, you know? Because like you said, we were close friends that hung out all the time.” She continued, “So I apologize for my involvement in the friendship not going the way it should go because at the end of the day, I can be honest and say I’ve said some things too that were hurtful. And I apologize for that because that was never my intention is for us to be at this place.”

LaTisha responded, “Thank you Mel for apologizing, I receive that.”

Brown Skyn Girl then had a message for Marsau at this point of the video, “Did you forget that Marsau? You were sitting right there. But you know what? I need you to stop with this facade because you know exactly who it is that doesn’t take ownership or accountability for their actions. Yeah you know…your wife. And I’ll further prove that because you said it on multiple occasions.”

Marsau Scott told LaTisha Scott she never took accountability in past episodes.

In another past scene of Melody attempting to make peace with LaTisha, LaTisha refused to receive what Melody was saying. And she even told Melody it was “BS.” She later recapped the drama to Marsau and he told LaTisha that she isn’t taking ownership of her role in the drama.

Marsau told LaTisha, “In what world would you ever respond positively when someone says I think that’s BS? What you’re saying is I wanna get past the arguing, but you’re starting the arguing.”

LaTisha didn’t think she was wrong at the moment but Marsau didn’t back down, “This right here, right now! You’re still not taking ownership of it. You made the comment, you did that.”

Another past scene from the show was Marsau and LaTisha discussing attending a game night hosted by Martell and Melody. LaTisha didn’t want to go. But Marsau did because he figured it would aid them all in repairing their friendships with each other.

In response to LaTisha not wanting to go, Marsau said, “I see somebody trying, I don’t see you trying as hard I guess.”

LaTisha responded, “You see who trying? I tried like 3 times already.” Marsau strongly disagreed.

And Marsau said, “Oh God! Do you take any accountability for anything?”

Blogger Brown Skyn Girl clapped back with, “So Marsau, you need to turn to the person on the couch next to you and ask her when has she ever been accountable for her actions. And her mother’s actions at that.”


  1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

        1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

          I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

          It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

          Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


          So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

        1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

          I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

          It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

          Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


          So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      3. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      4. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      5. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    3. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    4. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

        1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

          I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

          It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

          Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


          So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    5. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    6. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    7. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      3. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

        1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

          I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

          It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

          Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


          So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      4. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

        1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

          I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

          It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

          Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


          So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          3. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          4. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    8. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    9. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    10. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

        1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

          I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

          It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

          Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


          So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          3. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

        2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

          I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

          It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

          Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


          So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    3. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  3. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  4. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    3. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    4. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    5. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  5. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    3. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    4. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  6. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  7. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  8. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  9. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  10. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    3. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

        1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

          I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

          It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

          Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


          So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    4. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    5. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    6. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

        1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

          I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

          It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

          Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


          So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          3. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          4. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          5. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          6. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  11. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  12. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  13. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  14. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  15. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  16. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  17. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  18. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  19. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  20. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  21. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  22. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

        1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

          I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

          It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

          Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


          So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  23. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  24. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  25. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  26. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  27. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  28. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  29. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  30. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  31. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  32. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  33. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  34. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  35. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

        1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

          I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

          It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

          Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


          So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

      2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

        I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

        It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

        Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


        So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

        1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

          I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

          It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

          Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


          So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

          1. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

            I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

            It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

            Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


            So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

    2. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

      I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

      It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

      Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


      So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  36. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  37. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  38. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  39. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  40. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  41. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  42. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  43. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  44. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

  45. You have 50 different personalities because you’re too weak to stand on your lies and trash opinions. Here’s your comment on another post:

    I’m not sure if your question about believing Kimmi is for me but yes, I believe everything that Kimmi said. She was on point. I believe that her and Maurice are the only emotionally mature people on the show. They do not run to social media to talk about their issues with people.

    It’s a sad situation. Please don’t get me wrong. I like Melody. She’s a beautiful and classy woman. Martell messed up because of his emotionally immaturity. I’m trying to walk my own talk. Some men say they can handle a boss woman but when they are not where they desire to be they can seek power in other ways. I’ve been there.

    Mel is doing it and she has been gifted with some beautiful children. I would like for her to stop reacting like Kimmi said. That’s the accountability that I’m speaking about. People poke each other and then want to blame others. Don’t participate!“


    So you lied about liking Melody when your trash opinions were being called out and none of the hood rat supporters were able to back you up with their lies and equally trash opinions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Girl you’re a Wanda defender. You trying to shame anyone else on morals and proper behavior is laughable.

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