Drew Sidora Accuses Ralph Pittman of Cheating + Takes Issue with Kenya Moore’s Shade

Photo Credit: Bravo

Ralph Pittman and Drew Sidora’s divorce has been a hot topic on social media.

Real Housewives of Atlanta” star Drew Sidora made headlines after she filed for divorce from Ralph Pittman. Some RHOA fans took to social media to comment on the matter. And for some, this wasn’t a surprising development. In fact, they felt like red flags were easily visible since the former couple’s debut on the show. The Tampa situation, as well as Ralph’s inappropriate communication with a former assistant, were things critics of Ralph believed should have made Drew pull the plug on the marriage a lot sooner. So they strongly feel Drew’s sister Allison Jordan was correct when she labeled Ralph as controlling and manipulative.

Well, Drew discussed Ralph during her recent appearance on “Watch What Happens Live.” Andy Cohen asked Drew, “We’ve seen the two of you with your struggles. We’ve talked about this, Tampa, the whole thing and there are some things that come up this season that haven’t aired yet. What ultimately was the straw that broke the camel’s back?”

Drew answered, “I think it was a culmination of just the years of enduring and enduring. And as a wife, my parents have been married for 60 years. So I only saw two people who loved each other and constantly fought for their marriage. That’s how I was raised. But I think at a point when it’s public humiliation and dealing with things that are now coming out in front of the camera, it was a breaking point for me.”

Andy also asked Drew if Ralph was faithful, “Looking back, do you think he was faithful to you throughout your marriage?”

Drew answered no, “Well, I know that wasn’t the case.”

A shady green screen interview by Kenya Moore didn’t sit well with Drew Sidora.

Kenya Moore was also brought up during the interview. During the previous episode, Drew invited Kenya and everyone outside of Marlo Hampton to be a part of her music video shoot for, “Already Know,” her new song.

She decided to film the music video at a skating rink.

In a green screen interview, Kenya said that Drew’s music video seemed like a low-budget version of Beyonce’s music video for “Blow.”

The fan asked Drew, “Drew, okay you were talking about Kenya, so what is your reaction to her saying your music video was giving off low-budget Beyonce ‘Blow’ vibes?”

Drew admitted that she didn’t like the shade, “I was really…that’s why I have a problem like say it to my face. I’ma say-it-to-your-face kind of girl. I didn’t like it and so it was funny because I got a text message from her. It was like, ‘Hey babe.’ I was like see that is how you know! But I like Kenya…”

Andy interjected, “Cause she had seen the episode and she knew it was…”

Both Andy and Drew think Kenya sent the text because she had just watched the episode and wanted to check the temperature with Drew.

Regardless, Drew plans on confronting Kenya.

“I was hurt of course because that is someone I consider to be my friend. And I really spent a lot of money on it. I was very proud of it and she never said it to me. She was excited the whole time. And we had a ball. So of course it was like well dang girl. I don’t like that but we’re gonna address it though. We gon talk about it.”


  1. Drew,

    I know you were hurt about Kenya’s statement. Yes, she should not have said it. I think that Kenya and you are friends and she definitely will have your back. You’re right to confront her about it. I just hope that you guys can move pass it. She will walk this walk with you. Please don’t fall for Marlo because the first time you offend her she will tell all of your business. She is a snake in the grass who need to be buried (fired).

    Keep working on Drew. Divorce is not easy especially when there are kids involved. You came from a praying family and thank God your sister has come to support you. Ralph is a womanizer. There is nothing that you could have done to change that. He may or may not change. You deserve better. I hope that you have a prenup. He doesn’t deserve not one red cent. He doesn’t respect women. Whomever he may be with, they will get the same or worst. Trust me, I’m a divorce’ and I survived and today, I see my ex-husband with his new wife and say Thank you, Thank you! It’s no longer me.

    1. Drew Inger’s advice is the best . If you take any her’s would be the BEST. I am a divorcee it would take a book to tell my story. I left with my 2 children and never looked back. HE HAS HAD 3 WIVES SINCE OUR DIVORCE WE ALL DESERVE RESPECT, AND A HAPPY LIFE FREE OF STRESS, AND DISRESPECT PERIOD GOOD LUCK, GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU

  2. Yeah I didn’t like what Kenya said either. If you’re good with somebody, there’s no need to shade them in your green screens. It just made Kenya look fake. And most of us figured out Ralph was a cheater from the whole Tampa thing.

    1. I agree. Kenya is NOT a friend and should not be trusted. Kenya is a colleague. A true friend celebrates your successes, helps you reach your goals, lift you up when you fall and holds you accountable. A true friend doesn’t side with your enemy or tell your business when they are upset with you. I think people get confused that because you “work with someone” that makes them a friend and they should be privy to your personal business. Wise counsel isn’t something to take lightly. Everyone is not meant to be in your circle.

  3. Ralph is scum and very manipulative that it was sad to watch. Kenya, I xan write a whole book about how fake she is. She’s nobody’s friend. To be honest it seems that she’s always jealous of the women that she’s around. If you look good, she’s jealous, if you are successful she’s jealous, and if your in a relationship or married and it even appears that it’s good, she’s jealous. A woman that beautiful but so ugly on the inside.

  4. I love Drew! She has a youthful innocence about herself. The majority of the women on the show, Marlo, Sanya, Sheree’ and Kenya bully her. Because she loves her POS husband, she’s tried not to accept what she definitely felt and knew deep down inside. She is way too good for Ralph!!! I pray her life after him will be glorious years of love by the Right Man!!! And I think Andy, too, is hard on Drew and makes her the butt of his jokes on his show. And I don’t like it. You Geaux Drew….wishing the Best for YOU!!!❤️

  5. Kenya needs a life ,from looking at her on the show ,apparently she don’t have none,she claim to have someone,haven’t seen him on the show yet ,so of course she’s jealous of Drew,

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